Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
Of course it's OK to be an introvert! And of course introverts are adapted to life... it just depends on the kind of life you want to adapt to.

Aren't the USA in general pretty extraverted? I've read that extraverted behaviour (whatever that is) is seen as "normal"/"useful" etc., while the introverts are an embattled minority who have to defend themselves constantly. ("No, I don't hate people. No, I'm not lethargic. No, I... oh, just shut up.") So that is true?

Where I'm from it's the other way round. My country is much more introverted than the States, and the area my family is from is still more introverted. So it's "no, I'm not shallow. Nor unable to concentrate either, thank you very much. Yes, I love to go out and meet people. No, that's not because I'm unable to let myself be enough for me. No, I've got nothing against quiet evenings by the fireside. But this is the seventeenth quiet evening in a row. I want a loud evening!" and so on.

Introverts are simply able to make the most of the experiences they have. They're sensitive and perceptive. They don't need to rush around from one new experience to the next, because they can fully appreciate the kind of experiences they've got. They're focussed. Some quotes?

When we dare to be really quiet we can come very close to our selves and the worlds innermost being. - James Carroll

Without going outside, you may know the whole world. - Lao Tzu

There is a hell - to be alone. And a heaven - to be able to be it.
- Paul Bjerre
I think that the expectation is to be that way here but different areas vary which I think has a lot to do with climate. It's a little more slow here in the Pacific Northwest. Long, dark and rainy winters tend to have a novacaine effect on people here When I was in Phoenix passing through when I was a lot younger I remember feeling anxious because things were just all electrical-impulse like in people's behaviors. It was definitely too much for me. It also seems to do with general attitude, for example Portland is (or was, Im sure it still is) one one of the friendliest city lists. People are, in general, very nice here. It's calm here in contrast to other places for sure. However, visit a Starbucks or anything of the like and you will see how active people are carrying on with their bad ass selves :wink: I hope that gives you a small piece of the persective of the whole that is the US. Im sure other posters can offer their pearls of perspective, too.