Hi, I'm new to this forum, and like many other want to know my type, I've already made test's, but I've somehow red too much of socionics and likes, that I think I manipulate the results without knowing it. I don't have a digital picture of myself yet, but I'll put it in my avatar soon enough, so without futher ado, I'll make a quick a quick introduction about myself:

I like somewhat dissonant music, like metal (Tool, Rammstein, Led Zeppelin), rock (Queen Of The Stone Age, AudioSlave, Nirvana, Silverchair) and electro(Daft Punk, Goldfrapp, Moloko, Aphex Twin),
but also like more melodic in some situations.

I like very much of music when I'm alone.

I don't like pictures of myself, (that is why I don't have none digital), although my mom is a photographic freak and likes to have many photos of family.

I have a terrible hard time, when deciding something, I can take much time in the supermarket deciding between similar products that I don't know, I also have similar dificulties when deciding with people stuff.

I value ethics and justice, but sometimes I fail to comply to them.

I'm atheist, although I have a chrismation, cause I did not had anything better to do with my time.

I did not like fanatism and irrationality, I'm not also a wishful thinker of any kind.

I'm studing Computer Science, I'm best at programming and I like to resolve a problem with a computer program, but I get bored to study the most theoric degree's when I have to study a big book.

I like to make use of logic, in argumentation and in thinking, I also try to be objective most of the times, but sometimes I can't cause the issue is not "black or white" so I try to see every perspective to comprehend the issue.

I'm not tidy, I don't clean up things unless it interfers with my activities, like I don't care much about my appearance.

Since I can remenber, I always reflect at night I before I sleep, about things I have done or should have done in the past or in that day, but this pisses my off and I can't help it, cause I lose sleep time.

So, it it all I can think about now. I think I might be INTj with intuitive subtype, but I think I don't have a INTj face, and also have many contradictions about the j/p type.

Thanks in advance.

Ps: sory for any typos, English is not my native language and I tend to "eat" words when I type or talk.