Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
Read the descriptions here:


I know their not socionics!!!! They are MBTI, however their descriptions are very useful because they are personal and helped me discover who I was even if their ordering may be incorrect in your opinion.

Note: In socionics infp switches with infj.
MBTI descriptions still aren't useful in a Socionics context even if you do switch the J/P for Introverts. The types just don't reliably translate into each other, even for extroverts on occasion.

You're linking her to the INFP decription, but I am an INFP in MBTI and over here I'm an INFp. There is more than one Socionics INTj who is an MBTI INTJ. Not to mention a Socionics ENTj who is an MBTI INTJ, and I'm sure there are lot more anomalies out there.

If you like them and they help you, fair enough, but they aren't useful for finding your Socionics type!
Yes they are useful! Stop badmouthing the MBTI descriptions. Okay, sorry I know that sounded childish. Well, the thing is I wanted her to ignore the order of functions completely, but focus on the personal decription that works very well on deciphering who you are, doesn't matter whether you adhere to socionics or MBTI, it is still very good.

Also go to http://www.personalitypage.com/high-level.html to read some descriptions. I think the socionics descriptions are fine, but their not personal enough and confuse people.