Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
I wouldn't say that that post makes you sound cocky, it just makes you sound like a prideful, ignorant douche. You just *know* it's bullshit? Believe me, I have heard it a hundred times from prudes like you. You are just like those "experts" (psychologists) in the link above. The people there who took the time to get to know Jon and listen to what he had to say (with an objective, open mind) went on to ESPN defending him because they have worked with him for a long time (one of them claimed he was "batting 1.000"). I find it funny that the only people who criticize this are the people who don't take the time to understand it or explore it for themselves, first. You feel sorry for me? Whatever...

I kind of feel sorry for the other intuitives on here. You make them all look like closed-minded, pathetic, dick-heads, to be honest. All you have admitted in that post is that you are weak. Don't fool yourself, avoiding exploring the system and making an objective judgement about it is *weak*.

And maybe you should also learn how to spell.

BTW, I never said I believed this because it was on some stupid website or in a book. I believe this because my eyes convince me of it over and over again everyday.
How do you really feel? =D

I shouldnt encourage anyone with brownie points for using the word douche, huh? Sigh... + 10 points for the word douche in a complex sentence structure.

btw, I know we went over this before (and I really dont want to rehash it), but the flaw in being convinced from seeing correlations daily and believing them to be true as is, is that one must rule out many other possibilities before it has any strength/validity, etc/whatever. This must be done by looking at a systematic whole and by multiple-causality. At least that is where we are now for info.