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    Default Even after months and few consultations I'm still not sure...+ NEW video

    I have been previously tested by two socionics and one MBTI profilers, but each of them gave me a different result. So I'm really curious to read your opinions...)

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    During my studies of philosophy at college, where the completely new ways showed up to me. I step into the world full of endless theories, ideas and possibilities to explore. I was so full of ideas, which my mind was creating almost constantly. Because I saw what I was capable of I felt both inspired and inspirational, insightful and intellectually proficient. I found a lot of self-esteem that time.

    It was also the first time I met a group of people who didn’t see meas a weird girl which I was considered my whole childhood, who was truly interested in what I had to say, who understood and even appreciate my way of thinking. We had endless discussions about various ideas, thoughts, psychological concepts, religious systems at that time, we explored them, finding interpretations and meaning. It was like a dream to me, the happiest time of my life so far. I finally realized maybe I was weird, but not in defective way, and I accepted myself truly.

    I continued with Social Work as my major, but it wasn't a good choice. I still enjoyed theoretical subjects, but the majority of study material was focused on practical help, which wasn't very interesting for me.

    What are your values, and why?

    I took a value test recently and got these: ambition, trust, ethics, fairness, creativity, listening and vision. If I had to choose only three of them, I would go with creativity, vision and ethics. I think that without vision I would loose a reason to live and feel aimless, without creativity I would become someone who is just like anybody else and without ethics the whole world would be sick and doomed. Intelligence and contemplation are also very important to me, since I think those were the reasons why I achieved things I'm very proud of.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I do a lot of reading, non-fiction mainly. I'm interested in psychology, personality typologies, psychopatology, society, new technologies... I also like to watch movies (sci-fi, fantasy and drama) and think and analyze various situations, things and people. Sometimes I enjoy writing (fiction mainly – prose and poetry), but I'm also quite a perfectionist in this regard, I expect each next piece to be better then previous one and I'm also able to re-edit my work endlesly until I finally find the right word, so it can be both fulfilling and exhausting at the same time. It also happens to me quite regularly that I live something only in my mind (e.g. a story of my novel or some interesting idea) and it's satisfying for me enough, I don't need to actually see it happen in reality.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    True understanding, real acceptance and potential for long-lasting bond.

    Whatconflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    I have conflicts with my mum almost on regular basis. She basically try to make me a different person (someone who is always neat and fashionable, more practical and interested into housing, cooking and everything what a typical „houswife“ should handle and enjoy). I feel really sorry she doesn't accept me for who I really am. Except her I don't have many conflicts with people. Not anymore...

    How would your friends describe you?

    Some potential friends would probably describe me as empathetic, nice, gentle and probably funny. However, friends who know me longer would say I am intellectual, analytical, prone to over-thinking and self-doubts without any aparent reason. The more people know me, the more rational, analytical and logical person they see.

    Whatare your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others?What do you dislike about yourself?

    I see my weakness mainly in area of low self-confidence and asertivity. I'm really not very able to defense myself effectively and quicky. Some people, mainly my family, would go with impracticality and lack of interest in „real everyday life“. I don't like more that I don't have more determination to do things I would really like because of fear of failure and feeling of awkwardness. I would also like to be more certain in my own value regardless my actuall performance. But I guess this is maybe more an Enneagram thing.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I have always been an independent learner. I was perfectly able to teach something on my own, find informations from various sources, generate ideas and then also intepret my ideas/thoughts to others, be creative in this way. I probably need help to stay motivated even when something is not interesting to me and to believe in myself and my skills more.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I would love to publish a book (it was my dream since I was a kid) and probably go to Ph.D. studies. Just to prove I can still make it, that I didn't loose any IQ points in my current not very challenging job.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    I would start to study more, join some courses, probably travel more to learn more, meet some particular people etc.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I'm not very interested in my environment. Sometimes I have a sudden need to improve it somehow (mainly in aesthetical way – buy some nice picture or accessory), but it's nothing I would pay regular attention to, since I have always been more in my own thoughts than really „out there“ at here and now. Daily chores are probably neccesary, but I see them as a waste of my time, which I could use for something much more interesting, so I'm really glad if someone can do it for me.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I guess it depends on the stranger. I try to blend in and mimic the another person. I try not to be easily read and to avoid attention from those apsects of my personality which I don't want others to see. Generally I'm trying to be more easy-going, sociable and friendly than I really am, I really don't want people to see my true emotional or mental states. But usually I can handle this behaviour only for limited periods of time.

    Howdo you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I don't know how to react in those situations. I think my reaction would be somehow inadequate and probably inefficient. I almost never strike back in reality (even in my mind I'm able to visualize possible act of revenge) and prefer to avoid that person if it's possible.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it iswrong.

    I would quess a lot of people would describe me as happy, mary and optimistic, but I don't think it's really the case. I can go very deep in my thoughts and analysis and the things I find down there are not always nice. However, I don't show people anything I don't want to show (or at least I'm trying). There are a lot of people who don't know I have very dark side which is painfully aware of many ugly things which are happening in the world and society, suffering, suicidal tendencies...

    I'm also not really interested so much about socialization, hanging out with people. I wouldn't say I'm as friendly as I appear. My social behaviour comes more out of intellectual abilities and analyzing others, not from actuall feelings and "sensing" others.

    What did you do last Friday?

    After work I went to a birthday party of my sister, so I forced into socializing. However I was still able to find time for reading about Autism...

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    I would need to see photos/video to get a really good feeling about this, but maybe you are INFj or INFp? INTj also is possible. My best guess is INFj.

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    What did those profilers typed you as?

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    Thank you both for your replies. I originally wanted to keep my profilers typings a secret - I wouldn't want to influence you by that info. However, if anyone else won't have any ideas, I will reveal it soon.

    Probably I could answer more questions from that questionnaire meanwhile. I'm considering audio, because I quess my visual could be also somewhat misleading in typing process. I think a lot of people are kind of fooled by my appearance (I am probably looking like a fragile fairy with very long blond hair who just arived on her pegasus from faraway dreamland). And I'm still not sure what to think about visual identifications in Socionics, because I think there are so many factors which could inluence your appearance (eg. using of some medicaments, ilnesses, genetics, age...), so I really don't know it's a valid tool for typing.

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    I thought of INFx all through, then near the end of the questionnaire I thought "Fi", if being nice results as a sort of command, yet you try... EII is very probable.

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    There are some more questions and probably other pieces of puzzle:

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    I graduated with a red diploma, published some of my short fiction stories as part of a bigger collection and had a speech at
    international conference, which is, taking into consideration I'm still not even at my thirties, very satisfying for me.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    I admire people who are self-confident and authentic enough to act whatewer they like.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    I started to be interested into spirituality very early in childhood somehow spontaneusly, since my family isn't religious. I found out about lucid dreamig and OOBE and found that fascinating due to all of these possibilities it could provide. Lately I went more into regular „spiritual stuff“ (auras, indigo children, angels etc.), but very soon I realized a lot of people were some sort of fanatics and I became less extreme in my believes gradually. Even in I still see some of these areas interesting, I focus more into psychology and regular science last years. However, I still believe in some kind of higher power, but I don't need to classify it specifically nor to be a member of some church to have my beliefs.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    I have been always good at language, both writing and speaking. I loved to write stories since my childhood (I probably wasn't so perfectionistic, so it was easier for me to enjoy the process). I also liked anything connected to humans, basics of psychology and biology mainly. Also some chapters of history were interesting –the more back to the past we went, the better it was. On the contrary, recent events were always kind of boring and too detailed for me. On the contrary, I always completely sucked at any kind of sport and sport lesson at shool were one of my worst nightmares during childhood.

    Later I really loved philosophy, as I already mentioned. I enjoyed to discuss controversial topics. I also liked sociology and logic, probably for the same reason I enjoy taking IQ tests and other sort of similar puzzles.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was very shy, contemplative child, who liked to read and write most of the time, played with Lego or chess with my grandpa. I was also somehow detached and really didn't like to be cuddled or interrupted from my thoughts to do something „more physical“ like eating, sleeping or socializing. I was very clumsy and lived mainly in my own inner world. I also didn't like to play with other girls, I always preffered boys as friends.

    And what's different now? I'm not playing with Lego anymore. On the other hand, Pokemon... :-D

    Ok, so seriously... I think I'm more open to socialize, even it's not my favourite activity, because I feel it doesn't come natural to me. I learned a lot about human relationship thanks to observation, analysis and reading. So I guess I'm really good at theory, but in practice – I still have to stay focused in order not to be awkward or inapropriet socially.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Terrible. Nightmare from elementary school continued. I was still considered to be that weird girl. I had a mini-aliance with two nerdy girls who were also not very popuar. However, I was able to find group of friends outside the school. I became goth (but soon also very dissapointed from this group of people since I saw them as shallow the same as majority of my classmates were) and really didn't need alot of people around me.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    I would say it's more a matter of approach than like and dislike. And I don't know how to approach them well. I don't have this natural reactions most of women at my age have, who are imediately like „Ohhhh, it's so CUTE!“. However, I wouldn't say I don't like them either. I'm sure I will like my own children if I'll have any.
    Last edited by Sachmet; 08-05-2018 at 11:16 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    I thought of INFx all through, then near the end of the questionnaire I thought "Fi", if being nice results as a sort of command, yet you try... EII is very probable.
    Thank you for your opinion. Could you please write why do you think Fi is more dominant for me? I'm curious :-)

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    np =) I thought of Fi because of the importance you give to ethical matters, for the idea of schematization you seem to imprint to organize your world, which results in you being quite strict on some things, for your thinking independently of what some organized cult teaches, despite you being curious of all kind of weird psycho things, then I thought of Fi for how you say you deal with niceties and formalities, you can bare them but not so much, which could be even the result of a dominant T function, but I doubt you are a T considering what was said, so that's more probably Fi. I thought of Fi paired with Se too for the will to succeed and the desire to achieve something concrete, as if there was a time line pushing you to do something in time... it could be Ni too, but you seem more with your feet on the ground than a Ni lead... and for some reasons I perceived you as an introvert, so since you're still dreamy and philosophical, well Ne does that, so Fi + Ne is a good fit, me thinks...I'm getting curious here. : )

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    Good points :-)

    I have been always sensitive to signs of suffering. I also have a strong pitty for some inanimate objects, which is somewhat odd I guess. However, when someone torture a gummy teddy bear and pretending the teddy bear is crying and calls for help desperatley... I just can't watch it and have to leave the room!

    About strictness... I would say I can be strict to myself a lot, but I'm not very strict to others. I don't like to critic or command anyone, since I don't like to be in this position myself. However, I'm not sure it means I have particularly strong will. I can be very enthusiastic in some areas, but not always this determination lasts long. Sometimes I give up too quickly. Or I don't even try and procrastinate instead...

    Well, I wouldn't say I'm with my feet on the ground. Maybe more than in the past in the way I'm more sceptical than idealistic, but I wouldn't probably describe myself like down to earth. And I think that a lot of people who knows me well enough wouldn't do that either. Definitely not my mother. I guess if I was more grounded, we wouldn't have so many problems together. What from what I wrote did convince you to think that? :-) Maybe the thing about me being not extreme in some religious or spiritual beliefs...? I also would like to know more about not being probable a T-dom. If you could write more about that, I will be glad - I really need to examine each option.
    Last edited by Sachmet; 08-05-2018 at 07:00 PM.

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    even after years you may doubt in own type until will think about it yourself and check by IR

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    Yes, that's very possible. Sometimes I also think at the end everyone have to choose what makes the most sense to who they really are and then just stick to it. But it's so hard if every new piece of information could totally change the whole picture, add new perspective, reveal something what stayed hidden, bring deeper understanding etc., which needs to be examined... order to achieve the most objective conclusion which is possible in such subjective matter like this

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    thx for the clarifications, I said "strict" thinking about your more logical side, your self doubting and analyzing things... that to me looked a more rational approach than an irrational one, if we consider you're a F. Anyway, I think you're F because through the questionnaire there's no particular emphasis on logic, you keep mentioning how ethics and humans are important and that's what makes me think you're F without too many doubts.. I would definitely place you among the introverted NFs, with a preference to J, but now I'm repeating myself: )

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    OK, so I think it's time to reveal how those profilers typed me.

    The first one who I came to gave me an EII, but he was very hesitant between „j“ and „p“. However, after he saw my mum for typing few months later, he changed his mind considering my mum to be the real EII here with me being a different type. He made another typing session with me, went more into depth and than gave me an IEI who have been so influenced by her mother to look like, act like and behave like an EII.

    The second profiler was very hesitant between EII, IEI, ILI and LII, however IEI was her final result.

    And the MBTI consultant was very sure with either INFP or INTP.

    I was quite confortable with EII at first, but I couldn't relate to Si as Mobilizing Function, which really fits my mum well (I originally thought she could be even Si leader). I could relate to Si as being Role or even PoLR function for me, though it's true I could see Se as my PoLR as well. However, I could relate to IEI very well too,i ncluding all functions at their positions. The only real problem I have with IEI is the quadra, because I don't feel to be „Beta“ at all.

    Now I have some theories which could explain a lot...

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    @Sachmet very interesting, thanks for sharing the results. yeah I've thought of Se polr too, but there are even elements of Se seeking (you like people who are not afraid to be who they want), anyway they could be related to seeking extroversion/confidence, qualities that Te doesn't lack. about Si vs Ti role, you don't seem too concerned about sensory pleasures, but prefer to understand and make sense of what you like, so this could indicate that Ti is your suggestive function. Then I'm not sure about your use of Fe...
    I'd say there's no doubt that you're in between j/p but in practice these 2 types share no functions in common, for our great confusion...

    so uhm, random questions,

    what activity do you find the most satisfaction doing?

    what qualities would you like other people could associate with you?

    what qualities do you think they think when thinking about you?

    what criticism you receive is the most common, what criticism is most painful?

    what do you think it's more needed in your life, organization and security or pressure and adventure?

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    Interesting idea. However, I think to have Ti as suggestive function, than I would have to be an Extravert, which I don’t think match reality. It’s truth I considered this option too (being really shy extravert who was discouraged constantly and socially awkward, so it looked more like introversion), but I really doubt that.

    Thank you for your questions. Here are my anwers:

    1. Thinking about something or analyzing some problem or situation (real or hypothetical), idea, cause, person, relationship, myself…

    2. Intelligence, mainly. Although beeing seen as creative is also desirable.

    3. Intellectuality (or at least someone who really thinks a lot about everything), scholarness, imagination, self-absorbtion, insecurity and (over)sensitivity. I quess… But I can start research and let you know ;-)

    4. Being too detached from reality and every day affairs (mainly family – parents) and too absorbed in own thoughts and interests (mainly family), being too autistic (mainly my mum), occasional avoidance (friends) and episodes of gloom, nihilism and self-doubts (partner). However, the most painful is probably if someone blame me I’m insensitive to someone’s feelings or that I don’t care about someone, because I really try hard to pay attention while listening to others, offer my perspective or insight and not to be rude.

    About those various results, I have these theories (it seemed the main reason why that profiler thought we - me and my mother -are different types was the fact we have so many conflicts in our relationship, which can be explained by these):

    1. Me and my mum are the same type, EII. She saw her younger version in me and she, time-wise with more life experiences, wanted to save me from repeating same mistakes she have made in her youth. So she tried to push me different direction to actually „help“ me...

    2. My mum is EII and I am IEI. My family have been always very hyper-protective to me (although she had a good reason) and didn't let me do a lot of things on my own according to my own decisions (a lot of them were considered to be unrealistic or dangerous). My mum also required discipline (the fact she is a teacher didn't help the situation) and punishments for rebelion were often quite hard. This could explain why I could be IEI who is more „obedient“ and less „combative“ ala Beta quadra (though my mum would tell you otherwise).

    3. My mum and/or me are completely different types. And recently I really consider being INTP (in MBTI) the most probable option and also the „best fit“, because there are so many things which really fit together. Things no one took into consideration including me, despite they were so obvious (and maybe not easy to admit). Taking into consideration also results from other various assassments including CliftonStrengths, Gregorc‘s Mind-Styles and Dario Nardi’s neuroPQ and also the fact I probably can relate to Alpha quadra quite well (definitely more than with Beta and to some extent Delta), up to this point I’m 90% confident with being INTP (which should be either LII or ILI in Socionics).

    So I really can relate to opinion of @Reyne the most… Btw, thank you for your response and useful sources, too.
    Last edited by Sachmet; 08-07-2018 at 01:58 PM.

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    There is one more revelation which could take away (or add more) confusion to my typing. All profilers knew about it in order to achieve the most accurate result, so you should probably too - I was diagnosed with a highly functional Asperger's Syndrome. Sorry for didn't reveal it earlier, usually it's not something I start conversation with, which is actually quite useful for preventing possible bias. Although on the other hand there are a lot of people including some of my friends who even don't believe me that I have AS, probably because I'm definitely not society's stereotypical aspie...
    Last edited by Sachmet; 08-08-2018 at 11:35 AM.

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    I have to correct my last post, when I said "suggestive", I meant mobilizing! I wasn't thinking you're extroverted, just got lost in translation sorry!

    I'm ok to the possibility that you could be a T type, although from the answers you provided it didn't show, to me. But it's ok, questionnaires don't go anywhere close to a complete coverage of our psyche, so I can see how some things didn't get through, or perhaps I didn't notice them, or maybe you just operate with them in auto-pilot and tend to don't notice them too much in your life... Idk

    The function we would like to be appraised for is said to contain the 6th function information. Now, I don't know how true this rule this, and maybe it can overlap with our main function if we have a good developed consciousness. The function connected to the most received criticism should be a hint to our ego functions, while the superego should contain our critical points. In your case Fe could be a soft spot and Ni the main dreamy brainy function. Now this stack could explain your emphasis on Fi ethics, expressed all through the questionnaire, that could express your desire to be associated to those things.. like the 6th function does.

    Anyway I wouldn't advise you to compare yourself to your mum, it's not a balanced weighting, the experiences, the times, everything is different, and anyway it's not a given that two people of the same type had to think and work alike. The type similarities are way more subtle than this. It's even completely normal to have bad arguments with the people we are the closest to.

    Oh and, no problem about not revealing that you're an aspie, I'm glad you're telling us because the question of how aspies work was brought up lately and there were many bad stereotypes around. Anyway, it's about what comes more automatic to you, to be in tune with your feelings, to be in tune with the people close to you, or to dig and analyze? Do you favour logic or feelings when making decisions?

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    SEI 9 maybe

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    @Number 9 large Why do you think so?

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    Yeah, I thought it would be a little weird, but thank you for explanation;-)

    I made comparision mainly because I was trying to expand the profiler's result (his thought we can't be the same type I don't think it's necessarily true either - I was also considering the possibility my mum is EII and I'm just autistic EII, which could distort resaults and made an impression we are two different types).

    About that appraising of the 6th function and overlapping with the main one - maybe it can be also a matter of self-esteem. If someone has lower self-esteem in general, there is harder for this person to believe that he/she could be really good at anything. Than he/she can be greedy for appreciation even at areas he is already good at, but because of low self-esteem it's difficult to see.

    I know about these stereotypes and I think it's quite sad. Maybe it can look like that in pages of some expert's books or even outwardly during direct meeting with some individuals, but there isn't only one version of autistic person, variation inside the spectrum is huge. However, not everyone is opened to this opinion..

    Well, to answer your question – more natural is definitely to think, analyze and contemplate, that's probably where I also fit the classical stereotype. However, I'm very well aware of the fact social part is not. And because of this reason I pay so close attention to it. Because I'm not indiferent to these matters - just the opposite.

    I really think it was spot on when Tony Atwood compared Asperger's to social dyslexia. He said it's maybe not very natural for a lot AS children to be in tune with people, emotions, communication and this whole "social package" as much as for neurotypical children, but they can learn, if they are interested. And through time they (or atleast some of them) are able to learn so well they basically catch up these social skills and outwardly look perfectly normal. It just takes them logner and it's not so automatic...
    Last edited by Sachmet; 08-09-2018 at 09:24 AM.

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    well u seem like a 9 and i think SEI fits that most

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    @Number 9 large

    I considered SEI for a while too, but I discarded it mainly because of Leading Si (which I believe is one of my weaker functions).

    Even when I was told to be a typical Four, I can also relate myself to a lot of aspects of both Five and Six. I believe Nine to be a part of my tritype, but doubt it (or any type from body center) to be my core in Enneagram. However, it’s interesting that I could be percieved as one.

  23. #23
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    reads like an IEI-Ni. don't think you'll get much agreement on your type because too few typers know what an IxI-Ni is and strong Ni subs don't carefully define themselves.

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    the lower part of your face reminds me of Lena Headey!

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