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Thread: Amazing 1983 Prophecy: Donald Trump will lead America back to God

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    Donald Trump is the devil.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Not actually go away, of course. You have some usefulness to them. Just, shrink down, and be far, far less of who you truly are.
    I've definitely seen feminists (professional feminists, not just randos) who don't like men—I've noted that many of them have been raped—and blame men for everything that's wrong with the world and themselves. But is it really true of all or most feminists? Really??
    Last edited by xerx; 09-12-2020 at 09:30 PM.

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    seriously wish I could stop getting angry and threatened about that

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You have to really clearly state 'it's sarcastic' for Ni-PoLRs sometimes.
    tbh not trying to be rude but I'm stating to think they're ESE too... I've met religious Delta NFs but never to this point of orthodoxy... and the clear inability to recognize the irony in the statement "forced equality"...
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 09-12-2020 at 09:55 PM.

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    I personally do see man hate in feminism to some extent... It's another of these things where I don't seem to fully agree with either side. I feel like a lot of the anti-feminist arguments don't seem to acknowledge there is a real power difference in society. OTOH, a lot of the feminist arguments don't seem to acknowledge that feminism actually is creating division on its own by alienating men, that it is not simply that they are all "sexist" and that's why alienation is occurring. Sometimes I don't know if these movements seek equality or dominance...

    But I am part of the giant mess in my own tiny way...

    Also I don't agree with @Grendel. My feeling is if men don't want to accept that sex can lead to babies then maybe they shouldn't have sex. Like unfortunately the man created that screaming larvae too and so if it is to live he is also responsible for it.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-12-2020 at 10:54 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Of course they shouldn't have sex if they don't realize it leads to babies. I'm not opposed to child support from confirmed fathers. I'm opposed to maternity leave, which men who AREN'T the father will be made to pay for.
    sorry I didn't read, it's really quite bad. I am for maternity/paternity leave. But I'm for social programs even if most don't benefit me. I don't know much about the funding as I was mainly aware of it being offered by employers. I wouldn't be against it being part of a socialized healthcare system. I think the state of healthcare in the US is awful and consider it inhumane how expensive it is.

    I guess I don't see it as different from other social programs. I think it's important to meet a bare minimum standard of health and well-being that the US isn't meeting. I think it's important for babies to be with a parent or close caregiver at all times and that it will create unstable adults if they don't have proper care. A society of unstable adults is a sick society. I don't want a sick society.

    I guess I basically see it as the children of a society are its future. Much must be devoted to them to make a strong society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Newspeak white knight trash

    Trump is the opposite of this Satan walking the Earth
    Funnily enough, to the mind virus infected/SJW crowd, he literally is. This is the fun part of the logic behind the Witch Test. Those who stand behind Satan rely on a moral code that is, ironically, based upon Christ/Christianity. I mean, if you're going to oppose a thing, you'd think you'd rather not rely upon the thing you oppose standing its ground right? Yet they do, HARD!

    Like I've said, Witch Tests. Issue them to the SJW types. See how they hiss, howl, and scream at you for doing so. Don't do so in a place they fully and utterly control unless you want to tempt fate and become a martyr however. The MSM is under their full control and you'd be shocked at how easy it is to edit some film clips to make a man whipping out his bible to admonish a commie look bad in the eyes of the normies...
    Last edited by End; 09-13-2020 at 06:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    This is imminent, End. You should be praying a rosary every day for peace and blessing around this election, with the rest of the faithful Catholics. Join us. America needs you.
    It only takes 10-15 minutes and it is the ultimate weapon against the depredations of Satan. My only question is why so many think just "one" rosary is considered a heroic effort? I mean, it kinda is, but if you find yourself free for 15 minutes on the margins now and then I can scarcely think of a better use of it besides praying the rosary.

    Most other things can wait, but a chance to have a moment with God is a thing I'd rather not pass up. For if we refused to have a moment for him on the margins, why should he do likewise?

    Also, I think we're already experiencing an example of God's wrath in regards to the fires in Commiefornia. Hollywood and most every other rot our nation is experiencing is based out of there. Fitting that literal fire tornadoes and such are afflicting them. I can only pray my own family members are spared. I got a good amount of them living in that state. They all like me and back my Christian convictions one way or another so I can only hope and pray that God shows mercy upon them...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    That's not how it works, though. If anything, it's what you'd do if you'd rather ensure society goes on at all, than make sure it's a suitable one for human life beforehand. It's what you do if you care more about the idea of the human race than the actual well-being of real humans, who might be worse off in a future hellscape than had they never existed at all.

    It sounds like the logic of pro-lifers who only care about protecting you while you're in the womb, but then throw you out to die once you're born. We should be making sure future generations have a world left to occupy before spawning them into this hellhole. If you just ensure more people are born, then expect the details to sort themselves out, then you're putting the cart before the horse. More people make the world worse as often as they make it better, and the more of them you have, the greater the odds that things default to competition over cooperation.

    IMO, the ability of population growth to quickly scale upwards or downwards with the prosperity of a culture is essential to keep them from exceeding their own carry cap and dying off quickly, or else needing to invade other cultures to sustain themselves. Especially in such an already flimsy paradigm as the western one, which is actually highly unstable despite many people's impression that it's an indomitable juggernaut.
    I'm confused. If we're taking about population growth I agree there's too many people and wish people would reproduce less. But maternity leave doesn't have anything to do with dystopias... It's just about caring for people...


    Yeah from this I think it would need to be paired with a less expensive healthcare system that saves people money. By itself it is another tax and I'm sure they'd tax everyone in the middle class more than they would the wealthy for it because that seems to be what the US always does, which would just choke finances more. Another $200 a year in taxes for me would be a lot.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-13-2020 at 11:29 AM.

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    He is their hero cuz he is in power and says uncouth things (str8 male uncouth things and not fag ones) about women.

    There is still a truckload of misogny and homophobia in small redneck towns. It is pretty pure and evil. I think there have been movies like To Wong Foo (thanks for everything Julie Newmar), about drag queens that go into a small midwestern town and get accepted but I think it was a bit overly idealistic because in my experience I get the most hateful and sadistic looks for not being a redneck str8 douche. Of course Trump beating Hillary is going to make them so happy- as well as him trumping 'liberal pussy men' etc. They've been sadistically bullying and treating women/gay men like shit their entire lives and Trump allows them to justify their behavior even more. This is unprovoked aggression btw, there isn't even any balance to it- it's just raw sadism. If you argue otherwise, then I'm sorry but you're just very naive and sheltered. Gays and women do NOT 'bring this on ourselves' that's retarded, we are just innocently trying to live our lives and then some str8 male redneck douche just crawls out of the grass and bullies us and gives us shit. Jesus. Yet instead of hitting hard back, we make Rey into a Mary Sue in Star Wars which is dumb (more on that later)

    I'm not 'playing a victim' by showing you the reality of something that happens. I'm just being honest. Of course there are some douche-y gays and women that bring on abuse themselves for the shitty way they behave regardless of their gender or orientation- but in a lot of small redneck towns the hostility we experience is completely unprovoked.

    Now I don't think the elite institutionalized left (Hollywood/upper academia etc.) really counters true misogyny that well either- I mean making Rei a Mary Sue on Star Wars and things like that just fucks up the situation as well and doesn't really do anything in a grounded, realistic way to help real women. It's also a fantasy fairytale world they're living in instead of reality. "lol you liberal pussies are in your creative make believe-worlds instead of in the str8 male coal mines like I am, you don't know shit about the real world!" Both sides lack clarity and balance for sure and there is tons of arrogance on both sides. Your average liberal is really drowned out in this cross fire and has no power and say in things- because I think, moderates/more pure non-instutionalized liberals understand that it is supposed to be about freedom and empowerment, not power and control.

    In order for war to happen, both sides have to view the other as 'inhuman' and that's exactly what is going on. The liberal elite views redneck blue collar str8 males at the best as exploitative tools to earn more wealth or at the worst like campy 'overly dark' demonic villains in Hollywood shows. They always make the Big Bad into woman haters in over the top ways that no true woman hater actually behaves in. (which often backfires) It's just campy and silly lol. Or it sugar coats real prejudice by being overly jokey with it, which is more benign but also doesn't really help anybody that is seriously feeling like they are being downtrodden or abused by an unfair system.

    An example of this going haywire is the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was much, much better in the earlier seasons at showcasing the importance of giving women power in society and their own unique power without taking it away from males and it was a more subtle form of female empowerment and Buffy had all kinds of real flaws and was no Rey at all, but then it all kinda went to shit as Joss just turned into another typical institutionalized leftist liberal trapped in his own bubble. The quality of the last three seasons or so was pretty awful compared to the nuance and subtle/realistic descriptions of earlier seasons....

    But yeah, Trump epitomizes everything straight white male rednecks love. He's arrogant, loud, extroverted, confident, wealthy, openly pervy about enjoying pussy etc. They can't get enough of that shit. They are like Trump except they don't have Trump's money so it's like Trump can be their role model. So it would make sense to me they exalt him to God status, the same way we gays exalt Kylie Minogue as a God lol. Only Kylie is way better than Trump!

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I guess that’s all true. Then again, he still does have to lead the whole nation afterwards, including the left. He has to do it somehow, as it’s his job. And even though it’s difficult it’s technically not impossible to create compromises between opposite poles.
    I think he's found that he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, because the normal checks and balances aren't working on the head of the executive branch anymore. The GOP has decided to allow Trump to act without checking him at all because he seems to be helping them win. You're saying he has to do XYZ because that's his job, but I don't think he cares at all really.. He has learned from experience that impeachment can't touch him, and other than voting, there's no other way to remove him. In a society that's really based on rule of law, the people who are on your side are still bound by the rules that bind the people you don't like. The GOP has pretty much caved to Trump completely. During the primaries for 2016, so many of them came out and blatantly called him what he was, a narcissist. But since the win in 2016, anything he says goes. The GOP decided to not even have a platform this year and to just bow to Trump completely. That last point is really abnormal.

    The fuck's going on? It's like we are heading in the direction of mass psychosis.

    I know a lot of people don't like Noam Chomsky because he is pretty far to the left and an academic intellectual type, but he made the point that Trump is worse than H!tler.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I think he's found that he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, because the normal checks and balances aren't working on the head of the executive branch anymore. The GOP has decided to allow Trump to act without checking him at all because he seems to be helping them win. You're saying he has to do XYZ because that's his job, but I don't think he cares at all really.. He has learned from experience that impeachment can't touch him, and other than voting, there's no other way to remove him. In a society that's really based on rule of law, the people who are on your side are still bound by the rules that bind the people you don't like. The GOP has pretty much caved to Trump completely. During the primaries for 2016, so many of them came out and blatantly called him what he was, a narcissist. But since the win in 2016, anything he says goes. The GOP decided to not even have a platform this year and to just bow to Trump completely. That last point is really abnormal.

    The fuck's going on? It's like we are heading in the direction of mass psychosis.

    I know a lot of people don't like Noam Chomsky because he is pretty far to the left and an academic intellectual type, but he made the point that Trump is worse than H!tler.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I think he's found that he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, because the normal checks and balances aren't working on the head of the executive branch anymore. The GOP has decided to allow Trump to act without checking him at all because he seems to be helping them win. You're saying he has to do XYZ because that's his job, but I don't think he cares at all really.. He has learned from experience that impeachment can't touch him, and other than voting, there's no other way to remove him. In a society that's really based on rule of law, the people who are on your side are still bound by the rules that bind the people you don't like. The GOP has pretty much caved to Trump completely. During the primaries for 2016, so many of them came out and blatantly called him what he was, a narcissist. But since the win in 2016, anything he says goes. The GOP decided to not even have a platform this year and to just bow to Trump completely. That last point is really abnormal.

    The fuck's going on? It's like we are heading in the direction of mass psychosis.

    I know a lot of people don't like Noam Chomsky because he is pretty far to the left and an academic intellectual type, but he made the point that Trump is worse than H!tler.
    If Chomsky actually thought that he should be encouraging armed revolt against the US government, not encouraging people to vote every four years for a guy who will probably be slightly less bad in some regards.

    But as I recall he doesn’t like guns either. Lol

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    Default Donald Trump might have a messiah complex, but he's just a fraud

    The "United" States look pretty split to me and more lost with battling its demons and past than on any path towards some God. Or maybe we're talking about Loki or Mars? 3+ years of Donald Trump, and where are you guys exactly? How I perceive the US situation from the outside:

    joey watcches TV.jpg

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I think he's found that he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, because the normal checks and balances aren't working on the head of the executive branch anymore. The GOP has decided to allow Trump to act without checking him at all because he seems to be helping them win. You're saying he has to do XYZ because that's his job, but I don't think he cares at all really.. He has learned from experience that impeachment can't touch him, and other than voting, there's no other way to remove him. In a society that's really based on rule of law, the people who are on your side are still bound by the rules that bind the people you don't like. The GOP has pretty much caved to Trump completely. During the primaries for 2016, so many of them came out and blatantly called him what he was, a narcissist. But since the win in 2016, anything he says goes. The GOP decided to not even have a platform this year and to just bow to Trump completely. That last point is really abnormal.

    The fuck's going on? It's like we are heading in the direction of mass psychosis.

    I know a lot of people don't like Noam Chomsky because he is pretty far to the left and an academic intellectual type, but he made the point that Trump is worse than H!tler.
    Being a narcissist and being able to get his way is another point towards what I mean by him being more able than others to fix things when all hell breaks loose. Being a narcissist means that he’ll do it for his ego too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Being a narcissist and being able to get his way is another point towards what I mean by him being more able than others to fix things when all hell breaks loose. Being a narcissist means that he’ll do it for his ego too.
    He hasn't fixed anything yet. Hard to believe he's going to fix anything in the future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Being a narcissist and being able to get his way is another point towards what I mean by him being more able than others to fix things when all hell breaks loose. Being a narcissist means that he’ll do it for his ego too.
    granted i have no psychological expertise but this isn't really how narcissism often works that i understand. often it's about maintaining an image and selling people on it, not about actually doing the stuff that would warrant the image (it's part of the grandiose delusions of the disorder). so even though the US is doing really badly with covid for instance, Trump often says we're doing great and may say we're somehow ahead of other nations, that we've addressed covid better. or even though he didn't build much at the border, he may still continue to proclaim things like the wall is built or it will be the greatest wall or whatever. these things he says are grandiose hyperbole. i feel like he can fix things about as well as a cult leader can. (this article doesn't support its title well)

    basically narcissists deliver empty promises. it's what happens in a personal relationship with one. but this is an entire nation in a relationship with one.

    the only thing i have an issue with in my saying this is the labeling which i feel isn't wise, but i'm not wise enough to do better. and it's not like someone like bill clinton didn't have strong narcissistic tendencies. it takes a big ego in many cases to be a world leader.

    Trump's opponent Hair Fetish may also have narcissistic tendencies.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-14-2020 at 11:34 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    granted i have no psychological expertise but this isn't really how narcissism often works that i understand. often it's about maintaining an image and selling people on it, not about actually doing the stuff that would warrant the image (it's part of the grandiose delusions of the disorder). so even though the US is doing really badly with covid for instance, Trump often says we're doing great and may say we're somehow ahead of other nations, that we've addressed covid better. or even though he didn't build much at the border, he may still continue to proclaim things like the wall is built or it will be the greatest wall or whatever. these things he says are grandiose hyperbole. i feel like he can fix things about as well as a cult leader can. (this article doesn't support its title well)

    basically narcissists deliver empty promises. it's what happens in a personal relationship with one. but this is an entire nation in a relationship with one.

    the only thing i have an issue with in my saying this is the labeling which i feel isn't wise, but i'm not wise enough to do better. and it's not like someone like bill clinton didn't have strong narcissistic tendencies. it takes a big ego in many cases to be a world leader.

    Trump's opponent Hair Fetish may also have narcissistic tendencies.
    I remember reading an article by a leading PTSD researcher who described the relationship of America with Trump to be similar to a narcissistic abuse relationship. Like he's basically giving the country PTSD. I don't have the link atm though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    It only takes 10-15 minutes and it is the ultimate weapon against the depredations of Satan. My only question is why so many think just "one" rosary is considered a heroic effort? I mean, it kinda is, but if you find yourself free for 15 minutes on the margins now and then I can scarcely think of a better use of it besides praying the rosary.

    Most other things can wait, but a chance to have a moment with God is a thing I'd rather not pass up. For if we refused to have a moment for him on the margins, why should he do likewise?

    Also, I think we're already experiencing an example of God's wrath in regards to the fires in Commiefornia. Hollywood and most every other rot our nation is experiencing is based out of there. Fitting that literal fire tornadoes and such are afflicting them. I can only pray my own family members are spared. I got a good amount of them living in that state. They all like me and back my Christian convictions one way or another so I can only hope and pray that God shows mercy upon them...
    Well, I have to say the one 5 decade rosary I ahve been committed for some time has often felt like heroic effort. That is not saying a lot for me! I have upped it to 15 decades so more like 45 min., though it usu. takes 20, so that is an hour, but I know many who pray much more, so this is not heroic. So I pray 3 full ones, morning - Joyful, afternoons (3-ish) - Sorrowful, evening - Glorious. But actually I am currently finding the 15 easier than the 5. Because I am more committed now I guess.

    I am going to join an online prayer groups and the lady I am supposed to call it my friend said to leave her a message because she prays 6 hours a day!

    But I just tonight I got notice of a teaching job, it sounds serious, as someone referred me, and said the principal wants me to call. I can't ignore that, but I kind of love not working right now and taking care of the rest of my life that was long ignored. I have my husbands tools and building supplies covering the entire driveway and I am massively sorting... and I was going to do the attic after that. So I will have to pray about this. I know! I will ask that Divine Will lady who prays 6 hours a day to pray for me to know God's will on the matter.

    Good name for CA but those poor people. A lot of those fires, sure don't look natural. I mean, when it burns only the hoses and melts the cars and the trees are still standing? Not looking much like a forest fire when the forest survives. It just makes me see I need to pray.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    He hasn't fixed anything yet. Hard to believe he's going to fix anything in the future.
    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    granted i have no psychological expertise but this isn't really how narcissism often works that i understand. often it's about maintaining an image and selling people on it, not about actually doing the stuff that would warrant the image (it's part of the grandiose delusions of the disorder). so even though the US is doing really badly with covid for instance, Trump often says we're doing great and may say we're somehow ahead of other nations, that we've addressed covid better. or even though he didn't build much at the border, he may still continue to proclaim things like the wall is built or it will be the greatest wall or whatever. these things he says are grandiose hyperbole. i feel like he can fix things about as well as a cult leader can. (this article doesn't support its title well)

    basically narcissists deliver empty promises. it's what happens in a personal relationship with one. but this is an entire nation in a relationship with one.

    the only thing i have an issue with in my saying this is the labeling which i feel isn't wise, but i'm not wise enough to do better. and it's not like someone like bill clinton didn't have strong narcissistic tendencies. it takes a big ego in many cases to be a world leader.

    Trump's opponent Hair Fetish may also have narcissistic tendencies.
    Idk I type Trump SLE in part because I feel like I can relate to his line of thinking (if there’s a decent human being somewhere deep inside him, instead of him being corrupt through and through). If I were made president and wanted to make an unexpected positive impact, then I’d have to create enough of a track record of destruction behind me to make people have certain expectations of me and let me “in” first, like a spy.

    Also there aren’t really any viable alternatives to him right now lol. This is why I’ve typed y’all as gamma introverts, wallowing in gloom and doom even when nothing is gonna change.

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    Also there’s something about manipulating the entire world to think I’m a huge asshole that would be really fun for me lol.

    The right has more “power” if you can get them to be loyal to you, so that’s really it. I think a lot of his bad guy affect is totally fake. Of course the casualties as a result of this hardly justify the means, but OTOH at least it’ll get the job done... hopefully.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Also there’s something about manipulating the entire world to think I’m a huge asshole that would be really fun for me lol.

    The right has more “power” if you can get them to be loyal to you, so that’s really it. I think a lot of his bad guy affect is totally fake. Of course the casualties as a result of this hardly justify the means, but OTOH at least it’ll get the job done... hopefully.
    People tend to underestimate the power of the left because the individual power is indeed smaller. The collective power is greater though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    People tend to underestimate the power of the left because the individual power is indeed smaller. The collective power is greater though.
    I agree but I think most of them in the US are less likely to actually get politically active compared to the right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    People tend to underestimate the power of the left because the individual power is indeed smaller. The collective power is greater though.
    Snowflakes are brittle, feeble little things that break at the slightest touch. But when they link together, they can form a powerful snowstorm; and it was snow that stopped Napoleon and the Nazis' invasions of Russia.
    Last edited by xerx; 09-15-2020 at 07:54 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I don't think that feminists and BLM want men to go away. But let's just agree to disagree.
    Errr... They kinda do and trust me I've done the research to know it. At least, they want "masculinity" to go away if we want to get 100 percent nitpicky about terms and such.

    Men, as a gender, can and must stay as a matter of necessity but "masculine" men/masculinity cannot. Y'know, because they kinda threaten the absolute pussies who currently rule the whole damn world ATM. Strength, Courage, Mastery, Honor, Faith, a willingness to lie down and die on basic principle because it's the right thing to do. That's what real, masculine men stand for, represent, and in an ideal world embody. Women instinctually want men like that to be their husbands, because it complements everything they are and ought to be. Truth complements truth and seeks its own completion.

    Not to say there aren't bad sides to Masculinity, but the commies and feminists (but I repeat myself) focus on those to the absolute exclusion of the good. To the point they won't even use the word "father" in their manifestos anymore. The term "Father" feels positive to us normal folk. It brings about positive feelings.

    Not to them though, because men bad and violence not done to X-ists is never wrong (of whom most everyone is if we really start to dig and hence why the saying "the left always consumes its own" hasn't failed to not be true) but I digress.

    There is one part of being a "man" they'll never tell you about because it subverts their whole narrative. They always speak of "fragile" masculinity. There is damn good reason we don't show our tears to those whom we don't trust with our very lives. See, every male did show his fragility at a point early in his adolescence. He was punished severely for it somehow. Physically, Emotionally, Financially, it doesn't matter how, but he was punished severely for "thinking like a bitch" as it were. He got the point after that. Like if you stuck a fork into an electrical outlet and managed to not die. Oh yeah, you're not trying that again now are you?

    We men have tried to "show" our emotions to strangers... and we suffered greatly for it. If you disagree with this, if you did this and didn't feel like you could relate to this experience, than you glow so radiantly in the dark you're making me feel kinda proud.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Snowflakes are brittle, feeble little things that break at the slightest touch. But when they link together, they can form a powerful snowstorm; and it was snow that stopped Napoleon and the Nazi's invasions of Russia.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Snowflakes are brittle, feeble little things that break at the slightest touch. But when they link together, they can form a powerful snowstorm; and it was snow that stopped Napoleon and the Nazi's invasions of Russia.
    *imagines snowstorms of furries powered by soy products*

    flurries of furries
    Last edited by sbbds; 09-15-2020 at 06:39 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Errr... They kinda do and trust me I've done the research to know it. At least, they want "masculinity" to go away if we want to get 100 percent nitpicky about terms and such.

    Men, as a gender, can and must stay as a matter of necessity but "masculine" men/masculinity cannot. Y'know, because they kinda threaten the absolute pussies who currently rule the whole damn world ATM. Strength, Courage, Mastery, Honor, Faith, a willingness to lie down and die on basic principle because it's the right thing to do. That's what real, masculine men stand for, represent, and in an ideal world embody. Women instinctually want men like that to be their husbands, because it complements everything they are and ought to be. Truth complements truth and seeks its own completion.

    Not to say there aren't bad sides to Masculinity, but the commies and feminists (but I repeat myself) focus on those to the absolute exclusion of the good. To the point they won't even use the word "father" in their manifestos anymore. The term "Father" feels positive to us normal folk. It brings about positive feelings.

    Not to them though, because men bad and violence not done to X-ists is never wrong (of whom most everyone is if we really start to dig and hence why the saying "the left always consumes its own" hasn't failed to not be true) but I digress.

    There is one part of being a "man" they'll never tell you about because it subverts their whole narrative. They always speak of "fragile" masculinity. There is damn good reason we don't show our tears to those whom we don't trust with our very lives. See, every male did show his fragility at a point early in his adolescence. He was punished severely for it somehow. Physically, Emotionally, Financially, it doesn't matter how, but he was punished severely for "thinking like a bitch" as it were. He got the point after that. Like if you stuck a fork into an electrical outlet and managed to not die. Oh yeah, you're not trying that again now are you?

    We men have tried to "show" our emotions to strangers... and we suffered greatly for it. If you disagree with this, if you did this and didn't feel like you could relate to this experience, than you glow so radiantly in the dark you're making me feel kinda proud.

    @End I'll surprise you by agreeing with the spirit of some of what you said: there's indeed less room for traditional male personality characteristics to the detriment of many displaced men. What's not definitive is that feminism is responsible as opposed to technology / lack of industrial jobs / atomization / economic system / whatever. The fact that some feminists are adversarial towards 'masculinity' doesn't mean that they're good at it. Anyway, these are important:

    * The bureaucratization of everyday life fits the personalities of women better than men. That includes the school system, which is geared towards passive learning—sitting down quietly and taking notes—rather than hands on learning. It also includes the standard office job. Women are doing well because they're better at navigating these docile environments.

    * There's a lack of struggle and a lack of function. You mention agentive traits like honour and strength, and there is indeed less room for these within the confines of our domestic existence, as people today are instead encouraged to behave as passive 'pleasure machines' and economic animals. Through my observations, I've found that many men respond favourably to the idea of regimentation by a disciplinarian authority figure; not necessarily because of any militaristic appeal, but because it provides them with a sense of mission and a source of self-discipline. Jordan Peterson has come to represent this authority figure.
    Last edited by xerx; 09-15-2020 at 04:21 PM. Reason: punctuation

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Snowflakes are brittle, feeble little things that break at the slightest touch. But when they link together, they can form a powerful snowstorm; and it was snow that stopped Napoleon and the Nazis' invasions of Russia.
    I know I should not, but it was too funny to resist.. an SLE an EIE and an LSI walk into a freezer.. alphas and deltas with Si: smh.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Jordan Peterson has come to represent this authority figure.
    Maybe if one is feeble-minded individualist and can't see through his (d)rug salesmanship. Better wash your dick now..

    My observation has been that a lot of guys come from broken homes lacking a proper father-figure, they are pumped full of drugs to keep them sedated and stable .. e_e and JP is their replacement.. a sad state of affairs when the family unit is constantly under siege. e_e although this meme of going back to the suburban nuclear family is cringe. Those weren't fun times, ppl have that wrong imo.

    @End For a religious ILI you sure have views I can appreciate.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-15-2020 at 09:27 AM.

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    Oh @sbbds you and Trump may share a type but why would that mean you are the same. It's not Trump's type that is the issue.

    Fi PoLR as I understand cares, they just don't clearly show it all the time (unless I'm mixng up with Fe PoLR, honestly these ethical PoLRs confused me). I see Trump as actually not caring because he's a deeply damaged person imo. It's not fully his fault that he became this way, but he's not a good president.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-15-2020 at 12:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Oh @sbbds you and Trump may share a type but why would that mean you are the same. It's not Trump's type that is the issue.
    I’m just saying that I have a hunch that he has the particular line of thinking that I described and that he’s x kind of person lol. I think it’s reasonable to assume that a lot of his act is ingenuine, and I can relate to it as another Fe HA person. It’d be pretty easy for me to manipulate others by seamlessly constructing a personality with behaviors that are slightly different from my usual ones in order to achieve a particular goal.

    I think for Trump, part of the problem may be that it’s seeped into his actual person. I used to have issues distinguishing between how I act towards others (especially between different groups of people) and who my “real self” is. I think a lot of people do, but probably especially beta extroverts. If there is still a decent person inside of him though then it’d be able to use the current position he’s gotten himself in to prevail. If it’s still in there lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I’m just saying that I have a hunch that he has the particular line of thinking that I described and that he’s x kind of person lol. I think it’s reasonable to assume that a lot of his act is ingenuine, and I can relate to it as another Fe HA person. It’d be pretty easy for me to manipulate others by seamlessly constructing a personality with behaviors that are slightly different from my usual ones in order to achieve a particular goal.

    I think for Trump, part of the problem may be that it’s seeped into his actual person. I used to have issues distinguishing between how I act towards others (especially between different groups of people) and who my “real self” is. I think a lot of people do, but probably especially beta extroverts. If there is still a decent person inside of him though then it’d be able to use the current position he’s gotten himself in to prevail. If it’s still in there lol.
    I think if there is anything decent left in Trump (and I think he's highly damaged from childhood) the presidency isn't where I would like to see some real life "test" of this. And honestly, his actions speak much louder than his words. I see his actions as harmful and an incapacity on his part to understand that. I think he's leading the country to ruin, and in that sense it doesn't matter how he feels inside.

    If what you say happened to him I suspect it happened in childhood. Adult Trump despite changes in cognitive ability with age has seemed relatively consistent in interviews. Things leaked of him speaking when it wasn't public show the same personality. The same personality in other words seems to appear in public and "private."

    If you're arguing Trump is lost to himself btw, that to me is an argument for him not being in office. Someone lost to themselves can't lead wisely or well. A shell of a man that once was leading a nation? Not good.

    Also I don't want to get into a vote for him/don't vote for him argument and hopefully I'm not doing that but maybe I am.

    Anyway I'm fond of redemption and I hope Trump is able to get better if it's possible, just well, on his own time, without as they say having access to the nuclear codes (tired old trope).
    Last edited by marooned; 09-15-2020 at 01:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I think if there is anything decent left in Trump (and I think he's highly damaged from childhood) the presidency isn't where I would like to see some real life "test" of this. And honestly, his actions speak much louder than his words. I see his actions as harmful and an incapacity on his part to understand that. I think he's leading the country to ruin, and in that sense it doesn't matter how he feels inside.

    If what you say happened to him I suspect it happened in childhood. Adult Trump despite changes in cognitive ability with age has seemed relatively consistent in interviews. Things leaked of him speaking when it wasn't public show the same personality. The same personality in other words seems to appear in public and "private."

    If you're arguing Trump is lost to himself btw, that to me is an argument for him not being in office. Someone lost to themselves can't lead wisely or well. A shell of a man that once was leading a nation? Not good.
    If you have to put private in quotation marks it’s not the same thing as full privacy.

    It goes without saying that it’s not an ideal situation with an ideal candidate right now lol. I get what you are saying which is why I’d turned anti-Trump for the majority of the time too since he came into office and why I’ve said “if” there is still a decent human inside. However, it seems like almost nobody thinks there’s really a better alternative. Complaining about Trump and the situation is like beating a dead horse.

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    It's true. I do have to put it in quotation marks...

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    It's true. I do have to put it in quotation marks...

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    barely any time has passed but i'm back to beat this horse, mainly because this better says what i meant in some ways.

    this is an interview from Younger Trump in which between 5:00 and 6:10 he talks about his views on getting even (an eye for an eye not turn the other cheek):

    Then recently there is this example with Today's Trump, in which he says there has to be retribution for crime (around 1:29): (I think the whole report is good in the discussion of justice vs. retribution in a political system and is necessary to understand the situation.)

    So my point is. Does it matter how he became this way or why? Does it matter if there is still somewhere in there a warm fuzzy teddy bear with a heart of gold buried under all the corrosive tissue? Not really. His view as stated on "getting even" or "an eye for an eye" or "retribution" hasn't changed at least since the 90s. The action he calls for isn't justice.

    One could say, well, it's just about words. I would assume the US Marshalls were supposed to arrest Michael Reinoehl (the alleged murderer) but Reinoehl fought them which resulted in the shooting. So granted the practice of "justice" as we understand in the US was still being implemented (maybe... see *). But given the outcome was the death of the perpetrator and Trump approves, that is significant, and I think the more power he has and fewer checks the more he really would go in the direction of the state executing people just because he wants those people dead. The slippery slope into killing his political opponents, I see as real, and that eventually just means kill people for their political views. (And for anyone who doesn't care because of the political lines drawn - if an extreme left-leaning president called for retribution against his/her political adversaries you sure would care - this is one of many reasons why it's so important to maintain a system of justice not vengeance.)

    I can't believe that behind the scenes Trump is writing in his secret diary, "I wish that man hadn't been killed but captured so he can stand trial. But I needed to talk about it in terms of vengeance because I think my base will approve especially since Reinoehl's victim was religious, and I say what I must to win!"

    Okay even if that was the real position he would still be scum. But I really doubt his secret perspective is "Every death is a tragedy, it's unfortunate Reinoehl had to be killed instead of arrested so he could stand trial, but it is what it is."

    I tend to think his perspective is basically what he said it is (which is the same as it was in the late 90s) and I find it disturbing that he doesn't see how it's problematic for the one at the helm of the nation to basically argue for retribution as a virtue (even if it was only a poor choice of wording, which I highly doubt).

    *And now I've said all that, apparently a witness says Reinoehl wasn't brandishing a weapon... So when Trump said to "go get him" now I wonder what did he mean.

    PS. Here was Trump in 1992:

    (same views, same intense sensitivity to betrayal, same need to get even - this seems to be him looking forward to his later actions as in the late 90s video he is saying he's carrying it out)

    poor charlie rose is laughing, but i don't think this is fun. i think this is serious. i mean it's not like having a conversation with someone BSing about revenge and then you don't do it.


    ETA: That said Trump said over and over when he was running in 2016 that he would take action against H. Clinton for her email server fiasco but he never did that I'm aware (my perception is he's never going to because it's not necessary). He walked back on that: even after all the "lock her up" talk.

    It's also interesting how his reasons for revenge may be because it makes everyone else see the ahem consequences of wronging him:

    (this actually randomly goes against SEE typing imo... this is not emo/personal)

    My argument would be stronger if I had examples of him actually taking revenge in big ways beyond name-calling, humiliating people or firing people, etc. because I mainly just have what he has said. I don't know what revenge (if any) he took on anyone in business in the 90s IOW.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-15-2020 at 04:28 PM.

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    You guys are blessed. Trump is a treasure, a shiny beacon of hope from upon high .. truly one of the chosen. Burgerland is saved! lmao

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    This reminds me when I was a part of an online doomsday cult in my youth. I eventually said to myself "fuck this shit" and grew a brain via my Leftist Liberal Arts education. Sometime after Trump won in 2016, I went back to that doomer site and they were hailing Trump as some servant of God. It was a relief to me because it was the confirmation I needed that those people were completely full of shit with zero moral authority.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    @End I'll surprise you by agreeing with the spirit of some of what you said: there's indeed less room for traditional male personality characteristics to the detriment of many displaced men. What's not definitive is that feminism is responsible as opposed to technology / lack of industrial jobs / atomization / economic system / whatever. The fact that some feminists are adversarial towards 'masculinity' doesn't mean that they're good at it. Anyway, these are important:

    * The bureaucratization of everyday life fits the personalities of women better than men. That includes the school system, which is geared towards passive learning—sitting down quietly and taking notes—rather than hands on learning. It also includes the standard office job. Women are doing well because they're better at navigating these docile environments.

    * There's a lack of struggle and a lack of function. You mention agentive traits like honour and strength, and there is indeed less room for these within the confines of our domestic existence, as people today are instead encouraged to behave as passive 'pleasure machines' and economic animals. Through my observations, I've found that many men respond favourably to the idea of regimentation by a disciplinarian authority figure; not necessarily because of any militaristic appeal, but because it provides them with a sense of mission and a source of self-discipline. Jordan Peterson has come to represent this authority figure.
    You make a few good points I'll admit. I especially agree with your point that, at the current time, there is both a lack of struggle and function and that we're all currently living a "domestic" existence if we're living in a First World country. Thing is, this is why I've pointed out that there's obviously a cycle playing out here.

    The r-selected eat up all the "seed corn" at the moment of their ascendancy and have no idea how to even garden let alone farm (eg. look up how the people in the CHAZ tried to set up a garden). The K-selected are different, know full well how to garden and farm but, so focused they are in regards to what is "practical" they forget how the r-selected rabbits function. Thus, they "win" the battle (eg. make the Soviet Union collapse), yet lose the war (i.e. who actually controls the vital cultural, political, and governmental institutions after that "victory" within your own nations)?

    Thing is, both sides, r/liberals and K/conservatives have vital parts of the puzzle, yet both give in to the impulse towards hubris at the moment right before they may have managed to achieve final victory over their stated enemy. And thus, the cycle continues. Thing is, now both sides are aware that there's a cycle playing out. Or at least, my side is. I doubt the other side is incompetent to that extent so this election really is for all the marbles.

    Thankfully, Sin dims the intellect as it is an affront to Truth. Thus, it's Trump, a man you can hurl insults at all day but who is obviously competent and salient in his thoughts, versus Biden, an obviously dementia ridden old fool who ought to be in a nursing home, not the leader of the "free world" as it were. This election will be decided shortly after the first debate begins for anyone with an IQ north of 90. Do we really want a senile old man who can't remember what state he's in having the ability to "push the button" that begins a Nuclear World War?

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