I may say about related to leading Te.

You are sure in your type when what you know about yourself fits good to the theory of this type, fits better than to other types and you know enough to be sure. What is Te objectivity.

You prefer the reason and truth above emotions, in general. As you think it's more for interests of others and yours.
Among consequences of objectivity valuing is that you have low conformism, have skepsis to bosses and athorities opinions.
Where you have basis to trust to your opinion - you tend to say it openly to anyone, where this relates to your duties and to people about who you care.

You are attracted by sympathy emotions from others. In friends and pairs value the most emotional traits, the abbility to be nice and delicate, to be behave decently. Emotionally warm and pleasant people inspire the best emotional state in you - you may get an addiction from such people. Meanwhile you are annoyed by loud emotional expressions and raptures - you more perceive them as false theatric play.