Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
spoiled and rich republicunts might not see this cuz they can't have true empathy for somebody and don't realize that having a kid isn't always the best idea, because they come from Sterile Vagina like Candace Cameron homes where nothing bad ((or interesting)) ever happens, so naturally it can't happen to anybody else, right? ((*I* was never raped so I guess then it never happens honh honh - /carelessly drinks a martini)) - and btw the passage in the Bible 'to be fruitful and multiply' WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT HETEROSEXUAL COPULATION- it was talking about growing crops and having Holy gay male sex to make the crops taste good. Remember that reproduction without care for the consequences is how CANCER itself operates. Pro-Life Republicunts are literal CANCER. Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-death, just that many times the most moral thing to do is to not bring a person in the world that is a drain on the resources.
Oh boy, just got around to reading this thread in earnest and this... well I can't find a way to put this nicely so PolR it is. This hot mess of blatant projection and/or malicious misunderstandings is something only a Death Cultist could come up with.

I've often said it is likely a literal grace from God that I simply cannot get "the demonic perspective" on a visceral level. From a cold, academic aspect I can and do get it. They hate God. Children (especially the unborn) are innocent. God loves and values innocence. Destroying innocence angers and thus "hurts" God. Ergo, to hurt God as much as you can (i.e. to get the most efficiency out of any given action on this front) kill and corrupt the innocent. Killing a random adult is banal. Killing a random child is so much better from the perspective of the demonic.

Flawless logic, but as I also often say, things "on paper" are vastly different from things "in practice". Yeah, if you want to rebel against/hurt God that's how you do it. Kill kids instead of adults. Then there's the actual doing of that shit and feeling good about doing so as you do it.

To draw what is, from my own perspective, a literal equivalence. Could you feel good about pulping the head of some random infant? Stomp on a baby's head really good and hard. Make sure it died a quick though gruesome death? If you could choose between pulping the random adult's head over the infant's head which would you choose? Because if you are pro-choice and honest about it you'd pulp the infant's head to remain logically/ideologically consistent.

Feeling morally superior to the pro-lifers yet? That an "objective good" in your eyes? That is what most abortions amount to I'd have you note. Hell, assuming I'm right about this one and you're a card-carrying Death Cultist I'll give you a quip my own personal trainer gave me.

He's got a ton of "Black" male friends and he (and his friends) were very glad about this. Why? Well, as his friend put it:

"Black women always ask me 'Where are all the good men at?' I tell em' 'On the floors of Planned Parenthoods all across America.'"

His friend is, tragically, not wrong. Half of black babies get aborted. 60 million+ of all types since Roe v. Wade of ALL kinds. Imagine how much more progress (in any direction you'd so choose) could have been made if over 60 million+ dice got the chance to get rolled. Yeah, maybe another funny mustache man or two would have happened. But if we got another Tesla, Paul, Tolstoy, Tolkien, Ferrer, Sheen, etc it would have more than made up for it.

All the other examples I mentioned would have, funnily enough, probably done something to ensure the potential funny mustache man became a great artist over a great demagogue...