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Thread: Read my myspace mail

  1. #1
    olduser's Avatar
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    Default Read my myspace mail

    this old friend has been messaging me. He is really absurd, and goddamn he makes me uncomfortable.

    I mentioned nothing of my lovelife:
    'what the hell is up? yeah i love women, i find the 'game' extremly entertaining, though the social disguises are very maze like. been busy?

    i saw 'children of men,' and thought it was very worth it. pop culture is getting out of hand in the theatres; though, i am looking foward too the new frank miller movies and the new rodrigouz/terentino(spsp) movie.

    we should get together sometime for dinner or something.

    i still think your pretty cool '


    'nope nothing planned. Im hopping to get my assoc. in science so I can transfer if i REALLY REALLY want to, etc.

    yeah Im still with my folks, they think I'm an angel I guess.

    no go on the dinner? what do you usually do to get passed the awkard introductory stages of conversation? '

    'you think i should introduce myself with that statment then?

    "whats your name?"
    "no thanks, I live in complete solitude."

    i'm celebate are you? '

    'we need to get together sometime... since we're pretty much the coolest cats in cheytown. '

    'Tonight would be the night to go out to dinner... in order to view the environment. I've got work/class until 10 so if it's not too late we could go to something like saps bros.

    Wait do you have a date with someone else?

    otherwise happy v day '

    'Hey buddy. I've got two jobs, though one is a fake job. Nonetheless they both make me money.

    Um, I'll have to seriously consider the shrooms... i've been trying to ward myself away from such things... but i dunno, maybe if you eat half with me... last time i ate shrooms i ended up crying half the night.

    and shit son, ill pay for din din.

    but yeah ill hit you up friday night regardless

    and I meant for us to go out today... since today is valentines day. i had thought it was the 13th. if your free for dinner tonight we should go to tokyo bowl or something healthy. '
    'lol dude i was talking about that song you made

    you cut it, then you wrap it, then you sell it...

    in a fucking cd case '

    'you need to let me know when i can call you... our short socail interactions led me to love you. if you dont beleive that you can believe that they at least led me to feel some sort of sincere actions towards you. that is, i want to converse on some sort of DEEP level. but seriously i looked into your eyes your pretty much screwed.

    you know, deep.

    and drugs just end up getting me really depressed... even though i still abuse them

    i need to make some healthy changes, your a nurse, give me advice.

    Here are my messages:
    'hey listen- Don't post info about illegalities on myspace frontpage. Not only is it sketchy legally, almost every member of my immediate family is on my friend's list. But regardless of this transgression I will sell you the stuff. I have tommorrow off(2/19) and will give you a call. If weather permits I will be in the town on bicycle.

    -heath p '


    'I don't know what to tell ya. You really can make a guy uncomfortable. '

    Holy fuck. This guy is a headcase. I don't know if he has a gay crush on me or what. Ugh. I'm afraid he's going to kill me. Ten bucks says I can still get a free meal off him. Any takers?

  2. #2
    Expat's Avatar
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    Sounds like an ENTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #3
    meatburger's Avatar
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    What the lol?

    I read it but for some strange reason i couldn't tell who was who? All that stuff about love etc hes a guy right?

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  4. #4
    oyburger's Avatar
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    I hate it when people put private information on places like myspace and then get pissed when people read it as if their privacy has been invaded.
    That being said, EXXp.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  5. #5
    olduser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    What the lol?

    I read it but for some strange reason i couldn't tell who was who? All that stuff about love etc hes a guy right?

    The first bunch of messages are his and the last two are mine. I should have formatted better.

  6. #6

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    Wierd. Sounds like the kinda guy you see in the movies that's all cool and stuff... at the end of the night you're saying c ya later and he's leaning in to kiss you...lmao.

  7. #7
    Exodus's Avatar
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    I would say type is irrelevant in this circumstance.

  8. #8
    Blaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    I would say type is irrelevant in this circumstance.
    agreed. just a weirdo.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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