If I were to answer the same question I gave to her:

"What do you have to offer to your dual, no matter what type you are or you want to be. What is your strength?"

What I have to offer is a deep bond, an assurance of stability and commitment, a promise that I won't just walk away easily or get upset and leave because things don't go well or that I find we can't somehow talk to each other and work things out. I offer ideas, insight, interesting perspectives and angles on the vast things that I am interested in to make our relationship not only interesting but also productive. I can offer my patience and planning. What I would like in return, is someone who makes sure I get rest when I need to rest because I can easily over work myself in not only the things I am interested in but also when I strive to be of assistance to others and the chores I pick to do. Also someone who can picks our meals as well because I can easily loose interest/apetite in food.

See how different it is from Redbaron's?

"Next question, if you will please...

Would you like a more rigid/ structured environment where certain things are done a certain way or time? Or would you like a completely on the fly of things to be spontaneous, unplanned or impulsive?"

I require a not super rigid environment but one where our activities are discussed and planned out.