Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
I’ve always liked to hear what ESIs think, for some reason. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the other two Quadras.

I’m sure I’m an IEI, though some tell me I could also be IEE, SEI, or EII. As of now, I think IEI suits me best. I once made friends with an SLE guy (he was the one who got me into Socionics, and he himself told me he was SLE, which checks out); we got along very well from the start, which surprised me because he usually seemed very disagreeable. But there was a point where he almost sounded afraid of me, saying that he suddenly wasn’t sure if he trusted me, and that he felt as if I was trying to emotionally manipulate him. It made me feel strange, and I reassured him that I had nothing to gain from manipulating him in this way. He trusted me afterward; it was kind of easy to regain his trust. Our friendship faded away as he got busy with life, but I always remember him fondly, as angry as he often was.

My point is—I never quite feel like I’m being emotionally manipulative with anyone, so the idea of IEIs being master manipulators always makes me laugh and wonder. Sometimes I ask myself if I am manipulative without realizing it. I sure hope not.
I wouldn't say emotionally manipulative, but I think it's something about their Fe that rubs me the wrong way. They approach me seemingly trying to "lighten me up" and I feel like if the IEI hadn't done that before they made their request, I wouldn't have cared, but since they did, I feel "off." Creative Fe gives me of the "gross" feeling than Base Fe for some reason.