Quote Originally Posted by Nicky
So my parents have been in Florida since I first read about this. They've just come back up north and I noticed something interesting.

On Saturday, we spent the day with friends. I think they're another ISTp/ENFp couple. My husband was loud and boisterous and kept joking and talking. He had a great time and seemed very outgoing and social.

On Sunday, we spent the day with my parents (mom is ENTj and dad is ENFj). If my husband said 20 words the whole day, I'd be suprised. He basically sat in the same place very still and looked uncomfortable.

It was amazing seeing how differently he behaved with different people.

I asked him about it and he said, "I can't talk to your dad. I can't even listen to him talk." I asked him if he doesn't like my dad and he said, "No not really, I just can't talk to him. At all."

Do all types change so dramatically in different scenarios? Also, it seems like this could make it difficult to type people because the friends would describe my husband completely differently than my parents would.