Discord doesn’t seem like a place where people tend to go for serious discussion, and I’d guess that many of the people who spend so much time on a website like that with constant stimulation are particularly susceptible to groupthink. In any case, people like that aren’t worth spending your time with or caring what they think.

Each type tends to have certain weaknesses and strengths; that’s fundamental to Socionics. @one mentioned LII being a “prestige” type, but if you interact with many IRL it’s easy to see they tend to have certain personal flaws and weaknesses (like passivity, a reluctance to engage people, getting pissy when challenged, a certain inflexibility in thinking), and that Ti is more a way of approaching problems than raw intelligence in itself; there are plenty of dumb LxI. Most “prestige” stuff like this seems to me to come from MBTI, which has historically depicted some types as geniuses capable of pretty much anything (NTs) or sensitive, artistic flowers (NFs), and all other types as worker bees all but incapable of intelligent or introspective thought (S). Of course that mentality tends to appeal to teenagers or people that have never progressed beyond a teenager mentality themselves, but it’s obvious this isn’t how people work. If people seriously think this way — taking an unrealistically singleminded view of certain types — they can’t really be interested in understanding how people work, but are interested in typology for other reasons, like feeding their egos. Keeping that in mind it’s generally best to avoid those kinds of people, since you presumably have different goals, it’s unlikely you’ll change their minds, and they’ll just continue to insult you if you carry on with them.