

The key to the "HAVE TO DO" problem (I think) lies in some of what Covey has written: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First.

I find that I too have trouble with "HAVE-TO's". The solution of course is to plan the "WILL-DO's" such that the "HAVE-TO's" never come up. Yet, the tension between the "WILL-DO" and the "WANT-TO" is usually where the problem lies. Many unsavory things need to get done to accomplish goals. Ultimately, one must bight the bullet now or later. Now is rough, but gives a sense of mild satisfaction. Later usually creates a mild sense of doom at the idea that the INTj is losing control over their reality.

It is like a sort of "Get them before they get you" mentality.
A good does of accountibility can sure leave an impression. The practical nature of reviewing every night and studying consistently can be somewhat avoided, but then it becomes as you said -- I lose control of my world.

I think this is why INTjs can be "paranoid" (socion description), because they know that threat (even schoolwork) can be there. I think I have been sucessfully scarred, in terms of the first 5 weeks of this semester. I don't think I can forget, and I don't want to forget. Rushing to try to gain competncy for a test is not my style, and not enjoyable at all. I would much rather put in conistent work every day, and have a system, as opposed to "rushing". I did that in HS, and "I'm too old for it" nowadays. I've got better thigns to do, and it hurts my - which affects how I can use my .


If I use to plan with to take care of as much as possible, I think that will be the best bet. Of course I have to take it in the ass until Thursday, but I am greatly waiting until I get a chance to refresh. Studing and cramming non stop makes me feel like a ....... ...... a civillian.... a mundan-er. Grotesque, in a word.

I can use my past experiences in this, combined with this wonderful experience, as a sort of Griever.... I think Squall is a good example of someone who is rational, or at least has a good work ethic.

...... I've been able to blend T into F.....
I wonder if I can work N into S in a similar manner.

Really, though, it's just about balance. I suppose that's the truth. Whatever is lopsided will be proven lacking and can be exploited as a weakness.

PS: I suppose that is why a logical subtype INTj might be more disciplined (stereotypically), as a very rational LII would recognize the weakness and work to avoid it via hard work. Just like worrying about health or physical well being. I don't know. I don't have time to think about this post, I'm studying for 2 exams, even while typing....

more later