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Thread: Article: Socionics Type and Intertype Statistics by Filatova

  1. #1
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Default Article: Socionics Type and Intertype Statistics by Filatova

  2. #2
    Blaze's Avatar
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    The author doesn't explicate this but beta quadra is the most populous, followed by gamma, alpha, then delta. Definite implications for politics and business decision-making.

    The author is also positing heritibility as a factor in type development. Another explanation is that mothers and fathers create the type of their children, in their parenting reinforcement styles. A conscious and unconscious process. Families can be preoccupied with resolving or "fixing" family issues or interactional patterns.

  3. #3
    Destroypuppy's Avatar
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    That's why they say that it skips a generation.

  4. #4
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    I've ran some calcs on type statistics at two online places - this forum & a Russian-speaking socionics site.
    Here are the results. Keep in mind that these are online stats and distribution of types irl might be different.

    Statistics of - based on my 220 type entries community typing spreadsheet.

    Alpha: LII(29)-13.2%, ESE(4)-1.8%, SEI(10)-4.56%, ILE(22)-10.0%

    Beta: LSI(7)-3.2%, EIE(11)-5.0%, IEI(31)-14.1%, SLE(9)-4.1%

    Gamma:ESI(14)-6.4%, LIE(8)-3.6%, ILI(7)-3.2%, SEE(5)-2.3%

    Delta: EII(21)-9.6%, LSE(5)-2.3%, SLI(14)-6.4%, IEE(23)-10.5%

    Total Alpha members: 29.6%
    Total Beta members: 26.4%
    Total Gamma members: 15.5%
    Total Delta members: 28.6%

    Most common types on this forum: IEI (14%) LII (13%) IEE (10%) ILE (10%) EII (9%)
    Most common types on this forum from each quadra: LII, IEI, ESI, IEE.
    Least common types on this forum from each quadra: ESE, SLE, SEE, LSE (extroverted sensors basically)
    The most common Ego element on 16T: Ne.
    Most prevalent quadra on 16T: Alpha.
    Least prevalent quadra on 16T: Gamma*.

    By Ego elements:
    - Ne-ego "Childlike" 43%
    - Ni-ego "Victim" 26%
    - Se-ego "Aggressor" 16%
    - Si-ego "Caregiver" 15%

    By dichotomies:
    Intuitive 70% ----- Sensing 30%
    Ethical 55% ------- Logical 45%
    Irrational 55% ---- Rational 45%
    Judicious 58% ---- Decisive 42%
    Subjectivist 55% - Objectivist 45%
    Introvert 60% ---- Extrovert 40%

    * The low numbers of Gamma types is actually congruent with the low activity of the Gamma subforum which over the past years contains only half the amount of threads as the other three subforums (~25 pages of threads vs. ~50-60 pages in Alpha, Beta and Delta).


    Type distributions on forum and dating website - taken from 3,000+ registered profiles.

    LII(587)-7.1%, ESE(418)-5.1%, SEI(433)-5.3%, ILE(507)-6.1%
    Total Alpha members - 23.6%

    LSI(599)-7.3%, EIE(330)-5.0%, IEI(745)-9.0%, SLE(293)-3.6%
    Total Beta members - 23.8%

    ESI(726)-8.8%, LIE(286)-3.5%, ILI(486)-5.9%, SEE(395)-4.8%
    Total Gamma members - 22.9%

    EII(554)-6.7%, LSE(583)-7.1%, SLI(494)-6.0%, IEE(819)-9.9%
    Total Delta members - 29.7%

    Most common types on forum overall: IEE (10%) IEI (9%) ESI (9%) LSI (7%) LSE (7%) LII (7%)
    Most common types in each quadra: LII, IEI, ESI, and IEE.
    The most common Ego block element: Ne.
    Most prevalent quadra: Delta.
    Least prevalent quadra: Gamma.

    By Ego elements:
    - Ne-ego "Childlike" 30%
    - Se-ego "Aggressor" 24%
    - Ni-ego "Victim" 23%
    - Si-ego "Caregiver" 23%

    By dichotomies:
    Intuitive 53% ------ Sensing 47%
    Ethical 54% -------- Logical 46%
    Irrational 51% ----- Rational 49%
    Judicious 53% ----- Decisive 47%
    Objectivist 53% --- Subjectivist 47%
    Introvert 56% ----- Extrovert 44%

    Results: The distribution of types and quadra on forum turned out to relatively balanced, with slight predominance of Delta quadra (which could be due to Delta administration). Some of the type stats between and 16T were repeated e.g. most common types from each quadra were LII, IEI, ESI, and IEE on both sites, and most prevalent information information element was Ne on both websites.
    Last edited by silke; 10-24-2018 at 06:45 AM. Reason: updated

  5. #5
    Dionysius's Avatar
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    Ne Egos are often more interested in Socionics, cause it's a very innovative theory which breaks with every junguian and MBTI paradigms. That's why they're more frequent in here.

    Ni Egos are rarer cause they're often skeptical of new approaches to theories, specially ILIs. LIEs don't waste their time here cause they're too busy, and Beta NFs are probably 60-80% of the Victim's results - cause Ti valuers love complex theories.

    These results aren't faithful to real life.

    Another thing is that these statistics are from Russia. Each country has its own type distribution. In USA for example, it seems in the MBTI statistics that Si Egos predominante in there. In Brazil, where I live, it's very clear that Se Egos are by far the most common - maybe 30-40% of the population.

  6. #6
    bolong's Avatar
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    I think it is difficult to say which quadra is the most common because there are really uncommon types in each quadra. Regardless of culture, I think the most common types, BY FAR, are extraverts+intuition. EIE, IEE, ILE, LIE.

  7. #7
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    In Filatova's study, how do we know how random the sample was? Or whether the people were typed correctly to begin with? Also 299 is not that large of a sample size.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  8. #8
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Some more forum demographic stats, from a few years ago:

    There's charts over several pages.
    Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 03-21-2021 at 07:56 PM.

  9. #9

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    EIE (both subtypes) and ILE-Ti seem pretty common, I've seen and noticed them so much; I've also seen and noticed LSI-Se and SLE-Ti just about everywhere. I rarely come across or notice other socionics types from those quadra. I've known 1 LII-Ti, I felt like an idiot around him.

    I've seen and noticed Gammas from time to time in my life (except SEE, I know one person who might be an SEE, but I'm not sure), but not as often as ILE-Ti and Betas.

    I've rarely encountered Deltas in real life. My maternal grandmother (LSI-Ti)'s younger brother was an IEE-Ne and I think their mother was an IEE-Ne. I had two IEE counselors, an IEE friend, an IEE I saw at the hospital, and maybe two IEE teachers, saw two LSE nurses, and I may or may not have met with an EII from time to time. Never met anyone I knew to be SLI in real life. While I'm okay with IEE and have a moderate amount of respect and admiration for them, they usually aren't willing to call me a friend and two have been pretty pissed off at me. I think the IEE-Fi is more understanding, more realistic, more gentle, and comes to hasty or incorrect conclusions less, but I've never come across anyone I know to be IEE-Fi, which is odd because of my demons--aren't they supposed to help people with serious psychological problems?

    On this forum, IEI seem to be especially common; ILE aren't all that common. LSI-Se used to be common here, but they don't come here much anymore. LSI-Ti aren't as common on here. ESI seem to come and go... I love how ESI can stay at home for days and then all of sudden come out and go somewhere. ESI-Se are pretty engaging, informal, and really tune in with you which is good, ESI-Fi much less oriented to other people, much slower to psychologically engage people. I don't hate ESI-Fi or anything, but ESI-Se are more fun, more original, stronger, more active, smarter, and more engaging (I feel like I'm really being heard when I speak with them), and they seem more democratic (like they don't feel they're better than other people... ESI-Fi just come across as more, IDK, self-important, self-absorbed, and arrogant to me, but maybe they aren't... I can't read people well) so I enjoy the Se type way more.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  10. #10


    99% of all females are EII.

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