Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
It does NOT indicate that actual type is always going to be smarter than a type with less points, since a lot of factors are involved with intelligence that I ignored.
As I said here, this does not mean that an INTj is going to be smarter than an ESFP. Of course there are so many factors involved that I ignored completely. This system only accounts if each person with equal intelligence were to compare themselves to other types. Please don't dismiss the system immediately unless you realize that.
Um, esfp is not really unintellegent even with equal intellegence. They are pretty hardcore, just try to argue with one and see how far you can get.
Yeah I've been there, arguing isn't one of their strong points. My ESFp friend is intelligent in some ways and then stupid in others, but you can look at that for any type.