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Thread: Typing through heavy analysis

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    Default Typing through heavy analysis

    I'm still stumbling. ..

    Okay, I've talked to a few people on IRC.

    First, DiscoJoe seems like an ESTp to me.

    Joy seemed like an ENFp at first. But I'm slowly starting to let her be an ENTp. Rmcnew is an ENTp, or INTj. It doesn't matter either way. He acts like an INTj on IRC. MysticSonic is an INTj.

    Sycophant is an INTp, but I don't have any other reference points, other than Ishy who is an INFp.

    I found that with Sycophant and Ishy, I was able to follow line to line, and have a good gist of what they were saying.

    Communication with Sycophant was simpler than with Ishy. With Ishy, it seemed like I was having problems receiving what was being said.

    With ENTp's I found difficulty understanding them, and to a limited degree, I find the same with INTj's.

    With INTj's, I found that it wasn't so much understanding them that was an issue, but that they seemed to needlessly complicate simple things.

    With ENTp's I get the impression that they're going off on tangents, without completion points. It's not so much that they go off on tangents that is a problem - but they leave everything open ended.

    I've found this in real life, too. Like with ENTp's I know - they say they'll see you in 30 minutes. 30 minutes turns up, they're not there. You ring them, and they say they're doing blahblah. And yeah, it's like you have to chase up after them, or assume that they're unreliable.

    With ENFp's this isn't such a problem to be honest - as I find that with ENFp's it's easier to guage whether or not they're actually going to stick to something - at least as long as I can hear their voice, at a minimum. Although if pushed too much, they'll just not commit to things.

    With INFp's things are fine, as long as there isn't too much interaction. Past a certain point, and they FLOOD me with complaints. They throw hissy fits. And then disappear.

    With ESTp's they really piss me off. And won't leave me alone. They seem to be the easiest type to get into physical fights with. I perceive them as being indirectly aggressive, and making callous remarks, both to myself and others. And they don't listen to me when I tell them to stop, as if it's some kind of joke - so yeah, it can get physcial.

    One of my friends I think is an ENFj - or at least gives the impression of hitting Fe real hard. And so I've learnt to be more stable with Fe. (childhood issues of unstable Fe)

    Wow... mind is flooding a bit.

    Right, so it starts getting complicated here.

    I'm light, and heavy. I can do speed, or intensity. But not both at once.

    The thing is - I can change this at will. I can stop at any moment, and do nothing. But I'm specifically doing nothing. When people say they have a noisy head, I go "Stop thinking" - and they go "I can't" and so I say - "Start doing".

    But pretty much, for me, the only things that give me a noisy head, are large amounts of stress, or unknowns. And so I try to keep everything in a steady state. This is more noticable, when under high stress.

    I try to outlast stress - and keep everything going. Even when I haven't slept in a long time. And so forth. Sure my performance is down, my memory is cutting out etc. But I just increase stimulation, and keep lots of notes of what I'm doing, as I do it. It just gives me this necessity to keep moving. As if I stop, I literally fall asleep.

    I can talk non-stop, and it's something that's plagued me a long time. As I like to have things set in motion. And so I kind of want to work through them straight away.

    When people interrupt me when I'm talking, or aren't paying attention it pisses me off. And yet I know it's because I talk so damn much.

    I'm often told things like "Slow down" or "Relax" or so forth. But I'm not very good at it. The easiest way to relax, is to do repetitive things. But then I just keep doing the repetitive things, and have to break away into doing more productive things.

    Often I use notions of "productivity" and talk about "What people are capable of". If I see someone that is incapable I have two choices. One is to kick them. And the second is to help them become more capable.

    The third, and often forgotten choice is to ignore them. But if I ignore what they're capable of, then I only see what they're incapable of!

    So as long as they're incapable far away from me it's fine! So if it's really getting to be a problem, I use physical distance, to stay away from seeing them. I also feel embarassed, if people are doing a bad job of things, and want to take over.

    I have problems telling people how to do things, without doing them myself. If I want to tell someone how to do something, I do it. Then I tell them how I did it. If I want to help them do it a different way from me, I follow what they're doing, and monitor "where they went wrong", and help rearrange that certain part. (I think this is related to my ENTp communication difficulty btw - I tell them that they're going about things wrong)

    When I was young, I used to have a few roles. One of them was helping people. When someone didn't know how to do something, I would help them. This is in a multi-factored, and out-of-social-boundaries way. Like I'd help someone that I'd never talk to normally, if they came to talk to me, which did happen. Whenever this happened, I would always have to turn it around. "Do I want to help them?" And if I didn't want to, then I wouldn't. But often I found it helped me do stuff, if I helped other people do stuff - like it's easier to learn by teaching others how to do something, than it is to do it myself.

    Also, often with these things, I'm not really helping them, much at all. I just ask questions, and follow what they're doing. Most of it comes from inside them. So I can help people with things I don't actually know anything about - it's more clarifying than anything else.

    The other roles I played, were things such as setting up silly projects to do. And involving other people in them. Although, I wasn't very good at managing people. And some people didn't like the way I went about things, and would be dropped, and then would mope. Also I didn't really include girls, as I saw them as irrelevant. (this is going back to when I was about 8 or 9)

    Yeah, and back then, I also taught people how to do computer programming. We had a set of dumb-terminals. It was pretty wacky.

    Anyyyyyyyyway. I'm getting way off base here.

    There's something else. Ahh. It's Ni/Ne, Se/Si versus Te/Ti, Fe/Fi. I feel like with the Ni and Ne functions, that they're not connected properly. As well as the Se/Si functions. But that the Te/Ti and Fe/Fi can link within each other a bit better.

    I also don't know when I'm using introverted functions, it's harder to differentiate them. Sometimes, when I'm thinking heavily, my vision blacks out. Unless I'm doing something, and then I don't think heavily, for the most part. But when things get complicated, often I need dark light, and to close my eyes, or to defocus.

    Normally, if I'm having a conversation with someone, I can talk about stuff I already know, and maintain continual eye contact. But when things get complicated, or I have to remember stuff, I often don't face the person I'm talking to. I also tend to touch myself when I'm doing this. Or I smoke a cigarette.

    Like, people tell me they're always thinking! And for me, it's like how do you think when you're doing something! Because to me, it doesn't seem like I'm thinking. People ask me what I'm thinking about and I say Nothing! I saw that in the ESTp thing. About not having lots of rambling thoughts. But the thing is, I do have rambling thoughts. Just not when I'm active. Like if I have a task ahead of me, I have full focus.

    I used to have this problem where I could only focus for seven hours in a row. And I found it really annoying. Apparently it's normal to not be able to continously focus. So I'm like, well what do they do instead? Well, they have conversations and stuff I suppose. I do that too, but I'm still focusing! Anyway, so what happens, is my focus cuts out for a bit sometimes, and I go for a walk, or do things that I know how to do without thinking, and then my mind wanders, and then I can focus again. But normally my mind doesn't wander. It just progresses from one task to the next. And these tasks often happen immediately one after the other, with no pauses. When I have a pause, I feel really light, and spacey. And so I tend to try and do multiple tasks at once, and have tasks ready to do for as soon as I'm finished, which I start before I've finished the previous task.

    Also, I calculate time excessively. I'm always asking "How long will it take?" etc and trying to guage it. But I do a terrible job - because often I just don't know how long something's going to take. I underestimate time by default, and then I increase past my overestimation, and then try to do it quicker than my underestimate. I also order things from "What will take the longest" to "trivial". And for trivial things, I block them all in a period of time. And it can go way out of whack. So I like to have them done in free periods. But I often have HUGE problems with trivial things. And shortcut sleep, or get someone else to do them. So like if I have two hours of trivial things to do at 10:00 pm, and it takes me until 2:00 am, and I need to be up at 8:00 am. Then I'll just sleep 6 hours instead of 8.

    This can then lead to having to tenously recalculate what I'm going to do, until I'm so wound up that I'm about to burst. And so then I just go full steam ahead. And end up *RUNNING* from one thing to the next. And get complaints of making too much noise etc

    When I'm in "running out of time" mode, I'm really extreme. I get really impatient with people. And they seem to get more flustured than I do. (I drop people a lot; and just move on to doing it myself)


    What I like about INTx is the progression.

    What I like about ENTp is brainstorming.

    What I like about ENFp is the storys.

    And then, I start running out of knowing what types different people are.

    With a lot of my friends, I've got ways of perceiving them. And I definitely think, and act differently from my friends.

    The main difference, is that I get in depth, at the same time, as quickly trying to move from task to task. At the same time, as having an internal sense of direction. At the same time as being upbeat, and optimistic.

    I'm actually pretty optimistic, but "make a big deal of things" at the same time. Like I'm optimistic, as long as things are getting done, and I can see success. And then I'll work towards it. But I'm not blindly optimistic, it's realistic.

    It's just that my kind of optimism, is a driven need to succeed. It's like THIS IS WHAT IS HERE. WHAT WILL BE DONE. HOW WILL WILL IT BE DONE. NOW DO IT.

    So, I can get stuck on any of the three.

    What is here? <looks around> There's a socionics discussion board, with lots of disorganised entries. And no overlaying structures.

    What will be done? I will absorb information, and try to understand it from different points of view. Until I can create structures for understanding all the types. I will recognise different traits of functions, and function groups.

    How will it be done? I will seek to understand the functions, the way they work together. And how they work, when used. And how to simulate one function from another. I will observe people, using their functions. And what problems they run into.

    Now do it. Here I am, outputting what I've come up with so far, in a disorganised fashion. That will burst into more threads later, as my understanding increases. Step by step..

    One thing I've found interesting, is this notion that I'm an ESTp. Which then turned into some people changing their minds, and deciding that I was an ESFp.

    I can see myself as being an ESFp easier than I can see myself being an ESTp. But if that's the case, then my Ni is pretty strong. I do realise that my Ne is kind of broken at the moment. And this does kind of annoy me.

    From what I understand Ne is what is used for bounding thoughts to a certain limit. Which I used to make a lot of use of. It's how I can limit myself, and yet just talk openly. It used to be strength of mine - as it meant I could have "business sense" and yet still be creative. Although my creativity has gone down a lot since I've been stressed. It's not so much open creativity, but creative in accomplishing goals.

    The shear number of alternative results in tests, shows that I am pretty inconsistent, and that it's best to get an accurate portrayal, of how this all fits intogether, rather than become too preoccupied with type.

    If you read down to the bottom of this, you were brave.

    Congratulate yourself.

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    Default Re: Typing through heavy analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    Here I am, outputting what I've come up with so far, in a disorganised fashion. That will burst into more threads later, as my understanding increases. Step by step..
    please do. i find your thoughts interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    First, DiscoJoe seems like an ESTp to me.
    actually i said this a long time ago too but i later recanted because i (mistakenly?) allowed my thought process to be framed in a certain manner. this is why intjs need to be left alone >.<

    it has been interesting interacting with you in chat because there has been no other "new person" that i have known simultaneously in chat and on the forums so it gives off a very different feel to you. if i had to guess your type by this post for example i would've probably guessed estj but your style in chat is very different. i find it odd how you get irritated by little things i do like changing my nick or using colors and such in there. i just wish you could see "fe me" in there but as of late i have been in a bad mood. anyway...

  4. #4


    What the fuck is progression?

    Mercutio isn’t human. Thus he has no type. End of story.

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    Default Re: Typing through heavy analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    With INFp's things are fine, as long as there isn't too much interaction. Past a certain point, and they FLOOD me with complaints. They throw hissy fits. And then disappear.
    It actually gets more difficult when that happens. I don't want to get into it. But INFp's have some major issues with me, that don't come up immediately.

    Actually, there are some showings of it before hand - but it's hard to work them through with them.

    I'm congratulating myself, btw.

    Although others have said ESTp, I really doubt it. The way you confront people is all wrong, and I'm fairly certain you're a rational type (due to the amount of sympathy I get from you).

    I would guess xNFj.
    How much sympathy is that?

    It was a large amount of text

    I don't really know how I confront people. Do you have any takes on it?

    And NFj??

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    ESTp, and you didn't mention how easily you form clingy infatuations.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    ESTp, and you didn't mention how easily you form clingy infatuations.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    ESTp, and you didn't mention how easily you form clingy infatuations.
    Excuse me. That is a lie. I am not infactuated.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    If you read down to the bottom of this, you were brave.

    Congratulate yourself.
    Three cheers for me!

    I used to have this problem where I could only focus for seven hours in a row. And I found it really annoying. Apparently it's normal to not be able to continously focus. So I'm like, well what do they do instead? Well, they have conversations and stuff I suppose. I do that too, but I'm still focusing! Anyway, so what happens, is my focus cuts out for a bit sometimes, and I go for a walk, or do things that I know how to do without thinking, and then my mind wanders, and then I can focus again. But normally my mind doesn't wander. It just progresses from one task to the next. And these tasks often happen immediately one after the other, with no pauses. When I have a pause, I feel really light, and spacey. And so I tend to try and do multiple tasks at once, and have tasks ready to do for as soon as I'm finished, which I start before I've finished the previous task.
    Much of what you wrote, especially that, struck me as INFJ...
    But what the hell do I know. Good luck in your search.
    Excuse me. I'm not an INFj. But I know INFj's, and may have learnt some stuff from them.

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  12. #12
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    ENTj. I mean come on, it looked as if he just cut-and-pasted Marcus the Maniac's description of himself.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    Well I just said ESTp because of the clinginess. Now that I actually bother to read the topic, I could see merc getting along quite well with an ISFj.

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    im sorry

    i read the first half and decided my opinion is ENTj

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    ENTj. I mean come on, it looked as if he just cut-and-pasted Marcus the Maniac's description of himself.
    oh hehe i didnt pay too much attention, i assumed he was ENTp. Did everyone type him (marcus)?

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Typing through heavy analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    Quote Originally Posted by ishysquishy
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio
    With INFp's things are fine, as long as there isn't too much interaction. Past a certain point, and they FLOOD me with complaints. They throw hissy fits. And then disappear.
    It actually gets more difficult when that happens. I don't want to get into it. But INFp's have some major issues with me, that don't come up immediately.

    Actually, there are some showings of it before hand - but it's hard to work them through with them.

    I'm congratulating myself, btw.

    Although others have said ESTp, I really doubt it. The way you confront people is all wrong, and I'm fairly certain you're a rational type (due to the amount of sympathy I get from you).

    I would guess xNFj.
    How much sympathy is that?

    It was a large amount of text

    I don't really know how I confront people. Do you have any takes on it?

    And NFj??
    Well, I've already publicly recanted (well, in front of Pedro) about the -NFj thing. But I still think it's more likely than ESTp.

    And I've forgotten by now how I was going to word it so you're only going to get a few vagues statements from me this morning (gah! it's sunlight!)

    I don't get the ESTp vibe from you and I don't get the dual vibe from you. (Someone said people have a tendency to think duals are perfect but that's not what I'm saying, just a different kind of relationship).
    Right. I get the "yeah you" vibe from you. I don't have a sister, but it's like you've spent weeks with your sister day after day, and then you see your sister. It's nothing special.

    It's not against you. I know a few INFp's. That's as much as a vibe as they seem to give me. And other peoples opinions seem somewhat stronger than mine about them.

    I don't get the ESTp vibe from me either. Although it's hard to guage my own vibe.

    If I go by comparing you to others, you remind me more of my INTj friend than any of my ESTp friends/etc. (not saying you're INTj, though).
    Yeah, I see. So I seem somewhat cold, and reserved. And I don't quite make sense to you? But offer you things, that you may not be otherwise aware of?

    In terms of the amount of sympathy -- I'm sensitive/paranoid about my language difficulties and I'd already told you that before you started... you
    Yeah. The thing is you said you were paranoid about the difficulties.

    I know people who get paranoid. And not being too abstract, and identifying the real issues seems to help.

    These assume that I'm in a superior position, and that they trust me. And that they won't take it personally.

    When people have problems - I somewhat automatically want to help them - it's like I want to have it resolved. And once it's resolved, then their anxiety will deaden down a bit. I saw it more anxiety kind of paranoia, rather than sensitivity.

    were trying to be helpful but were being kind of "pushy" about it (maybe it's a relation of benefit?). ExTp's in my experience tend to make a joke or
    Could be? I haven't checked the list.

    briefly comment about my weaker points and leave it at that. I guess it's not really any more or less sympathetic, but it comes across as more sympathetic because it's not so confronting (and better for my self-esteem if such a thing exists).
    I'm pretty direct, yes. And I don't want to miss things out.

    Hmm. Well, I suppose the way I see it, is once you've got passed it, your self-esteem will be better. And you need encouragement, rather than someone to hold your hand. These things are SO much easier to guage in real life.

    Don't take it personally, though, I still think you're great

    If I think of any other ways to explain it I'll be sure to post them, but I need to go now!
    Thankyou for these kind words. I am sorry that I didn't notice that I was eing too pushy. I have been rather intense recently. If it's a problem, when interacting with me, then feel free to tell me simply and clearly that it is.

    Say "You're too intense, Mercutio. Can you please slow down". It's actually something that I have to be reminded of sometimes. (as well as speaking in too loud a voice)

  17. #17



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