I noticed that different substances tend to change how people percieve the world. Some drugs act the same way on everyone, and some amplify their ego functions, or something else. I wa swondering if anyone can add to my list of how you think drugs affect personality (during useage).
Marijuana - (for INTj, makes much more Ne, adds Fe, adds Fi, subtracts Se, adds Si, Te? Ti?) (for ESTp, makes more Se, adds Fe, ...?)
Nicotine - (for INTj, adds Se, reduces worrying, makes extremely alert and focused on present, eye sight becomes crisp and vivid. Need to hold in 3 deep breaths to feel the effect enough to analyze. Possibly with all stimulants.)
Alcohol - (For most, makes more E, don't think it affects the cognitive functions directly, but it does weaken any supression mechanisms, which cause the user to talk about whats on the mind without filtering. Maybe filtering becomes too much of an energy drain? The weakened state also allows people to talk about their weaknesses because everyone is impaired and at the same mental level.)