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Thread: Telling apart ESI-ISFj vs EII-INFj

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    Default Telling apart ESI-ISFj vs EII-INFj

    If someone is chirpy, are they more likely to be INFj? If someone is playful in a "lighter" way, are they more likely to be INFj than someone who is playful in a more physical or aggressive way? Are INFjs less intense than ISFjs?
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    I have always seen INFjs as rather serious people rather than someone chirpy and playful.

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    What about a Ne subtype? I see INFjs as being serious overall, but I'm trying to determine the differences between INFjs and ISFjs. I would tend to think that a Ne/Si type would somehow be... softer?... than ISFjs typically are.

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    Default Re: ISFj vs. INFj

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Are INFjs less intense than ISFjs?
    Yes, that's right. I could even say that EII is more feminine and ESI more masculine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    What about a Ne subtype? I see INFjs as being serious overall, but I'm trying to determine the differences between INFjs and ISFjs. I would tend to think that a Ne/Si type would somehow be... softer?... than ISFjs typically are.
    ISFj Fi subtype people may be quite "soft," almost ISFp-like.
    ISFjs like hard facts and reputable knowledge. INFjs are the look-alike type for INTj. They tend to have interests that in some ways are similar to INTj...maybe more speculative, Ne-like. Also, ISFjs take the lead more in relationships; INFjs may be more reclusive.

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    There is someone I know who I think is INFj. She has read the ISFj and INFj (as well as ENFp, ESFp, and INFp) descriptions and said that she related most strongly to the ISFj description. She said she had problems with the INFj description (I have to admit it doesn't sound much like her and the ISFj description does) and the ESFp and ENFp descriptions didn't fit at all... and that INFp is out of the question (she said the same of ISFp when she read it a while back).

    The thing is, her demeanor is so much more... light hearted... than other ISFjs I know. At their core, none of the IxFjs I know can be called "light hearted" by any means, but the confirmed ISFjs present themselves as being more "serious" than she does. Of the two confirmed ISFjs that I know quite well, one of them doesn't joke much and one has a very Se style of humor (though most people never see it). The latter ISFj seems to see this individual as being frivolous and somewhat... unpredictable?

    I've considered that the confirmed ISFjs are both Se subtypes (though I wouldn't know why one is so much quieter than the other... she's got a lot of health problems and seems to worry excessively, even for an ISFj ) and that this individual is a Fi subtype.

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    My ISFj brother can be pretty light-hearted when he's in a good mood. I think it just depends on the person. ISFjs might tend to be more serious than other types, but there's still room for a variety of particular dispositions.

    If she's read both and thinks she's ISFj, and you think she fits the ISFj descriptions best, that would point toward ISFj more than her being less serious than the average ISFj would point away from ISFj.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Also, the details aren't as important as the web holding the details together.
    This should be written in bold at the top of every description! How often do people get hung up on one or two details in a description and ignore the overall gist of it? *sigh*
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    Good to remember (if I'm not mistaken)
    INFj -> positivist
    ISFj -> negativist

    INFj is more likely to encourage others and be optimistic and try to solve problems by creating something new.
    ISFj is more likely to need encouragement and be pessimistic and try to solve problems by getting rid of something which annoys them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Good to remember (if I'm not mistaken)
    INFj -> positivist
    ISFj -> negativist

    INFj is more likely to encourage others and be optimistic and try to solve problems by creating something new.
    ISFj is more likely to need encouragement and be pessimistic and try to solve problems by getting rid of something which annoys them.
    negativist/positivist doesn't really mean pessimistic/optimistic, but rather focusing on the negative/positive.

    A Negativist would be usually better at problem-solving than a Positivist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulenko
    Negativism = attitude of minimisation of the negative.
    Positivism = attitude of maximisation of the positive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Good to remember (if I'm not mistaken)
    INFj -> positivist
    ISFj -> negativist

    INFj is more likely to encourage others and be optimistic and try to solve problems by creating something new.
    ISFj is more likely to need encouragement and be pessimistic and try to solve problems by getting rid of something which annoys them.
    negativist/positivist doesn't really mean pessimistic/optimistic, but rather focusing on the negative/positive.

    A Negativist would be usually better at problem-solving than a Positivist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulenko
    Negativism = attitude of minimisation of the negative.
    Positivism = attitude of maximisation of the positive. more specific in how our positions exactly differ? It seems you said pretty much the same thing with different wording.

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    a pessimistic negativist focuses on PROBLEMS
    an optimistic negativist focuses on SOLUTIONS

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Good to remember (if I'm not mistaken)
    INFj -> positivist
    ISFj -> negativist

    INFj is more likely to encourage others and be optimistic and try to solve problems by creating something new.
    ISFj is more likely to need encouragement and be pessimistic and try to solve problems by getting rid of something which annoys them.
    negativist/positivist doesn't really mean pessimistic/optimistic, but rather focusing on the negative/positive.

    A Negativist would be usually better at problem-solving than a Positivist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulenko
    Negativism = attitude of minimisation of the negative.
    Positivism = attitude of maximisation of the positive. more specific in how our positions exactly differ? It seems you said pretty much the same thing with different wording.
    He took out the optimist/pessimist part. See, you can be an optimist and focus on the problems that need to be fixed, and you can be a pessimist and focus on doing the best with what you have.

    Example: Someone is in a bad accident

    The pessimistic positivist says, "He probably won't get any better, you need to look at what he's able to do right now and work around that."
    The optimistic negativist says, "He can certainly get better, but let's work on these areas where there are problems, if he can overcome those there's a better chance."

    See how you can be a negativist and an optimist at the same time? Or a pessimist and a positivist?

    Of course someone can be a pessimist and a negativist, or an optimist and a positivist, but they don't mean the same thing and you can be one without having to be the other.
    Very good, very good explanation. I think it should be added to the "official" negativist-positivist description
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    See how you can be a negativist and an optimist at the same time? Or a pessimist and a positivist?
    I can see how you CAN be. But I claimed it is more LIKELY that it is the way I put it. Are you saying that negativist is more LIKELY to be optimistic and positivist is more LIKELY to be pessimistic?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    See how you can be a negativist and an optimist at the same time? Or a pessimist and a positivist?
    I can see how you CAN be. But I claimed it is more LIKELY that it is the way I put it. Are you saying that negativist is more LIKELY to be optimistic and positivist is more LIKELY to be pessimistic?
    Neither's more likely than the other as far as I can tell. I've met people of all combinations. Why would it be more likely? They're two different things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall
    I noticed that ISFj's tend to care much more about their physical appearance than an INFj would.
    hmm. some INFjs are pretty obsessed about aesthetics because of Si hidden agenda.

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    Some INFjs I know are obsessed about aesthetics, but don't generally seem to really be able to pull it off. Like they'll have some piece of clothing and they will think it's The Thing, but it'll look kind of funny on them. But don't tell them! They can't handle the truth!

    Please, INFjs of the world, that was (partially) in jest, so don't get upset.
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    Default Re: ISFj vs. INFj

    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Are INFjs less intense than ISFjs?
    Yes, that's right. I could even say that EII is more feminine and ESI more masculine.
    Good call
    (Which is generally why I like EIIs, especially EII > ESI. ESI's can give off that angry grandmother / angry mother/ the Matriarch / controlling old hag vibe that, of course, does not sit well with me)

    I noticed that ISFj's tend to care much more about their physical appearance than an INFj would.
    Not a useful form of reasoning. Look at the above. I am an LII and I fuss about people's rooms and living conditions, and like an EII, I tend to dress professionally and with care, when I am going to be out and about. But even when i'm at home, looking good is nice. Si HA.

    S types do, 'generally', seem to be more aware of appearance.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    What about a Ne subtype? I see INFjs as being serious overall, but I'm trying to determine the differences between INFjs and ISFjs. I would tend to think that a Ne/Si type would somehow be... softer?... than ISFjs typically are.
    Fi subtypes (both varieties) are very tight-lipped, even in social circumstances. Ne subtypes are warmer, tend to be more talkative, like discussing philosophy, music, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Yeah, that's one of the things I had in mind when trying to think of her type. While she's probably a pessimist, she may fall into the Positivist end of that dichotomy. She's likely to make jokes about the "bright side" of something negative, but it's often a joke about something else that's negative. An example... hmmm... okay, this is a poor example but I think it demonstrates my point: If she's complaining about how she has to drive further to work since she's moved, now spending 3 hours a day driving instead of 2 and a half, she might follow it up with, "but hey, at least that'll give me more time to spend listening to those CDs you spent all that effort into making for me," referring to a frustrating afternoon that she and I spent in front of my computer trying to burn some mp3s onto discs for her, but failing repeatedly and going through a number of discs. It turned out in the end that there was something wrong with her CDs, not the computer.
    It depends on how natural it seems for her. Negativists can try desperately at times to look on the bright side, but it always seems manufactured.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Example: Someone is in a bad accident

    The pessimistic positivist says, "He probably won't get any better, you need to look at what he's able to do right now and work around that."
    The optimistic negativist says, "He can certainly get better, but let's work on these areas where there are problems, if he can overcome those there's a better chance."

    See how you can be a negativist and an optimist at the same time? Or a pessimist and a positivist?

    Of course someone can be a pessimist and a negativist, or an optimist and a positivist, but they don't mean the same thing and you can be one without having to be the other.
    This could explain how Pos/Neg really works in duality, especially as for how Negativists help Positivists.

    My understanding is that positivists tend to ignore problems, whereas Negativists tend to over-emphasize them. (Although that should naturally lead to pessimism/optimism. It does apply IME. Depressed INTps >> depressed ESFjs.) So each helps the other see the other side of things, the one they are ignoring.

    As for pessimistic Positivists, IME:

    Pessimistic ENTp: "Yeah, it sucks that I'm a total slacker and don't know what I'm going to do with my life, I really should do something about it, shouldn't I?"
    Pessimistic ESFj: "No really, don't worry about me, everything is fine. I'll take care of it." or "Even though he has Alzheimer's, he can be so lucid sometimes; it makes me think he is still in there somewhere. I can't give up hope."

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    My understanding is that positivists tend to ignore problems, whereas Negativists tend to over-emphasize them. (Although that should naturally lead to pessimism/optimism.
    This is pretty close to what I think. But I'm unsure of is how to bind far-sighted vs careless dichotomy into this. As I would think far-sighted people tend to focus on problems more than careless people. So how would a positivist far-sighted person differ from negativist careless person?

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    Default RL observations on discerning between ISFj & INFj

    Real world observations of INFj vs. ISFj

    These distinctions are probably well-known and very common-sensical deductions based on the theory, but since they ARE real world validations, may be useful to share - i.e., helpful to some who, e.g., are on the fence about their type:

    #1) ISFjs have MUCH more innate physical energy than I (INFj-Ne) do, to get up and work on tasks - especially repetitive mundane ones, like doing the dishes. I feel the need to be emotionally or intellectually stimulated quite a bit while in the process to be able to keep my energy up. And the focus of my attention would not be wholly on task, then. They have more physical endurance than I - i.e., when the pace is slower and more deliberate, steady. And so, may appear to be more patient with tasks - impatient with concepts. I'm the opposite.

    #2) They exhibit a stubbornness w.r.t. taking action in a way that I don't (my stubbornness is ... umm, different). And don't like to be rushed and may even slow down if you push them (whereas an INFj might cave into pressure to rush more).

    #3) They are able to be more forgiving of unpleasantries in their environment than I - e.g., if someone sat between us and were all hot and sweaty, with beads pouring down their forehead, I'm apt to be instinctively disgusted and try to block this from my awareness, whereas the ISFjs wouldn't seem to mind at all (i.e., would be the normals ones, here!). Also, some ISFjs may have a fascination with the dark and macabre for some reason, able to tolerate watching violent horror films - even enjoy them - whereas a typical INFj would cringe at such scenes.

    #4) No offense, but in discussions with them I often feel like they just aren't as naturally adept nor predisposed to automatically perceiving other ways of looking at a situation as I am. And if I do share other view(s), they are often either suspicious and express cynical doubt, or don't even want to consider it. (But once in a while, they may listen to the idea, and sometimes maybe agree ... even less often, may like the idea.)

    #5) I greatly admire the way in which they routinely express their loyalty to those they care about with consistent actions. By comparison, I could seem neglectful of those I care about, even when I care deeply. That is, I do not express it much, especially not consistently and in practical ways, like ISFj automatically does. For example, I admire how one ISFj I know is so instinctively moved to action to care for, say, an ill neighbor, but being able to summon the energy to go over and clean her house, and look after her health and comfort for a few hours. And then, do this several days a week! This is so wonderful to me, because their values aren't just left in the abstract realm anymore, as they often are for me. No, another can benefit in the here and now from such kindness. Whereas an INFj may seem to pounce on minor opportunities to assist with short-term tasks ... IF the fact that help is needed actually came into their awareness ... they may not be able to sustain such physical efforts AS easily and efficiently as your average ISFj. Perhaps more developed INFjs can do these things.

    #6) Nevertheless, (this may now initially sound contradictory) I am more apt to get restless if I just sit in one position for a long period of time if my thoughts and/or emotions are not sufficiently stimulated. I'd want to take in - observe - MORE new experiences (to stimulate my intuition, I guess), whereas the ISFj has a greater capacity to, say, sit home and watch football all day, or spend long hours crocheting a blanket. Perhaps other INFjs may agree with me that we seem to desire more perceptual variety over time so that our intuition is stimulated (unless, of course, we're having a quiet spiritual retreat in the woods or something ... but here, our intuition is probably already engaged in a special way ...)

    #7) Before I do something, such as decorate a page in a scrapbook, my typical inclination is to plan out everything in advance. I want to have a final vision in mind of the end result before I start. It need not be crisp, i.e., can allow SOME improvisation, but I need to form a general idea in my head first. And, I want some ideas of how I'm going to perform various critical steps along the way ... some sense of methods, prethought out. Not so with the ISFj, it seems. They just "do" more ... with not so much thought towards a longterm goal. When they do need to consider meeting a specific longterm goal, they definitely seem to want their dual's input to help them feel secure about the steps along the way, the data and methods to know everything will be all right (e.g., if an ISFj is doing some data migration project they are responsible for, NOW they must be concerned about an end result and will want to know EVERY step of the way, and feel nervous about the whole thing coming together even when they have a solid plan and know all the concrete details ... I'm thinking maybe their dual's strengths eases their own uncertainties on an occasion like this.) The next #8 and #9 are related points ...

    #8) INFjs seem way too perfectionistic to ISFjs, who may tell them not to worry so much about refining their work ... which is "often overdone with too much time and energy expended" to the ISFj. But the INFj will feel sad if their work doesn't meet their ideas in mind and consider it to be slop if they knew they could've done better because it didn't measure up to their inner vision. The ISFj is more pragmatic - "if it works, great. Now let's move on." I would rather the ISFj just let me be and come back when I'm done than harp on me during the process to "not worry so much" ... and "stop" ...

    #9) ISFjs are happier with the status quo ... as long as things are secure and comfy, etc. ... whereas an INFj is more stimulated by prospects of innovation for the sake of improvement, efficiency (like INTj) and the conceptually imaginative opportunities available in such scenarios. This has been a point of conflict between myself and two different ISFjs in the past, repeatedly. I wanted change when they did not and were content - whether it was how we spent leisure time together or what was considered to be at an acceptable status in a work environment.

    #10) ISFjs are more apt to privately express a clear "us vs. them" attitude in immediate situations - more than INFj's collective instinct to try to understand where everyone is coming from and recognize that "we're all humans on the same playing field, so we may as well work together and have as a pleasant experience for everyone as possible" ...

    #11) Some ISFjs seem amused by themes of revenge, and may even seek it - something I can't (easily?) relate to.

    #12) The willpower of ISFjs indeed is much more pronounced. I've been lectured by ISFjs in the past on the need to be more assertive, and some ISFjs have regularly asked me to do things requiring a lots of active assertion that took me wayyyy outside my comfort zone. It's like, INFj is conscientious in these situations and feels more vulnerable in ways that do not even occur to the ISFj.

    #13) ISFj is more apt to appear stoic and tranquil, even lethargic - inactive yet present. INFj is more apt to appear tightly wound on the inside and high-strung, or else uninvolved - inactive and even somehow, strangely disappearing ... :wink: (i.e., blending in with surroundings).

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    Yes, what you said makes perfect sense. ISFj is simply from a quadra that values a lot more than your quadra does.

    ISFjs annoy me though. I really do not get along with them at all. They need to stop looking so damn constipated all the time and lighten up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
    Yes, what you said makes perfect sense. ISFj is simply from a quadra that values a lot more than your quadra does.

    ISFjs annoy me though. I really do not get along with them at all. They need to stop looking so damn constipated all the time and lighten up.
    LMFAO. Yes, it's true. My mom looks constipated a lot.

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    ISFjs are generally slightly more mesomorphic/endomorphic than INFjs
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  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    A very simple quotation.
    I'm not going to get into explaining this, just tell what you think about the quote.
    I'm not sure how to compare the ISFj and INFj in terms of being pushovers. I find ISFj's tend to be more so pushovers, for want of a word, at work, they try to work hard and make a point of trying not to complain, hoping people will notice and appreciate them trying to work hard, and they try to be somewhat unobtrusive in a general social gathering.

    They're not really push overs at home however, and will talk about where they've seen themselves been wronged to to friends. And in all situations they tend to accumulate things and then complain about them or act in a vengeful way later.

    INFj's i've known tend to go with the flow more. If they don't like someone they tend to ignore or avoid them, rather than express their unhappyness through attempts for sympathy and direct emotional attack in their personal life like some ISFj's.

    I find INFj's are more easier to forgive you, and ISFj's can hold grudges for longer. But you're more likely to know an ISFj is annoyed.

    Just my observations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I find INFj's are more easier to forgive you, and ISFj's can hold grudges for longer. But you're more likely to know an ISFj is annoyed.

    Also, maybe it depends on the context. I think INFJs have a better idea of what is "profitable/beneficial" (being intuiters), so they may come across as more head strong in discussions about what to implement.
    ISFJs, OTOH, have a better idea of how to actually get something done (and stick to it), so they may come across as more head strong in the actual implementation.
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    Default ISFj FiSe compared to INFj FiNe - the search for potential relations

    Quote Originally Posted by The Greeter View Post
    I too enjoyed Expat's description of Fi.

    The way he differentiates Fi(Se) and Fi(Ne) has got me thinking though.

    If it is the creative function that acts as the "ambition" of a type, then I wonder if one of the ways that Ne blocked with Accepting Fi can manisfest as follows:

    Since Ne is thought of as potentials, being blocked with Fi, it is constantly trying to reach a new "state" of a given relationship. I also realize that another way that Ne works is laterally. In other words, it searches for potential relationships.
    I feel that both works hand-in-hand, since, once a potential relationship has been identified, a new state of the relationship is sought.

    I also speculate that ESIs are "ultra" aware of reality. With Fi being able to detect slight emotional changes (which allows them to determine attraction/repulsion) and with the support of the information element with the most accurate perception of the physical world, it does not surprise me that they are often deemed the "moral enforcers". I've always had an admiration of ESIs for their strength, their ability to uphold high standards in themselves and, if circumstances deem it necessary, even demanding it in others.

    Perhaps others can validate this, but I have witnessed this to be what the LIE type seeks. A rock, to say the least, or someone who isn't trying to "transform" the relationship, but solidifying it just as it is. Hence, an almost obsessive search for loyalty (of course, all types seek it, but I think LIEs are quite possibly the most hurt without it).

    In contrast, where as LIEs search for loyalty, I think LSEs search for intimacy and closeness (hence, a new level). Again, every individual desires this, but the degree in which this is sought may peak with the LSE personality type.

    Maybe I could graph all of this...
    Then search for new potential relationship.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I definitely search for loyalty.

    It's easy to cut someone out and push someone away - but someone who can and wants to stick around? That's harder, for me, to find.

    Intimacy and closeness is also nice, but that lone is kind of.... only so much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    It's easy to cut someone out and push someone away - but someone who can and wants to stick around? That's harder, for me, to find.
    You're not alone, my friend. But it's probably harder for you, as an extrovert, since you need people more than I (or some of us) do.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    I definitely search for loyalty.

    It's easy to cut someone out and push someone away - but someone who can and wants to stick around? That's harder, for me, to find.

    Intimacy and closeness is also nice, but that lone is kind of.... only so much.
    Perhaps loyalty is not the best term, since I do think that closeness entails a strong loyalty, and even I cannot work without loyalty in a relationship.

    It's just that loyalty is not necessarily "close", but it is solid.

    I suppose what I'm trying to establish is the scope between the ENTj and ESTj, and their respective approaches in building relationships. I find ENTjs are more likely to expand their field, where as ESTjs tend to keep a closed circle--reaching out from time to time. And, their duals complement their approaches by doing the opposite.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  31. #31

    Default Distinguishing ESI and EII

    How would you do it? Dichotomies that state what trait one has in contrast to the other, akin to "in control/not in control", or "is focused on social network/is focused on humanitarian efforts" or whatever.

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    Last edited by mfckr; 12-25-2014 at 01:17 AM.

  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Both of those sound like bad metrics for distinguishing type.

    The Judicious/Decisive Reinin thing is usually sufficient IME for distinguishing the two. I think it goes by Reasonable/Resolute on this, located slightly halfway down the page.
    They were just examples of the sorts of dichotomies I was looking for, since I don't really care for Reinin or unclear Socionics dichotomies (like Judicious/Decisive, which is reasonably difficult to spot at-a-glance, or during a snap-typing).

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    uhh...lots of different ways.

    Just by overall behavior, EIIs tend to be the more dreamy types, whereas ESIs are far more focused (IP vs IJ temperament). Also a big difference between having in the creative block for the EII, vs a PoLR for the ESI. One is always dreaming or thinking about the unknown or what could be, whereas the other is focused with laser precision on the right now and is actually more terrified of the unknown, or that they don't know something.
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    Last edited by mfckr; 12-25-2014 at 01:18 AM.

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    Greater inclination towards ideas and concepts? Let's be a little less vague, please.
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    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    I find the biggest differences to be in moments of conflict. ESIs are more agressive and combative, while EIIs will be passive-agressive or just plain passive, looking very uncomfortable. ESIs are more likely to be outspoken. ESIs often come across as intense, while EIIs can be somewhat whimsical.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Be my guest, ma'am.
    Well frankly I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I was hoping you'd expand on your impression instead of assuming that everyone could accurately interpret your breathtakingly wide-sweeping statement.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    EII is IJ too.
    Oops sorry, forget that whole post. Somehow I saw IEI.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    ESI tend to be more self-assured and assertive, but still naturally friendly and conflict avoiding. I like to think of them as a person with a strong outer shell protecting a sensitive internal world. Very up front about how they feel when impassioned. Not likely to back down when they feel strongly about something. They are realists who see the harsh world for what it is but try to preserve sanity and morality where they can.

    EII are more accepting and passive, although they can be very passive-aggressive. They're more sensitive inside and out. I'd also say they're more idealistic in the sense that they might idealize world peace, have a fluffy view of humanity, or something of the like. They have a more innocent and humanitarian approach to the world.

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