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Thread: Your typing of forum members

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    looked at a video of @Manatroid92 again
    thinking mb IEE, ILE now, the calmer variety
    feels irrational, so that's why XII is less likely in my view - but fairly confident in Ne type

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    looked at a video of @Manatroid92 again
    thinking mb IEE, ILE now, the calmer variety
    feels irrational, so that's why XII is less likely in my view - but fairly confident in Ne type
    I think irrational suits me fairly well; I used to think I was more rigid/xJ-based, but then I realized that other people define their 'routines' and 'schedules' in a stricter way than myself, and even if I'm given a strict plan of what to say and how to talk about something, I'll almost inevitably diverge from it in some way throughout before returning to the core of the conversation.
    Extraversion is less likely to me, but I can understand why you might think I'd appear to be an Ne-base.

  3. #6523
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The Aristocratic/Democratic dichotomy I think is especially misunderstood/misused. I don't think it has anything to do with whether you perceive/generalize groups. That's a universal trait. Has more to do IMO with how you communicate and hold yourself in relation to other people/groups. It's difficult to get across without biases creeping in -- even in the words "democracy" and "aristocracy" for instance, where people are conditioned to think of one as good and the other as bad.

    I do think it's real/useful for typing people.

    As far as @End goes I have no problem with his being ILI personally. He talks a lot about tribes and such, but as much as he may claim he's some rural redneck or whatever, I get the impression he's on the fringe of whatever identity he's claiming, and isn't particularly interested in changing/able to change that. You get the impression that he's mostly just himself no matter who talks to him. I think he's so concerned with groups because he's not really a part of one. He needs a social identity like anyone else, but he can't actually make himself quite fit. At least that's how I perceive him.
    You've actually hit the nail on the head there. I have yet to truly find my "tribe" as it were outside a very general "Catholic" identity. Even then I keep running into friggin' "Churchians" who go on and on and on about God's "mercy" they seem to utterly forget about his justice (the other thing he perfectly embodies and will not be denied) and the instant I bring that bit up they recoil from me and push me to the fringe!

    Heretic am I? I'd tell them to read the catechism but hey, Kirkegaard was right about most people. They'd rather be in error than embrace the suffering of the cross Christ calls us to.

    Funny enough, I ran across a video about how us Catholics/Christians concieve of charity and how it works. It is flawless from both a and perspective BTW:

    This is from a literal exorcist. Dude has confronted demons directly. He has felt many a thing on a visceral level I pray I never do. And yet the things he's saying...

    I really get it now. For instance, to kill your enemies is one thing. If they converted to Christ, however, you'd win several times over. Dead enemies merely cannot harm you anymore. Converted enemies not only will not harm you ever again, they will actively contribute to your own good!

    If your enemy (in the Christian sense) converts he/she/it not only stops being your enemy, they become an active friend. Hell, Sun Tzu even got this concept. If you truly "befriend" an enemy you have won twice over. You didn't just "kill" an adversary. You made a friend.

    That vid I posted speaks to me from a direct and familiar viewpoint. This level of shit ought be pretty fucking obvious. Hell, it's so obvious to me I actively regretted a split-second vision of me decapitating a PTB head honcho.

    The better version of his end was no such thing. I heard his confession in all its utter horror and hatred. He dared me to kill him as slow and painfully as I could imagine (and trust you me if you ask an ILI to do it you're an A+ Masochist).
    Last edited by End; 11-12-2022 at 02:29 AM.

  4. #6524
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    Quote Originally Posted by welcome View Post
    @Missmessy if I am one, then (I think) you are an ESI LII***

    ** @Snowgirl I am so sorry, (now I really meant to say you could be an SEE) (my supervisor)
    Edited after I grew 1 more brain cell.. sorry @Snowgirl T_T
    Last edited by welcometomania; 11-14-2022 at 12:27 PM. Reason: grammar

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    Quote Originally Posted by welcome View Post
    Edited after I grew 1 more brain cell.. sorry @Snowgirl T_T
    No problem

    When I was typed in Socionics a long time ago ( before I enter this forum ) I was first typed as SEE/ESI so it's okay

    It was a really crazy period of my life, I was more emotional then and seemed more of an ethical type even though I hadn't been like that before

    I excluded ESI due to 4D Fi and Te suggestive , SEE because of Ti polr
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    btw , most people in Arab Typology groups think I'm either IEE or LSE ( but in both cases with underdeveloped Creative function )
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    (now I really meant to say you could be an SEE) (my supervisor)
    But why do you think so ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    But why do you think so ?
    Sorry, again! never mind what I said (about you being SEE).. your face kind of reminds me of this LSI..

    What do you think?
    Last edited by welcometomania; 11-28-2022 at 11:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by welcome View Post
    Sorry, again! never mind what I said (about you being SEE).. your face kind of reminds me of this LSI..

    What do you think?
    I don't know honestly but thanks for the suggestion

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    ''this LSI'' looks like an extravert and an ethicist
    LII is probably close to her type, which I still think is most likely ILI - LII do not change their opinions so often and are not so doubting as she is. her behaviour is undisputedly that of an irrational

  11. #6531
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    this LSI'' looks like an extravert and an ethicist
    She might be Se Subtype ( more extraverted + enhanced feeling function )

    LII is probably close to her type, which I still think is most likely ILI - LII do not change their opinions so often and are not so doubting as she is. her behaviour is undisputedly that of an irrational
    Should I repeat the same things every time?

    Anyway, I have never liked anybody with high Si , they're so boring to me , most people I've felt attracted to ( or interested in or felt they're interesting, choose what you want ) were actually xNxx [ though Ne>Ni ] and I always avoid ESEs , I don't stand them as much as an LII would

    Just by looking at the amount of Pe I show in my daily life, it's impossible to be ILI with Ne ignoring and Se suggestive (and again, nothing interesting about SEEs unless they have a pretty face)
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    >She might be Se Subtype ( more extraverted + enhanced feeling function )
    no LSI looks like that, even a hypothetical ''Se subtype'', which would only have slightly more expressed sensing, not ethics (unrelated functions).

    the types of people a person knows are often defined incorrectly, until Socionics is understood in practice. from your video logic and intuition were obvious, and probably introversion. from your behavior on the forum Fi valuing (politeness is preferred over emotional stirring) and irrationality are likely. in your typing thread you felt it was 'strange' to be discussed by others, and felt like closing the thread - more likely for non-valued Ne and introverts.

    forget about experimenting with subtypes until after you've understood your type - they will only make it more confusing. ITR should be minimally affected by a slight accentuation of a function, anyways.
    what you will keep repeating is jumping from type to type until you have verified it by reading the basic theory and applying it to your relationships. it takes some time. after you've done this you can begin to think about the expanded theory, and what should be discarded from the basic one. think about your own type not by minor points in model A (such as the differences between functions in the blocks themselves, which is speculative and can mislead if given too much importance), but by dichotomies, ego functions and importantly by ITR. you are doing this, which is good, but I have my doubts that you have understood the types and ITR correctly - try to read Filatova's descriptions of elements, ITR and, to a lesser extent, of the types, they're closer to how the types act in practice.
    a few days ago you assessed yourself as a Te type. but being a likely irrational, you're sensitive to doubt. dubious arguments such as physiognomy and pictures from Filatova should not be given too much thought.
    if ILI isn't right, try ILE. the possibility that you're Beta ST is practically zero.

    also, if you want fresh opinions, you could post your video or a new one again.

  13. #6533
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    in your typing thread you felt it was 'strange' to be discussed by others, and felt like closing the thread - more likely for non-valued Ne and introverts.
    It is unreasonable for me to upload a video asking for typing me and then saying that discussing my type is a strange thing
    I felt that the types you gave me were strange , I'm usually typed by others as either Gamma SF or IEE even before entering this forum ( LSE as a less likely option )

    INTx was so strange for me especially that I have so many INTx contacts and all of them are better than me in theories, while they enjoy thinking about theories, analyzing them and drawing conclusions from them, I was the " carefree " among them

    try to read Filatova's descriptions of elements
    Won't be different that much, strong TePe/PeTe , no Pi ( or at least underdeveloped )

    try ILE
    While I have a somehow good relationship with LIIs ,we don't complement each other's points of view ( as mirrors type do ) and they often consider me the person who do not like to think about theories in a complex way (carefree, as I mentioned before)

    I avoid ESEs while they supposed to be my activity

    intuition were obvious,

    the possibility that you're Beta ST is practically zero
    And the possibility of me being xNxx is below zero

    Do you know what I was doing while speaking in the video? I was watching people passing by in the street and listening to the outside sounds, even the door which was a little far from my place and in another room I could hear the sound of it opening and closing

    No one around me sees my intuition skills as superior to my sensing skills , and I'm always praised for it

    Want more proofs ? just go back to this thread and look at functions chart in the last reply, tell me what do you think
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    that's true, I apologize. checked again - you felt that it was a shock and you had to disappear for a while to process the results. not what a Ne valuing type would usually do (''shock'' about perception and discussion of their psychic traits? they enjoy it), especially not the extraverted ones. you can easily understand that you're not an ethicist because of your communication style, and that you're a rational type is also unlikely.

    >all of them are better than me in theories, while they enjoy thinking about theories
    this is partially related to Ti types and Ti valued types, not just intuition. Te types are more interested in practice and facts. intuitive logicians from Gamma aren't overly theoretical in general (it's the stereotype for intuitive logicians from Alpha), and their affinity for abstraction is more related to their imagination, perception of trends or questions of a mystical nature.

    >While I have a somehow good relationship with LIIs
    from the mentioned types, only LSE has this. Beta/gamma sensors and IEE do not.

    >I was watching people passing by in the street and listening to the outside sounds
    more sensitive to outside stimulation - extraverts and irrationals. any person does this, only the extent is different. try to compare yourself with others. the type is not absolute, but a particular configuration/balance.

    >No one around me sees my intuition skills as superior to my sensing skills , and I'm always praised for it
    it's certainly worth considering, but it is best to compare yourself with others here. people who are favourably inclined to you may not always give accurate assessments, and the same with people who dislike you. how can I see that i'm a sensor? not by considering myself as an island, but by considering myself in relation to others. i'm more sensitive to questions of comfort than average, but extensive creativity is not what I am best at, for example, when comparing to an IEE I know. logicians may also think that they're developed emotionally, but generally they will have less understanding there if they compare themselves with the ethicists.

    >just go back to this thread and look at functions chart in the last reply, tell me what do you think
    self reported tests are not so reliable, especially for people who know of Socionics and subconsciously skew the answers

    anyways, the discussion of your type is really at a standstill, now. you will understand it better as you keep observing people in practice, ILI or not. it should be easier for you to come to a conclusion, being a logician - for a Te type to choose by the dichotomies isn't hard; as long as you go from a reasonable starting point, such as Filatova

    if you want to try an IR test, Sol has one here
    follow the instructions and post it somewhere relevant - it could be fun to see. there's no guarantee for the usefulness of the test, it's a subjective judgment

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    that's true, I apologize. checked again -
    No problem

    any person does this, only the extent is different.
    Yeah but that's what I literally do the whole day, It never drains my energy and happens naturally even without my intervention

    but it is best to compare yourself with others here

    Why ? I don't get the point of doing this
    And , how would I do that ?

    people who are favourably inclined to you may not always give accurate assessments, and the same with people who dislike you
    I've even received it from people who are not close to me , some of them we hardly know each other on a level beyond our names

    self reported tests are not so reliable, especially for people who know of Socionics and subconsciously skew the answers
    The point here is that the test combines Psyche Yoga and Socionics , 584 questions. Of course, I will not separate and analyze what is each question asking about especially that I might by mistake confuse sensing functions ( Si/Se ) with physics ( PY ) , or between feeling functions ( Fi/Fe ) and feeling ( PY ) , etc. (although there are clear differences between them but it wasn't clear to me when doing the survey)

    if you want to try an IR test, Sol has one here
    follow the instructions and post it somewhere relevant - it could be fun to see. there's no guarantee for the usefulness of the test, it's a subjective judgment
    I'll try it , thanks for the suggestion
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    ah, doing the quoting now looks better
    Why ? I don't get the point of doing this
    to understand the degree to which you have a function or value. to decide on the type without comparison to others/ITR is difficult for many.

    And , how would I do that ?
    for example, you can compare with your family and friends in your degree of emotional expression, logical reasoning, creativity or perception of alternatives, focus on material things around you etc. and try to feel how they are psychically, what traits dominate in their minds. try to feel who you are more drawn to, who are more interesting and less bland, who were the best/most sympathetic and worst/most frustrating in your life. you say you like intuitives - try to systematically review the types of the people you know and feel which ones are more for you. what I found when I did this - it was extraverts, intuitives and ethicists that were more interesting. dearest people to me were almost all Fi or Ne types.

    I've even received it from people who are not close to me , some of them we hardly know each other on a level beyond our names
    in Socionics there's some theories suggesting that we try to express our weak functions more in strangers' company, because we want to protect ourselves against criticism there. I can't say about your situation, anyways, only comment on what you report, talk about your behaviour and my impression from the video/pictures. ITR is the way to go - it's the basis of Sol's test, to try and see if there's correspondence between other data and the results by those who took the test. for example, it may be that the test reports that you prefer sensors to intuitives (the people that Sol typed in sensing, that is).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    Do you know what I was doing while speaking in the video? I was watching people passing by in the street and listening to the outside sounds, even the door which was a little far from my place and in another room I could hear the sound of it opening and closing

    No one around me sees my intuition skills as superior to my sensing skills , and I'm always praised for it
    What they say when they are praising you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    I don't know honestly but thanks for the suggestion
    you once typed as IEE, right? I think that is your type now..(lol)

    do you think this looks a bit like you?

    Also, do you relate to the female Huxley portrait in Beskova's description?

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    for example, you can compare with your family and friends
    You answered me about comparing with others irl but you have told me to compare myself with others here ( in this forum )

    [ it's certainly worth considering, but it is best to compare yourself with others here. people who are favourably inclined to you may not always give accurate assessments ]

    in Socionics there's some theories suggesting that we try to express our weak functions more in strangers' company
    I laughed when I read this because I remembered that I did this with Ni and Fe last year of school , while I express Se only when necessary ( when I need , or when someone needs my help with it )
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    What they say when they are praising you?
    They were surprised by my strong hearing of far voices and said "Masha Allah" - a phrase we use when we express our surprise at something -

    My classmate dropped a small object while we were going up the stairs and started to search for it . I immediately noticed it , she told me: you should be appointed as an observer in the army because of your eyesight

    I was once in a math class , the teacher was giving me a lesson in the yard , suddenly a little mouse passed by quickly and I noticed it , I told him, he was surprised because he didn't see it at all but I don't remember what he said to me (such a situation happened to me hundreds of times , not just with rats but with smaller creatures like spiders, ants and even smaller insects which you need to focus a little to see it on pages or old photos )
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    You answered me about comparing with others irl but you have told me to compare myself with others here ( in this forum )
    what i meant in what you quoted: compare yourself with others based on behaviour instead of taking everything of what they say about you as indicative of your skills and personality in relation to them.
    but, with regards to behavior IRL or online, you can do both, although behaviour IRL is easier, because of being less able to be manipulated and fuller - but you should consider it primarily based on your own opinions of their types, not on the opinions of the ones you observe

    also, strong hearing, eyesight etc. are genetically related and probably have no relation to types, only the attention on such things.
    that ''IEE'' seems closer to a Fe type. Snowgirl is a logical type, anyways

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    do you think this looks a bit like you?
    A little bit but her gazes seems malicious to me

    Also, do you relate to the female Huxley portrait in Beskova's description?
    I dislike this portrait , I don't think it's a good way to type someone, it's dependent on many other factors

    These descriptions were written based on observing Russian people, elsewhere in the world the same type might behave differently due to social constraints or other reasons, EIE female for example, in Russian description behaves in a "cozy" manner and all boys should love her, but EIE female in another country where there are cultural restrictions on such behavior will not act in the same way

    Enneagram too , IEI female for example, is described as adventurous , shows happy vibes etc , this description applies very well to Enneagram 4 Sp. If a 4 Sp female reads this description, she may relate to it and type herself as IEI

    and so on
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    A little bit but her gazes seems malicious to me
    if she's a Fe type (not sure), then this is a more usual perception for Te types. they (and Ti types) ''grimace'' more in my view
    ''malicious'' is how the look of the opposing quadra is perceived more often than the other types

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    that ''IEE'' seems closer to a Fe type.
    yes, a 4D Fe type

    Snowgirl is a logical type, anyways
    Do you know her personally? lol..

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    yes, a 4D Fe type
    My EIE friend once told me that he feels like I'm his little girl because I literally have no Fe ( I didn't really understand what he meant )

    Anyway, we were both attracted to each other but we didn't get into a relationship because of the distance between us and the difference in religious sect and customs/traditions of our two families

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    @Beautiful sky & @Dreymagine : EII (maybe)

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    My EIE friend once told me that he feels like I'm his little girl because I literally have no Fe ( I didn't really understand what he meant )

    Anyway, we were both attracted to each other but we didn't get into a relationship because of the distance between us and the difference in religious sect and customs/traditions of our two families

    I think it relates more to having Childlike romance style (Ne) rather than Fe? Also, if he is rich don't give up on him yet!! lol (just kidding)

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    Quote Originally Posted by welcome View Post
    Do you know her personally? lol..
    do you know everyone you type on here?
    her behavior is consistent with a logical type, just like yours is consistent with a Fe type
    when one doesn't know a person it's never 100%, but the likelihood of these two assessments being true is high

    Dreymagine is perhaps IEI

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    @nifl you said "Snowgirl is a logical type.. " like you know her 100%. My typings could also be wrong that's why I'd always try including all the "maybe"-s

    ok I didn't sound like I doubt my typing for @Snowgirl in my recent posts here but @Snowgirl, you kind of fit the IEE description to me but feel free to disagree/discontinue our discussion here if it's getting too taxing for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    I don't know honestly but thanks for the suggestion
    (oops I just noticed this post.. maybe you're right that I'm the IEE with 1D Si lol but I still identify with introversion more for now..) alright I'm sorry for dragging on this longer than I should've, I will try to stop posting in this thread (for a while) lol sorry

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    Default Why I think I'm rational more than irrational

    While I don't prefer to type myself via rationality/irrationality due to having 1+7 in the tritype , there are many positions that put me in the category of rationality rather than irrationality

    From Gulenko's description of rationality/irrationality:

    Psychologically, rationals are characterized by a stable mood (it is either elevated, lowered, or neutral). Changes in their mood occur under the influence of visible reasons. The mood of the rational is quite manageable - it can get artificially amused or saddened.

    Irrationals manage their mental state poorly. It is better for them to try and not to improve their mood, but to simply to wait it out, until a new spontaneous emotional change takes place. However, after an upswing in mood, a downswing inevitably follows. Uncertainty and randomness determine the mood swings of irrationals.
    So rational based on this

    Intellectually, rational types are distinguished by the fact that they make decisions easily, quickly, and categorically in a familiar situation. When situation is unusual or uncertain, they begin to doubt themselves, become nervous. They need some time to think things through.

    Irrationals delay their final decisions in a standard situation, but with sudden changes in the situation, the choices are made quite quickly. The uncertainty, the probabilistic nature of a situation activates their thinking, makes them more resourceful and savvy. Therefore, they are more decisive precisely when the rationals tend to falter.
    Rational again, I literally and exactly act the same way they react when in uncertainty/unusual station
    There's a small exception though : sometimes I change my decisions suddenly after planning smth else (for example, buy a different kind of cookie instead of the one I planned to buy ) but this must only be because of me , however , any external changes of plans by other people or circumstances, I don't react in a happy way* (and I know exactly that what I'm saying is accurate, because it's happened to me hundreds of times.)

    These people who follow a routine (which could be either constructive or destructive), without changing it fundamentally
    Thinking about it , it's rationality again

    The rhythm of my life is usually constant: I get up every day at nine or ten in the morning, study what I have to study, surf the Internet, eat, get out half an hour before class time (and if I want to go to the store I leave 35 minutes early ) I come back from class , relax and eat again , study , etc

    The rhythm is the same every day, although I edit it sometimes but the foundation remains the same

    However, there is a point I relate to a lot in irrationality, it's the desire for freedom and new stimuli every once in a while :

    They need alternatives, constant switching, and variability.
    It's ordinary for me to get bored of my routine (especially since I'm re-studying exactly the same thing I studied last year), in this case I get outside and try something new although I don't do that every day , only every once in a while


    Additional thing :

    In high school, I moved to a new school, and this school was radically different from the schools I had previously studied at

    There was no static study schedule in the two years I spent there , the program changed every day and was not fixed until a few weeks before the long school holiday
    During these two years, I got mad because of this, I couldn't adjust to this system at all and I spent entire days cursing at the school.
    Fortunately for me, Corona delinquent canceled the end of these two years a few months before the actual end

    On the other hand, I moved last year to another school, the system there was very excellent: everything is organized and disciplined, the rules are clear and strictly enforced.
    Some changes were happening such as our classes being moved to another floor, class hours being slightly increased/decreased, we were given a sudden holiday or forced to attend school on public holidays, or the program changed slightly
    But this used to happen from time to time, and mostly we were notified of it in advance (a few days before). This school was comfortable for me, and I considered it compensation from God for what I lived during the previous two years
    Last edited by Biscuit; 11-15-2022 at 08:11 PM.
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  31. #6551

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    Quote Originally Posted by welcome View Post
    @nifl you said "Snowgirl is a logical type.. " like you know her 100%. My typings could also be wrong that's why I'd always try including all the "maybe"-s

    ok I didn't sound like I doubt my typing for @Snowgirl in my recent posts here but @Snowgirl, you kind of fit the IEE description to me but feel free to disagree/discontinue our discussion here if it's getting too taxing for you.
    everything in Socionics is a matter of opinion (for now), so typing and argumentation for that opinion is a matter of common sense, not proof, 'mb' or not. even if a typer knew Snowgirl intimately, they would not be able to 'prove' her type to her or anyone else, only convince

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    @Snowgirl I think what you described can be considered non-type related.. because I think it is more connected to your upbringing and environments. Also, here..

    Extremely feminine manifestation (EII) as well as extremely masculine (SLE) are not considered harmonious.
    From what Gulenko has stated, it can be inferred here that women are more inclined towards rationality compared to men(?) What do you think?

    @nifl Great, I have no disagreement with you there

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    what you described can be considered non-type related..
    Which one I described?

    From what Gulenko has stated, it can be inferred here that women are more inclined towards rationality compared to men(?) What do you think?
    I don't think it's a correlation
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    @Snowgirl sorry, I meant when you explained why you think you're rational and not otherwise. (I think it's a bit non-type related but I could be wrong)

    Just wondering, have you tried taking the free online test on Gulenko's website itself?

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    @Snowgirl sorry, I meant when you explained why you think you're rational and not otherwise. (I think it's a bit non-type related but I could be wrong)
    Personally I avoid typing using 4 basic dichotomies ( I/E , N/S , T/F , P/J ) and I don't consider it a thing but the descriptions of rationality makes a lot of sense when I read it

    Just wondering, have you tried taking the free online test on Gulenko's website itself?
    Whenever I take it it gives me SLI
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    Personally I avoid typing using 4 basic dichotomies ( I/E , N/S , T/F , P/J ) and I don't consider it a thing but the descriptions of rationality makes a lot of sense when I read it.
    this whole statement reads like Ti-PoLR to me, lol (and there's nothing wrong with it!)

    Whenever I take it it gives me SLI
    I've tested as LSE before but I think it's just some alter-ego
    that made me got LSE or something like that..

    (also, I've said before in the Typology Random Thoughts thread but I believe SEEs (especially females because I believe they are the smarter sex) generally would be the best typology-typist. If you're still unsure of your type, maybe you can try to get 1 type you.. 'cause I don't think I'm SEE/potentially good as SEEs in typing others)

    Good luck.. ^^

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    a type with Ti (understanding of systems, logical order) and Ne (understanding of the potentials of situations and people and their hidden motivations/true character) is not the most suited to be a typologist. you have some strange ideas about Socionics - which is not so unusual for sensory ethicists, who on average have more difficulty than other types with grasping intellectual subjects.
    a keen perception of what people are on the inside = related to Ne. the people with a natural disposition towards typology should most often be Ne types, and presumably they are well-represented on forums such as this one. Alpha intuitives better understand the formal structure of the systems, Delta intuitives better understand how to use and understand typology (here Socionics is relevant) in relations, better understand which people they like and do not like. perhaps the Alphas are slightly better represented (not going by self-typing, as people mistype themselves into intuition more often than into sensing).

    anyways, having a type doesn't automatically qualify one for any work or field.

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    @nifl ok, thanks

  39. #6559
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    What do you guys think my type is? One thing I'm absolutely sure of is that I'm an emotivist and the second thing I'm mostly sure of is that I'm an introtim. What cognitive style do my posts most clearly reflect?
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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    What do you guys think my type is? One thing I'm absolutely sure of is that I'm an emotivist and the second thing I'm mostly sure of is that I'm an introtim. What cognitive style do my posts most clearly reflect?
    I haven't observe your behaviors here but ILIs are not emotovists
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