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Thread: I'm going to reveal to you who the real gammas are of this forum

  1. #41
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Si is not based on lived experience in the way you are saying. The sensing is of course lived, we sense things here and now. But what is being sensed is something un-personal, primordial. "Primordial" does not mean that it has been experienced before by the individual, but that it is inherited in the psyche itself. It comes from the collective unconscious. That's the opposite of personal.
    You say sensing is lived, but that Si is something deeper than lived experience. It is something collective. This is Ni not Si. Sensing is experienced by the senses and what you explain is a psychological phenomenon that is divorced from direct sensory experience, i.e. intuition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Both Se and Si could trigger personal memories of past experiences, such as in the example you are referring to. But that's natural because if you focus on sensation you might have memories of it. But that's not the essence of Si at all.

    Both Ni and Si are primordial and non of them are personal. Ni is about symbolism or primordial processes in the unconsious. And Si is a sensation with a primordial quality that comes from the psyche itself, reflecting the environment.
    By your definitions of Si and Ni I can't really see how the two are all that different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    In the same way the inner sensations of comfort, nervous phenomena etc. are not "personal", but belong to the primordial phenomena.
    I'm not sure how the sensation of comfort is a shared primordial experience, sometimes a chair is uncomfortable and it makes your ass numb nothing really all that deep and unconscious about it. Or I suppose another example is when an Si ego walks into a room and comments on the harsh lighting, is it really unconscious? No.

    TLDR: You need sensations to engage with your sensing functions, this is only done through direct physical experience, the concept of "experience" is historical in nature (past,present,future), Si relies on past experience.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange;[URL="tel:1513987"
    1513987[/URL]]No problem, @roger557. We’re all doing the best we can with the information available.

    FWIW, I think I write a lot on this forum because I don’t share anything about myself with anyone in real life, and so I use this place as a “Dear Diary” kind of thing. I can ramble on here and there are some very smart people who will sometimes comment and I get to learn things. That’s my motivation.

    To be frank, I’m both extremely literate and extremely intelligent, so I’m able to put sentences together. I also have an explorer’s impulse to go to new places and meet new people. That’s my method.

    When I was younger, I spoke almost not at all. Now, I talk to anyone and am understood by almost no one. That’s my curse.
    Just wanted to point out, supposing @Adam Strange really is an ILE, then @roger557 might want to explain why the man’s been doggedly pursuing a lasting relationship with his Conflictor this whole time.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    LIE-Ni: I guess Me.
    Massive doubt.
    Some sort of type with shit Fi, though, I'll give you that. It's the entire reason we butt heads.

    Then again, steamrolling others with your own judgment in an invalidating way is a behavior that's typical of LIEs, so maybe.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-08-2022 at 09:14 AM.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    Just wanted to point out, supposing @Adam Strange really is an ILE, then @roger557 might want to explain why the man’s been doggedly pursuing a lasting relationship with his Conflictor this whole time.
    I'm not sure what type I think Adam is, tbh...but I am significantly more willing to invest faith in his typing of himself than his typing of others. Types too many people as ESI. I get we're common, but when I read things like, "lady walking by is ESI" I can't take it seriously.

  5. #45
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycantrope View Post
    Besides, according to Jung, the type who have slight access to these images once in a while is the Introverted Intuitive types (ILI, IEI). Not Introverted Sensors.
    Si doesnt have any access to symbolic images like Ni. Ni goes deeper. Si simply senses a certain lustre or quality that comes from the unconscious and seems to cling to the objects around us. Understanding Si vs Ni is a matter of understanding this distinction.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Why are you guys so triggered being typed or not typed as Gammas? This seems like a clown fest, who cares really. It’s not like roger’s opinion would change who you are. He just said what he thinks with a slightly youtube clickbaity title. That’s it
    I'm not offended by not being typed as Gamma. I'm disgusted by the hubris and disrespect for others. My post is not about my type, it's about his character/treatment of others. My history with roger does play into this, though. My anger is seeded in an accumulation over time, not this post alone.

    Which is why I went a bit overboard and am deleting that post. It was built up resentment for this person's behaviors.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-08-2022 at 09:27 AM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Leviathan
    I'm not sure what type I think Adam is, tbh...but I am significantly more willing to invest faith in his typing of himself than his typing of others. Types too many people as ESI. I get we're common, but when I read things like, "lady walking by is ESI" I can't take it seriously.
    Yeah, I understand that, no worries.
    He has admitted in the past to not being great at typing people in this forum at least on one occasion, for what it’s worth.

  8. #48
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agate View Post
    You say sensing is lived, but that Si is something deeper than lived experience. It is something collective. This is Ni not Si. Sensing is experienced by the senses and what you explain is a psychological phenomenon that is divorced from direct sensory experience, i.e. intuition.
    It is both experienced by the senses and a "psychic" impression. You can just read Jung if you want the detailed explanation. It's not as simple that Ni is all about the unconscious and Si is not.

    By your definitions of Si and Ni I can't really see how the two are all that different.
    I replied to Lycantrope, here it is again if you didn't read it:

    Si doesnt have any access to symbolic images like Ni. Ni goes deeper. Si simply senses a certain lustre or quality that comes from the unconscious and seems to cling to the objects around us. Understanding Si vs Ni is a matter of understanding this distinction.

    I'm not sure how the sensation of comfort is a shared primordial experience, sometimes a chair is uncomfortable and it makes your ass numb nothing really all that deep and unconscious about it. Or I suppose another example is when an Si ego walks into a room and comments on the harsh lighting, is it really unconscious? No.
    Comfort or dizziness or tiredness etc are phenomena sensed by Si. These sensations are not personal in the sense that I don't create them. They are part of the inner world created by the mind.

    Commenting on the harsh lightning is likely wanting to limit the direct, objective sensations. No Se, please.

    You need sensations to engage with your sensing functions, this is only done through direct physical experience, the concept of "experience" is historical in nature (past,present,future), Si relies on past experience.
    Si is not about direct physical experience. It's a psychic impression evoked by direct physical stimulus (notice the distinction). When you are Si base you ignore this direct impact (Se) and instead focus on this psychic impression. You can think of it as being inside a bubble and only seeing the outside world distorted through the bubble. You sense things how they appear to you through the bubble, but it is not direct physical experience. This "bubble" is the minds primordial reaction to the environment.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  9. #49
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    That's just how LIEs state facts by the way they see it, thanks for the Ti ignoring I guess.
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  10. #50
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    I thought this was important, but maybe clickbait doesn't only exist in a platform such as youtube:

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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Sorry for off topic, but please don't spread false information. Si is not about past experiences. I don't know were this even comes from.
    What IM element records past experience? Because you can argue that X is not jung or that Y is not Keirsey all you want, things will be what they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agate View Post
    I'm suspicious Roger557 is a secret EIE (we have many here who have yet to be officially verified) because he really knows how to get a response from people.
    To be honest, I am not being myself completely on here, because I have a chip on shoulder lately due to a unpleasant life situation I'm living. So I'm more reactive than normal. Regardless, LIE-Ni have a good handle of their Fe role, even moreso if they are C sub DCNH.

    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I think @roger557 is ILI or EIE. Cant see LIE for him.
    Somewhat strange/amusing that you consider two such different types such as EIE and ILI, but regard LIE out of the picture. Sounds like you just want to kick me out of my presumed self typing. Which would matter if I self-typed, but I don't, so I don't care.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Leviathan View Post
    Massive doubt.
    Some sort of type with shit Fi, though, I'll give you that. It's the entire reason we butt heads.
    I can tell very well whether something is right/wrong or fair/unfair easily. Also I don't really think I've been truly disrespectful towards anyone on here. I've pushed the limits a bit but usually only if provoked. Take note that you are not the only one with life problems on here and that might make people more reactive.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The OP seems about 20 years out of date.
    There haven't been any prominent gammas in a long time.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Leviathan View Post
    I'm not offended by not being typed as Gamma. I'm disgusted by the hubris and disrespect for others. My post is not about my type, it's about his character/treatment of others. My history with roger does play into this, though. My anger is seeded in an accumulation over time, not this post alone.
    Hubris, yes. Disrespect, no.

    And I still don't like you and would appreciate if you refrained from writing and then deleting hateful tirades against me.

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    There haven't been any prominent gammas in a long time.
    Accidentally clicked constructive.

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Hubris, yes. Disrespect, no.

    And I still don't like you and would appreciate if you refrained from writing and then deleting hateful tirades against me.
    Youre entitled to your opinion, and Im entitled to mine.

    As for "hateful tirades," I don't hate you, even. I just don't like how much of a dick you are to others or your toxic psychological patterns. At this point I've moved on, I couldn't care less about your existence.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 05-20-2022 at 03:44 AM.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Somewhat strange/amusing that you consider two such different types such as EIE and ILI, but regard LIE out of the picture. Sounds like you just want to kick me out of my presumed self typing. Which would matter if I self-typed, but I don't, so I don't care.
    Eh no, it wasnt personal, EIE and ILI share the same cog which LIE doesnt have. I cant see Te base for you, I can see process Ni, thats all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Hubris, yes. Disrespect, no.

    And I still don't like you and would appreciate if you refrained from writing and then deleting hateful tirades against me.
    She's bipolar and seemingly unmedicated, a family friend that's a mental health professional agrees with me that she's some kind of narcissist. The best you can do is block her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean Man View Post
    She's bipolar and seemingly unmedicated, a family friend that's a mental health professional agrees with me that she's some kind of narcissist. The best you can do is block her.
    I'm against blocking people unless absolutely necessary, and I don't think that would benefit anyone.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I probably disagree with that, but I don't find the quadras useful or meaningful in any case.

    Say some exampkes of more recent gammas accordibg to you.

  21. #61

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Most recent people who self-type as a Gamma type.

    They can self-type all they want. Are they really gammas? Also, that, they're not even that many. And like I said in my original post, the *real* gammas didn't even self-type as such.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    They can self-type all they want. Are they really gammas? Also, that, they're not even that many. And like I said in my original post, the *real* gammas didn't even self-type as such.
    I don't find it especially helpful questioning someone's self-typing unless they are open to exploring other possibilities. Occasionally, there are instances where self-typings seem glaringly wrong to me, and yet there is rarely if ever a majority of people with an opinion thinking this. I also think on the whole great weight should be given to a person's self-typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I don't find it especially helpful questioning someone's self-typing unless they are open to exploring other possibilities. Occasionally, there are instances where self-typings seem glaringly wrong to me, and yet there is rarely if ever a majority of people with an opinion thinking this. I also think on the whole great weight should be given to a person's self-typing.

    Not in the case of gammas. For some reason, like I've said, you've got self-typed gammas who are not really gammas running around, and gammas who don't self-type as gamma laying low or mistyped. I've proposed why this could be: 1) the descriptions of gammas and the popular opinion about them, as ruthless capitalists, which is incorrect, which causes them to not identify and mistype. 2) Since the self-typed gammas are not really gammas, newcomers take them as the example, and think "hey, I'm not like this person, so I must not be the same type as them". 3) something undefined and odd that is going on that seems to want to imposter the gamma quadra.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I'm against blocking people unless absolutely necessary, and I don't think that would benefit anyone.
    Well, at least we know you aren't Fi- and Results in Model G. I'd say you're some kind of Process Fi+ person like @myresearch said. Would be interesting to see what Gulenko types you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ocean Man View Post
    Well, at least we know you aren't Fi- and Results in Model G. I'd say you're some kind of Process Fi+ person like @myresearch said. Would be interesting to see what Gulenko types you.
    You're a bit laughable, bro. Here you are, a total noobie, who thinks has got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls. I don't care what you say, nor I am particularly interested in getting typed by Mr. Gulenko, who types IEE's as "LSI-C". Btw, model G is not good nor useful. I am not a process type, I have -Fi DS, and LIE-Ni is sometimes very similar to EII. This is how warped typing gammas has become, because there are no clear examples in the forum of each gamma type. I've tried to solve this, by providing some examples of each type, so that people can inform themselves and compare. And here you are clumsily retyping me because probably you feel me as threat to your own self-typing (I'm starting to suspect that you are SLI).

  27. #67
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    ahhh yes, more battle typings pls

    "ew you're stupid, get out of my quadra, you're obviously ______"

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    You're a bit laughable, bro. Here you are, a total noobie, who thinks has got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls. I don't care what you say, nor I am particularly interested in getting typed by Mr. Gulenko, who types IEE's as "LSI-C". Btw, model G is not good nor useful. I am not a process type, I have -Fi DS, and LIE-Ni is sometimes very similar to EII. This is how warped typing gammas has become, because there are no clear examples in the forum of each gamma type. I've tried to solve this, by providing some examples of each type, so that people can inform themselves and compare. And here you are clumsily retyping me because probably you feel me as threat to your own self-typing (I'm starting to suspect that you are SLI).
    Yeah, you're definitely not LIE. I'd say you're a classic LSI-H. In fact, you're using a lot of CD Cognitive Style in your arguments. I'll allow you to type me whatever helps you sleep at night - you're really bad at Socionics and it's interesting to watch in action.

    You literally type EIEs as LIEs. Also your profile picture is a Knight, typical LSI fixation. Last time your avatar was a Beta NF female. I don't think you're self-aware enough to do that on purpose to mess with people.

    And I'm not a total "noobie" I'm in fact way better at this than you are. Gulenko actually asked me to become a student at one point in time, but, this is just a hobby for me and not my job. Furthermore, I know a real LIE typed in Model G, you communicate nothing like him.

    Edit: Oh and to address the last bit, I'm pretty sure it's actually you that "feels me as a threat" I was already officially typed by Gulenko and his team. Projection doesn't work on me, I'll talk to you again when you get typed by Gulenko. But I'm calling LSI for you right now, LIE? Nah, I'm not giving you that.
    Last edited by Ocean Man; 05-20-2022 at 10:14 PM.

  29. #69
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    You're laughable bro. Gtfo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    You're laughable bro. Gtfo.
    There's that LSI bite, everybody. That's some mean defensive Se. I think I'll stay right here, free speech is allowed after all.

    In fact, I'm going to reveal to you who the real LSIs are of this forum starting with @roger557

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Hopefully, by diggin' into their posting history, you can ascertain what each of those types truly is in behavior.
    BTW this creepy behavior is normally associated with Accumulators and not Generators in Socionics. LIE is a Generator, LSI is an Accumulator.

  32. #72
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    There is one way to quickly identify a Gamma of any type. If they honestly resonate with the statement "Life is a Game" than you're almost certainly dealing with a Gamma. The interaction of / and / will cause one to naturally conclude that there is an unbending and unalterable objective reality one must simply accept and adapt to. "A is A" and all that.

    That means "reality" has rules. Rules you can learn. Rules you cannot avoid playing by. Thus it is essentially a game and you have no choice but to play it for even your most earnest attempts to not play this game amount to "meta" strategies in regards to playing it. The Gamma NT's and SF's will word it all differently, differently enough to possibly trick you into thinking one side has not accepted this as fact but in truth both sides are in agreement.

    Life is a game for us Gamma types. A game with learnable and applicable rules. Learn and apply them to win. Refuse to do so and lose. Losing is bad. Don't lose if you can avoid doing so and if you must lose try to lose in a way that sets you up for a later success. The "Xanatos Gambit" is a trope fully embraced by the gamma. It's a thing they all aspire to engineer.

    Therefore, embrace the fact you're playing a game and act accordingly. This is a gamma mindset. Facing reality head on and adapting to it over trying to change or defy it somehow. Where we fail most often is in the pride department. Nietzche and Rand would have actually gotten it right if they had the humility to accept the fact that God and Christ are real and they ought to have acted like it. They didn't. Hence their errors.

  33. #73
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    What IM element records past experience?
    There is no such element.

    Because you can argue that X is not jung or that Y is not Keirsey all you want, things will be what they are.
    Socionics is unique that it actually gets the functions right, and especially Si, by following Jung. That's why the relationships work and we can understand Ne-Si duality etc, unlike MBTI.

    Why don't you like the Socionics/Jung definition of Si?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  34. #74
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    There is one way to quickly identify a Gamma of any type. If they honestly resonate with the statement "Life is a Game" than you're almost certainly dealing with a Gamma. The interaction of / and / will cause one to naturally conclude that there is an unbending and unalterable objective reality one must simply accept and adapt to. "A is A" and all that.

    That means "reality" has rules. Rules you can learn. Rules you cannot avoid playing by. Thus it is essentially a game and you have no choice but to play it for even your most earnest attempts to not play this game amount to "meta" strategies in regards to playing it. The Gamma NT's and SF's will word it all differently, differently enough to possibly trick you into thinking one side has not accepted this as fact but in truth both sides are in agreement.

    Life is a game for us Gamma types. A game with learnable and applicable rules. Learn and apply them to win. Refuse to do so and lose. Losing is bad. Don't lose if you can avoid doing so and if you must lose try to lose in a way that sets you up for a later success. The "Xanatos Gambit" is a trope fully embraced by the gamma. It's a thing they all aspire to engineer.

    Therefore, embrace the fact you're playing a game and act accordingly. This is a gamma mindset. Facing reality head on and adapting to it over trying to change or defy it somehow. Where we fail most often is in the pride department. Nietzche and Rand would have actually gotten it right if they had the humility to accept the fact that God and Christ are real and they ought to have acted like it. They didn't. Hence their errors.
    Get out of this body Petyr Baelish !!

    I'm just kidding. In fact I find what you wrote very insightful !

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    Nietzsche and Rand were Betas, @End.

    EDIT: OP has reductionism in spades.
    Last edited by ILoveChinchillas; 05-21-2022 at 11:22 AM.

  36. #76
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    can I be a gamma

    if only for this thread

    if only for a day

    @roger557 can I can I???

    I want to grow up someday and be a real Gamma
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Get out of this body Petyr Baelish !!

    I'm just kidding. In fact I find what you wrote very insightful !
    You'd be rather surprised how powerful invoking the name of Christ is if done seriously and earnestly. Hell, the fact that many of my opponents refuse to do so even in jest only further reinforces my conclusions. I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again there's good reason I'm a Christian. There are very serious consequences related to denying the rule "There is a supreme being, and he acts upon this world omnibenevolently" if you really factor it in as true.

    I'm no theologian, but I am a philosopher. I think I've even mentioned it somewhere that Socrates and Aristotle successfully deduced that there is only "one" god/supreme being and, by extension, the "pantheon" was bullshit. Aristotle is also typically typed as a LIE so yeah, Gamma mindset once again identifies the truth straight out of nowhere.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You'd be rather surprised how powerful invoking the name of Christ is if done seriously and earnestly. Hell, the fact that many of my opponents refuse to do so even in jest only further reinforces my conclusions. I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again there's good reason I'm a Christian. There are very serious consequences related to denying the rule "There is a supreme being, and he acts upon this world omnibenevolently" if you really factor it in as true.

    I'm no theologian, but I am a philosopher. I think I've even mentioned it somewhere that Socrates and Aristotle successfully deduced that there is only "one" god/supreme being and, by extension, the "pantheon" was bullshit. Aristotle is also typically typed as a LIE so yeah, Gamma mindset once again identifies the truth straight out of nowhere.
    Out of curiosity, if someone asked you to call upon Krishna in the same way you pray to Jesus, would you be willing to do it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Out of curiosity, if someone asked you to call upon Krishna in the same way you pray to Jesus, would you be willing to do it?
    Do you have any idea how hard I saw that one coming? I mean, fucking hell dude, did you not read the Bible? There is this dude called Saint Thomas Aquinas who is popularly labeled as an LII so consult what amounts to me consulting a type/quadra aligned identical. He spelled it all out in what we'd now call "autistic" detail. I am kinda due to re-read him somehow funny enough. Might wanna put it up on youtube now that I contemplate it as the most recent generations are so utterly fucked that they take the internet seriously.

    Gah, back to your challenge. I would not be able to earnestly do it, but I could do so mockingly. After all, Krishna is a false god and likely a demon. Yet even the followers of said false god dare to utter the absolute heresy that their god might fall short in the moral department. The Greeks looked down upon the infidelity of Zeus for instance. I'm sadly not exactly all that familiar with Hinduism but I'm willing to bet money I can't afford to lose that they do likewise. If Krishna "cheated" on his wife I bet they can and do say that Krishna "fucked up" as it were.

    In short, I'd have to bone up on Krishan and all he/she/it stands for before I could issue forth an effective and earnest mockery. Hell, my mockery might become the stuff of Hindu evangelism legend. Saul truly and earnestly hated Christ and all who followed him. Then that incident in Damascus happened. Paul is and ever will be the yardstick all other evangelists are measured against for damn good reason..

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Do you have any idea how hard I saw that one coming? I mean, fucking hell dude, did you not read the Bible? There is this dude called Saint Thomas Aquinas who is popularly labeled as an LII so consult what amounts to me consulting a type/quadra aligned identical. He spelled it all out in what we'd now call "autistic" detail. I am kinda due to re-read him somehow funny enough. Might wanna put it up on youtube now that I contemplate it as the most recent generations are so utterly fucked that they take the internet seriously.

    Gah, back to your challenge. I would not be able to earnestly do it, but I could do so mockingly. After all, Krishna is a false god and likely a demon. Yet even the followers of said false god dare to utter the absolute heresy that their god might fall short in the moral department. The Greeks looked down upon the infidelity of Zeus for instance. I'm sadly not exactly all that familiar with Hinduism but I'm willing to bet money I can't afford to lose that they do likewise. If Krishna "cheated" on his wife I bet they can and do say that Krishna "fucked up" as it were.

    In short, I'd have to bone up on Krishan and all he/she/it stands for before I could issue forth an effective and earnest mockery. Hell, my mockery might become the stuff of Hindu evangelism legend. Saul truly and earnestly hated Christ and all who followed him. Then that incident in Damascus happened. Paul is and ever will be the yardstick all other evangelists are measured against for damn good reason..
    I see. I asked because personally I have nothing particular against Hinduism, and "mocking" it isn't something I'm interested in. And I can't "earnestly" pray to Krishna because I don't believe in him. So if a Hindu asked me to do a similar challenge I'd be pretty reluctant to take it up. I don't think this is any more or less evidence for the power of Krishna's name as Jesus'. Anyway, what's the joke in making fun of other gods or religions? Just that they're wrong, or is it something else?

    Re Paul, it's especially amazing because his "evangelism" was a Roman covert operation.

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