Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
Se - Love is what we do and experience together. Beautiful partner, sex, fast cars, money, travel, "the bigger the better".

Te - I took you to dinner, I proposed to you, I bought you a ring, we got married, went on a honeymoon, bought a house. So I love you.
While I understand all these, this just exemplifies how I find Gamma and somewhat Beta romance cringe, also shallow. While I can't agree with everything my adolescent self said, but even then I found the whole "we have to buy a ring and get a legal contract" thing stupid. As far as I'm concerned, if we love each other and we plan on raising children, we're married. No need for a legal contract to financially fuck us over / "test" our love in the long term and buy a glorifed finger string that says "dont put peepee in other girls, bro". This stuff to me seems like more Decisive "let's create problems to test our willpower in the future" hogwash.

However despite everything I said, seeing my wife in a bridal dress.... I'd love to blast the most intense load in her while she's wearing that. God.... DAMN!!!! Rings are still stupid though. I remember a long time ago as a kid, my step-dad bought a ring for my mom. She was on the phone one time and I wanted to be a Sonic character so I chewed off the diamond from her ring... Yeah, I was grounded from playing that game.