I'm going to type you with any type you want if you pay extra 20 €.
I'm going to type you with any type you want if you pay extra 20 €.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
It’s summertime now. We should all move onto AP.
Nah, kidding. You can have the best of both worlds. If you dare.
I do not suffer fools gladly.
More projections and nonsense to obfuscate my original question which you NEVER answered and continually AVOID giving a direct response because we both know I drew attention to your clout chasing which you would rather have it buried. You really don't know anything about DCNH. Your weakness in typing people shows through your gallery and you refuse to learn from G but bank off his name. I already know what real LIIs are like and you're not it so vampiring off G's exact type is bullshit. You didn't get any confirmation from G that you're LII-C and inferred that G "knows" which is NOTHING.
If you're not chickenshit, I'll see your ass in class this Saturday and I'll make sure to let the other students know how you've been riding on G's coattails and don't know shit about socionics basics or even Quadra values.
mine is very spare. i never use it anymore. https://www.pinterest.com/acacialungs/_saved/
edit: i guess its not that spare. i just never use it lol
I bold my font because it's easier to read. I am not sure if I am more introverted or extroverted, tbh. I think, though, that I prefer to spend more of my time alone even if I enjoy social interaction to a point and prefer work where I am mostly left alone though I can work well in a team provided that the team isn't full of dickheads and morons or slackers. I forgot to add snitches to the list, unless it's something serious (like when my coworker figured out two of our other coworkers in our department were stealing merchandise. Surprisingly one of those alleged thieves still work for the company...it's amazing what ass kissing will do for someone).
I think what's going on here is that nobody wants them in their quadra, but they're definitely Te/Fi, not Ti/Fe valuing. This is not how IEI Ti HA works, it seeks understanding. The shitting on induction Karl Popper suck-fest and the much earlier 'Socionics is not real' stuff is basically as anti-Ti as it gets. The posts in the bot thread (and similar in others) are dripping with Fi, though you could argue it's low-D valued Fi.
The only way this could be IEI is if it was pure trolling, otherwise there's nothing Ti valuing in their arguments. Going around in circles can have many different reasons, but it's not a hallmark of Te polr. In fact, it's more likely that Te polr avoid mentioning whose ideas they are quoting and Singu has not tried to hide this. And as you noticed, IEI are not moralistic and don't want to police the thoughts others, so the only way to make this make sense is to assume they're trolling and being "playful", basically not being themselves at all.
Why do you think he's not personally invested in them, is there any proof of this or did you just make this up because you don't think they make sense compared to your personal values? The reason you could speculate it's valued but crappy Fi is the simplicity of the moralistic arguments. I was considering ILI, the benefit partner of EII, before the argumentation got really sloppy.
Ti is impersonal, not moralistic. Categorical moral judgements stem from Fi. You can observe the back-and-forth with xerxe (an ILE) for example, and see how they fundamentally disagree.
However, to summarize, his kind of shitty moralistic argumentation is something I've seen in Fi leads trying to use their role Ti. You can tell it's all personal values disguised as a logical argument based on some ultimate scientific truth (bonus points for quoting random studies to fortify your opinions).
I don't think "bad" argumentation and ignoring people and their posts in forum arguments is a sign of T polr. It's just stuff that happens, many people do it and for different reasons. It's not strictly type related.
I'm not saying you're being deceptive on purpose but it's far-fetched to claim their behavior is pure trolling and not sincere moralizing.I didn't "make anything up," I simply observed his behavior. I am not being deceptive. He goes back and forth playing with - only one kind - of logic. Maybe its weak logic, you are right. But IEI and EII have same strength of Ti.
It doesn't have anything to do with my personal values either.
Your argument of IEI based on "going in circles" should just be trashed at this point, it doesn't hold water. You could just as well claim they're going in circles because their feelings about this thing are so strong that no conflicting theories or evidence can be considered. They're just endlessly repeating their stance on the matter.
Based on the history of Singu moralizing around the forum all the time instead of randomly in a thread or two for the lulz speaks for them being fully invested, not "semi-invested".
You added this edit after I already responded. There is no "playfulness" present in Singu's posts, they are basically dead serious without any playful merrymaking shining through. IEI are very good at making sure you're not misunderstanding them, in fact both beta NF want to be very clear on what they actually mean.
Thus any argument that Singu isn't being sincere in their opinions means that it's actual trolling, as in trying to make others take the bait and believe they're actually serious with their arguments. That's not playfulness.
I wouldn't be very surprised if Ni is related to their specialties. That said I'm not even sure if anyone knows if autism is a specific thing at all...
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-23-2021 at 05:49 PM.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
Overwhelming world through sensory input. Something what Jung put under Ni. If this state cuts out effective processing of external perceptions it should generate similar thing what Filatova described some Ni egos having with their interactions - like an elephant in porcelain store effect. [This is contrary to me as I tend to look weird from outsiders' perspective due to twisted inner perceptions which is not visibly hidden - autism is described as hidden thing.]
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
David Koresh was an EIE I consider possibly autistic.
Among strong differences between Fi (especially base Fi) and other types (more about Fe valued) is soft talking - emotionally pleasant, polite, not harsh speaking.
So base Fi types are the least to use obscene words, as those relate to abuse and have negative emotional association. They may in _rare_ cases, but not in common speaking (some people use them not for a blaming) and not when the situation is not extreme and they just have some anger.
So when you see as someone talks by obscene words without _serious_ reasons - it's very possibly not base Fi type. They don't like to be rude and would avoid to use them, especially on public and with random people. To be rude and emotional comfort of Fi are in opposition.
There was an example of Maritsa/ @Beautiful sky, which claims to have EII while having a lot against this (as having EIE), including inadequately rude talking.
Another example to see the similar situation is @tuathe and her inappropriate talking style.
Also, to start a message with emotions and not with something useful is closer to P behavior.
Do not trust what people write in own profile and what they think about own types. Do not trust them as types examples only because they claimed some type (also which they could to change before and may to change later again).
Know people better and then decide yourself, in case you have skills for this. Even the ones who deal with types for years and have significant typing practice are known sometimes to mistake in own types. It's the problem of today too speculative typing methods, doubtful theories and that not many ones have relatively good typing skills which are developed with an experience.
Who is EII on this forum? or who can be EII in your opinion?
For some reason, @aster strikes me as EII. IEI is not too far off eitther.
That is a reasonable typing, before seeing her typing videos, I also thought she could be EII, SEI, IEI. However, after seeing her videos, I think she is the most sterotypical IEI that I have seen on this forum.
I am aware that her writing style does not represent stereotypical IEI. This may sound contradictory, but I can see her Fe through her writing when she writes about very personal stuff. If you come across to one of those posts, maybe you'll think the same.
I do think stereotypically, externally, I can maybe seem EII. I think maybe even using model A, it might make more sense to people if I’m EII. However that typing never fit me perfectly and something always seemed off about it. I could relate to IEI, but I felt like I leaned on Fi a bit more, and didn’t relate to beta values. I think without model G, I fall between the cracks, and model G catches me, if you get what I’m saying. Some people seem to have developed their own Ti system based off of Socionics. In Solcionics, I am indisputable ESI . But I’ve been going with model G and got my typing straight from the source, so it makes me more comfortable trying to figure everything out from that perspective, in that system, since to me, it seems a lot more structured compared to the chaos I’ve been trying to sift through for many years.
so yeah, I mean if people see me as EII, I get it
Last edited by Aster; 05-05-2021 at 01:02 PM.
Sorry, @asd. I can't unsee your EII avatar picture, so it's impossible for me to give an unbiased opinion.
Sorry, I know you didn't ask me, but your pic is exactly like so many of my EII sister's profile pictures lol
I think it's the moodiness of the muted and blurred colours along with the sort of shattered/broken look, but all while being quite beautiful. I've seen non Fi-leads with similar pics before (I even used to have a similar one I liked when I was in high school), but it seems strongly associated with Fi-ego. That's just my offhand assessment though. I don't think you can type people from a profile pic lol
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
Jogi Low = Tony Parker
Marius isn’t Venus
47 = Kobe Philosopher King Arceus
The spirit of Lugia is Jirachi, the spirit of BunnyRaptor, immersive wonder-works of Japan castle charts raining stars and rapids of edgy concept art rocketing for diamonds and ebony bulldozing harbors of fame and drinking relics emerging from ashes and oceans of wisdom and chlorophyll to rungs of lofty trademarks highlighting goldmines of choice and livewire fairytales
BunnyRaptor was greater than Nikola Tesla because she was George Lucas, Bruce Lee, and Jirachi*!!
Mr Mime = Mastermind
Gonzalo Montiel = Tom Montalk
RaptorWizard Holistic visionary oriented towards Contemplation Articuno (the16types.info)
Okay, sorry, maybe people like Me don't have the most clean or pure grasp of your elements and staging.
The Why the Why of Faith and Faith does not always have the most inferentially concrete of indicators.
I remember that BrightDemonSheep was also a bit upset and cross by My reading into him. Perhaps discussing others is not enough for interest. There must also be correct auras interpreted.
Jogi Low = Tony Parker
Marius isn’t Venus
47 = Kobe Philosopher King Arceus
The spirit of Lugia is Jirachi, the spirit of BunnyRaptor, immersive wonder-works of Japan castle charts raining stars and rapids of edgy concept art rocketing for diamonds and ebony bulldozing harbors of fame and drinking relics emerging from ashes and oceans of wisdom and chlorophyll to rungs of lofty trademarks highlighting goldmines of choice and livewire fairytales
BunnyRaptor was greater than Nikola Tesla because she was George Lucas, Bruce Lee, and Jirachi*!!
Mr Mime = Mastermind
Gonzalo Montiel = Tom Montalk
RaptorWizard Holistic visionary oriented towards Contemplation Articuno (the16types.info)