I mean the main reasons why G discarded ILI for me are not my 'logic' (formal logic A+ grade here during my studies) or 'interests' (and he quite had problems with choosing ILI or EIE there);
Yes, he thinks
my thinking is too fast and I speak too good to be an ILI. To put it that way: I literally got out of the ILI zone for my higher IQ. And that I have developed facial expressions compared to an ILI (which I myself still fail to see in those videos, as many others - I think North still gives me ILI over EIE, Alive and some others suggested LIE etc.).
There is also 'empathy is Fi, not Fe' argument he (G) made, which doesn't really stick if you carefully examine it. Because in many places he defines empathy as Fe (does exactly otherwise to what he said in analysis), and he himself acknowledged that I have problems with it. This is where socionics fails. Unless you admit that there are EIEs who are unable to feel other people, don't know their own emotions (and impact they may cause) and poorly know others' emotions.
He also never asked me any questions that would allow me to tell him that I'm in fact actively involved in events around me (likely not introverted subtype?), and the 'I'm alone and not visiting anyone' is tied to my current very poor mental health state. If you want to analyse it yourself, I have those videos and analysis. There is also a 50 minutes 'natural', never posted video happening before video 2, which G advised me to cut (and I re-record it, and on the actual video 2 you can see me /directly retelling things from memory as I've said before/ - and that video tipped G into thinking that I'm Ej, which is
a bit problematic).
PS: Ben Shapiro is typed LSI by him. I would advise you, @
Adios (you made a 'goodbye post' where everyone else on forums is so bad but apparently you are still there), to more carefully choose idols (I myself don't have any). I mean you are a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, so I should pity you a bit (I myself have OCD and panic attacks). Because your 'logic' and seeing the usefulness (uselessness) of actions is not there. End it. Speaking as you supervisor if I really am EIE (that makes you in a quite losing position, isn't it?).
(I forgot to ping @