Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Everyone knew they'd be a Trump meltdown now he's been fired but I wasn't expect him to act like such a baby.
Why not? Several DA's are standing by, ready to start investigations into Trump's dealing. Trump needs to be re-elected to keep the law off his back.

This is possibly his strategy: he knows perfectly well all these law suits aren't going anywhere, so the strategy is a different one. He has already succeeded in making many his voters believe the elections are a scam, now he uses the legal system, which is going to turn him down, to stir up his voters against that very legal system, which is, of course, part of Deep State. If he can get a significant number of his followers to take matters into in their own hands and resort to violence and start a revolt, there might be chance that he stays in power, or so he believes. Sturmabteilung tactics. Another possible strategy also comes down to stirring up his followers, but this time to put himself an a favorable position for negotiations: quid pro quo, or "if you keep the law off my back, I will keep my enraged followers off yours."