The slime is not in a troublesome spot for you. While you turn back you catch a glimpse of some bugbear guts. Looks like the big guy is still in a bad shape. You run to the flame flask. At that point you feel an item hit you in the back. Glass breaks and you feel acid in your back. A horrible smell accompanies the burning sensation.
You're down to 30% health.

(You roll 12:03 AM )
You turn the flameflask around and you manage to catch the first goblin running at you straight in the face. The critter runs back into the other room getting in the way of others and pushing another goblin into the sticky slime.

Quickly you open the cage door and you're now next to the lizard. No one else has yet entered the room.

Now that you're near the lizard you notice the lizard has six legs. They seem very birdlike.

How do you want to wake it up or do you change your plan...
Whad do you do?