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I don't know why you felt the need to make such a comment, but whatever. duality rarely happens in peaceful times, because duals live in competely different enviroments and usually don't like each other. it happens especially rare if you come from a non-dual family.
V. Gulenko: is a dual appreciated right away? No, from a distance a dual isn't appealing. This type of relation develops only within close distances, only then you begin to appreciate your dual. If you've run into trouble and your dual has helped you, you sense he can provide help further on. Until you sense that returning energy, that he/she is off-loading problems from your shoulders, duals are usually not appreciated. That's why dual appeals the most when you're facing difficulties, but when you're feeling fine, no problems, no depressions, nobody is oppressing or coercing you, you're doing what you like, in this case where are you going to be pulled? Not to your duals, not to your quadra ... but to your Club. Humanitarians will be attracted to other Humanitarians [NF to NF] etc.