Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
Yes, mono-ethnic nations are only going to happen in a few select 1st world nations that are actively trying to do it atm (Japan, South Korea, Hungary, Poland, Italy and Australia) and I have accepted that. The rest of the 1st world nations that have chosen that route require strict controlled immigration and cultural assimilation via integration in an inevitable multi-ethnic society.
I don't know if you're confusing it with Austria, but Australia is already an multi-ethnic, multi-cultural country like Canada.

A lot of the countries in Asia and Africa are already multi-ethnic or multi-cultural.

Japan, South Korea and North Korea are a special case, because they've been heavily influenced by the "racial purity" ideology of the Empire of Japan, which was influenced by... Nazi Germany. They've basically copied their ideas from the Nazis. Before that, there were no concept of race or ethnicity or nations. People belonged to certain clans or fiefdoms or tribes, and they were loyal to them. So they needed something, a fictional idea to unite people to create the concept of a nation for the war efforts.

Most countries pretty much only accept highly-skilled immigrants. The US being one of them.