
This is just fun--->

This was posted by an EIE in one of the VK socionics groups:

"In conflict dyads there is an almost identical view of the opposing dyad, which goes something like this:

Hugo and Robespierre vs. Napoleon and Balzac

Us: one very smart dude, and the other's all hip and the soul of any company.
Them: two grimacing idiots.

Zhukov and Esenin vs. Stirlitz and Dostoevsky

Us: the almighty god of Olympus and his favorite kind gentle pusechka.
Them: a cruel tyrant and his useless fawning lackey.

Don Quixote and Dumas vs. Jack and Dreiser

Us: an unrivaled genius and a "grey cardinal".
Them: a vulgar clod with a stick up one place and a desperate housewife.

Hamlet and Maxim vs. Huxley and Gabin

Us: an artful manipulator and a chill hero of "Equilibrium".
Them: a quarrelsome histrionic and an object of furniture.