Quote Originally Posted by Viktor View Post
I think he's EIE in model G. The way he talks is very dramatic (-)
My Fe DS says nah. He's dry af. Maybe passionate about his own Ti thoughts but dry beyond that.

and although he has a very crirical mind, I think he is more focused on having an emotional impact on people, rather than just making logical statements. Because he is very logical, he has an image of being a spokesperson of reason and truth, but often he makes statements that are more dramatic than true, which isn't necessarily bad, he has a positive effect on people, but sometimes he sacrifices simplicity for the sake of making a point or to make an impact on people. For example, he once said that "emotional intelligence doesn't exist", because he argued that it was the same thing as agreeableness.
That's just his Ti opinions. Interesting how he thinks Agreeableness is basically Feeling tho' heh... It does have a pretty decently strong correlation to MBTI Feeling, but I think the problem with his pov is that placing emotional intelligence inside a Big Five framework is not conducive to researching and developing a more refined understanding of it. He's just too stuck in crappy Big Five.

And he doesn't like the concept of self esteem, because he wanted to make some point about how you need to earn self respect and that self esteem is the same thing as saying that "everyone gets a medal" and that we should all be proud od ourselves foe no reason.
Lol seems like a Ti pov with him not liking that concept... at least in my case, I do think self-respect makes way more sense, since it's not a touchy-feely thing (yah Feeling/Ethics) like self-esteem. As for the last part of his reasoning here, I disagree with that though. It makes me feel like he's even less clear on some Feeling related things than I am and that's saying a lot lolol

Well, emotional intelligence is a term that refers to something, and so it's useful for communication, and saying that it doesn't exist is just dramatic for no reason and because he's trying to sell the idea of big 5.
It's 1D Fe dramatic at best.

And saying that he dislikes self esteem is also another edgy thing he says to make people pay attention.
That actually was just citing some idea from a theory, not really an edgy thing.

I'm rambling, but hopefully you get the point, he's dramatic, talks about the world as if it's a magical heroes journey
Ne for the bolded. Ew.

Also, he's seeking, he wants to bring order back to the world, but jordan is not the order, jordan is a poetic mess that rambles about frogs and lobsters for hours
Lol uhh that's kind of what alpha NTs are about. Rambling about theories to people all day in lectures and wanting to start new world order that way heh. But that part needs Se.

Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
oh yeah I agree with all that. i think people being Fe is fine like I've said all along, I think that's what rubs betas the wrong way, they can't accept that as a premise of mine when interpreting whatever I'm saying. if you re-read my post and, for the sake of argument, assume I'm not implicating beta as evil, it should make a lot more sense
It didn't rub me the wrong way. The idea about drawing the line between things based on personal values is full-on Fi lol... Sure everyone has some of this but LSI never thinks that this should be the main way of deciding things. It's such an antithesis to Ti.

Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
identifying yourself with the cordialities that accompany your office is Fe. its essentially how you sort out "your place" in some objective sense. brightest when combined with aristocracy and seeks out active "social climbing" this is what is meant by LSI seeking to get into a system and climb the ladder. they expect everyone wants to do this so they see enforcement of the ladder as a kind of service to likeminded people
I'm soc-last so it's not really directly social climbing, what I do, but yeah I'm hierarchical like that otherwise.