Beta NF
Beta NF
Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.
1) this assumes you've typed Dane Cook correctly
2) intensity =/ sophistication. in a certain sense they're equally "sophisticated", with offset intensity, because they're both comedians, highly sophisticated Fe is going to transcend a comedy act, its more like pure philosophy. what makes Carrey "try hard" on Fe is precisely his philosophical turn of late
INFj cuz he's passionate and weird and downright spits his feeling out. Who's with me?
Alththa quadrant
7w6 3w2 9w1 or um 1w9
731, 713.....................yes
I've been a fan of Jim Carrey for many years. Many people irl say that I look like him, with certain facial expression, lol. We do share a common eastern European heritage, so I can see why. He has very slavic facial features imo.
Jim starting to look a lot like Johnny Knoxville
I just realised he is LIE, same as James Woods
I think LIE, too. Sure, he seems random and silly like an alpha, but I think his comedy has a very procedural element to it. He forces the silliness out and directs it with a kind of rigidity that ILEs like FilthyFrank lack. In other words, it almost has a try-hard quality, like he saw Ne performers or Ne people in his life and boiled the style down to a science. And it's not like he sucks at it, either (LIE has 4D Ne). For the most part, I enjoy his work.
Jim Carrey is obnoxious.
Hillary Clinton is my conflictor for sure as ENTJ. I have ENTP & INTJ friends and even had INTP too. Remember many are mistyped who think they know what they are so be careful.
All I know is I've always found Jim Carrey's performances wildly irritating except when he was under heavy direction in Liar Liar. I always tried to like him and that one was mildly entertaining.
I type Clinton as ENTj, too.
Sure, but the hypothesis that Carrey is your conflictor would lose water if your self-typing is incorrect.
Out of curiosity, what did you think about Clinton's attempts to be humorous or connect with her audience? Are there any underlying reasons? Do they converge with your feelings about Carrey?
If they are both ENTj, then they both have Fe role (weak, forced Fe).
SLE-Ti or maybe SEE is my guess for now.
Last edited by vesstheastralsilky; 01-31-2019 at 04:18 PM.
~* astralsilky
Each essence is a separate glass,
Through which Sun of Being’s Light is passed,
Each tinted fragment sparkles with the Sun,
A thousand colors, but the Light is One.
Jami, 15th c. Persian Poet
Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...
he looks like Kyle MacLachlan
I think he could be Fe. Beta NF mb. I don't find his facial expressions or humor funny. I preferred his serious roles, like in eternal sunshine or the truman show. Those movies had interesting plots and topics. He basically has just one funny character (that repeats over and over, same facial expressions, postures, everything...) so I don't think he's really skilled as comedy actor.
I watched a documentary about him once. He would go into character and proceeded to pester everyone on set while still in character. The other actors found it irritating. He also admitted a great part of the reason he went into comedy was to make everyone like him. Attention-starved. Whatever type, he's the annoying subtype.
I think he's LIE or EIE.
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ripped from the comments section.
Some interesting metaphors / similes & personal quotes, 3:41
"life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you."
7:24 "there's a huge difference between a dog that is going to eat you in your mind and an actual dog that is going to eat you."
8:09 "beware the unloved because they will eventually hurt themselves"
11:41 "you can fail at what you don't want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."
13:51 "the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is."
19:49 "My soul is not contained within the limits of my body. My body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul."
22:00 "How tricky is this (our) ego that it would tempt us with the promised of something we already possess."
24:08 "When I say, life doesn't happen to you, or happens for you, I really don't know if that's true. I am just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way."
Yeah, I'm gonna say EIE.
After studying Model G, it is impossible for Jim Carrey to either be ENTP or ENTJ. This is due to the fact that his Fe is not only through the roof but also his primary defining factor is Fe and it is negative (-Fe) and he has no Fi much like EXTPs. ENTJs generally have a good sense of their own feelings and therefore are better with relationships instead of shocking people like ENFJs. Also, ENTPs have a very weak -Fe, -Ni, +Fi, and somewhat useful +Se (though weak). Only someone utilizing negative Fe can dramatize their emotions vs showing their authentic and nondramatic emotions (+Fe). If he was an ENTJ he would be using role +Fe being a left result type vs a right process type like ENTPs and ENFJs.
Who in the world would debate Jung on his own type?
Jim Carrey is IEE