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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Spencer)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (Spencer)

    Please let me introduce myself, a second time. Hi, I’m Spencer. I joined the forum a view months ago and changed my name since then (formerly cinnamon). I can’t decide what’s my type and honestly I’m still don’t know enough about socionics to contribute anything useful but I would be happy if you could share some of your insights about my type.

    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2
    Tell me about yourself.
    You know those kind of people in group settings who sit quietly in a corner, as if they’re judging everyone, proper, not smiling, not talking and probably have fucking clipboard in their hands? That’s me. That being said, I don’t care about anyone and there is a high chance that I’m not listening. I probably hide my a phone behind that clipboard and browse reddit. Meetings of any kind where people use fancy words like “group work”, “motivation” and powerpoint presentations with colorful pretty diagrams are useless and hold everyone back from achieving actual results and I think that’s everything anyone needs to know about me.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I plan to study in college.Something technical maybe. On the side I do small jobs like delivering papers or helping out on festivals. Currently I’m working in a café but not for long.

    What are your values, and why?
    I don’t know what to do with the word “values”. I don’t mean to say that values don’t exists or that I have no respect for people who find their own values very important, it’s just that I never wrote down what (moral) values I find important besides common sense.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    In my free time I do a lot of research on anything that currently interests me. That’s a.t.m. handwriting analysis, body language, typology, history and politics. I have a long list of things that I want to read about but way to little time.
    Because I like understanding people and humanity as a whole but I also want to learn things that are applicable. Like body language. You can make people feel at ease around you by adjusting your body language or by saying the right things. Is that manipulation? Yes.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    We have an ok relationship but I don’t feel like I belong there. I feel like I had to be the adult most of the time.
    I have many acquaintances and positive relations to them. I consider only one or two people to be real friends of mine because they are the only ones who let me talk about my opinions without getting offended.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I don’t like talkers. I mean people who talk about plans and ideas but can’t deliver. I don’t take promises seriously(anymore) and only work with things that are tangible or signed. People who change their mind frequently or cancel plans at the last moment annoy me.
    I enjoy planning trips, gifts, nights out and financial investments and when someone takes it away from me or says that he or she wasn’t serious about it anyway it upsets me quite a bit. I think I’m a very literal person so I don’t understand clues or any form of communication that “indicates” anything.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I was out with two girl that I know for years. We were sitting in a cafe and we saw how an “old man” (late forties) gave his old wife a kiss and the girls said it should be forbidden that old people kiss each other in public. I laughed at first because I thought they can’t be serious but they were. In their opinion it's gross to look at and disruptive. I just kept quiet so it did not escalate into a conflict but I was shocked. If you don't like to see something that does not hurt anyone just look away. Why would you want to forbid people something like that wth.

    How would your friends describe you?
    I don’t really have “friends” only acquaintances. But they say that I don’t talk much, I’m a poker face with dry humor and knowledgeable. I’m serious, mostly unemotional on the outside, orderly, principled and have little patience for pranks because I’m too sensitive and inflexible. Apparently I make funny remarks and I don’t know how I appeal to people (It’s meant to be a positive remark) but don’t know what they mean about that. Maybe that I’m a bit clue. Maybe my sociotype can explain that.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Although people often criticise that I’m inflexible and impatient I feel like they don’t really see me for who I am. I’m not impatient. There are countless incidences where I waited hours for them without complaining. I’m always there when someone needs me. I consider myself easy going and I’m not half as principled and orderly as I like to make people think. I let people be who they are as long as they respect my need to for predictability and don’t let me wait on purpose. I’m independent but have no delusions about my cognitive abilities and don’t brag (because I don’t like being watched).
    make others laugh when they feel down, memorize what they like and what gives them joy (their hobbies, favorite movies, names of children and their birthdays). I’m reasonably good at small talk, notice when someone feels awkward and do something about it.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can’t help but being a bit passive aggressive once I’m irritated. I always know better. I don’t talk enough and I’m to rigid, strict, impatient, selfish and critical. I don’t like risks of any kind and therefore I’m not much fun. I’m less humorous i.r.l than in text messages and I need years to feel comfortable around someone. I never open up about my feelings. I’m very literal and don’t understand hints.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Nowhere. Don’t stay in my way.
    No, wait. Opportunities. I like people who give me honest opportunities that are not just empty talk. I don’t need help to accomplish my goals I just need someone who points at an open door.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Making petty powerpoint presentations or anything that I consider useless. I like ironing my clothes. No joke. I don’t get up in the morning like “yay I get to iron my clothes for two hours today!” but keeping my stuff in order and having everything prepared to go somewhere spontaneously but in tidy clothing is like meditating.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I only have short term goals. Big plans for the future are useless for me because I can’t control anything and things never turn out the way I envision them. The only thing I know is that I know shit.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I would buy a house in the woods and come to that place as often as I can. I would love to visit foreign countries but not big cities like paris, new york a.s.o but the smaller places where the culture and day to day life of normal people shows. I like to observe other cultures, listen to their music, understand their traditions and why and how they made them. One of my ideals it “to understand all you must forgive all” and while I certainly can’t forgive all aspects of cultures that make me uncomfortable I still want to understand them. I want to read about them and tell others about my impressions and random facts. I want to taste different dishes, see beautiful architecture, smell the air, and just listen to sounds of the environment. I don’t enjoy (but I’m also opposed to) action and dangerous situations but what I would enjoy most would be a long trip through a foreign city or forest with or without a plan (as long as I or we stay on the move and don’t just mingle around somewhere).

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    People who bump into things because their have their heads in the clouds.
    ...By bump into things I mean furniture not car accidents.
    I don’t mind when people embrace who they are. Be it their culture, their clothing style, music, weird laughter and habits or geekiness.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I like to keep my place in order. I can’t or don’t feel at peace with my environment when things are not in order (no OCD just tidy). I like wide spaces and modern design.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I’m usually very nice to strangers because it’s the best way to achieve a positive result. Although people who know me since forever call be a stoic I can be very friendly, even enthusiastic and smiley around people but once I feel like they grew comfortable around me I switch back to my introverted selv. I know how to make people like me (or at least not hate me) and I keep most if not all my opinions, aspirations and viewpoints to myself and I’m an attentive listener who keeps his promises and talks no shit about other people behind their back. I’m probably the best boring model citizen you ever met.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I can make people cry when I’m angry. That happened twice and with the purpose to make them know that they can’t treat me badly. Insults don’t hurt me but criticism concerning my working style make me feel bad. I hate quarrels and when I hear people shout at each other I want to leave the place a soon as possible. Once someone called me selfish and that irritated me quite a bit because I don’t have any talents that a worth mentioning but I do care a lot about other people and I don’t want anyone to think that I would make a bad friend or acquaintance.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    No one is special. Even the most impressive people don’t have a clue about what they are doing and have a lot of hidden insecurities. We put on masks to make people think that we are competent, brave, kind...but we’re just overly complex beings who try to construct something like a purpose for life. Once you come to that realization no one can intimidate you. No one can blind you with their awesomeness, money, intelligence, promises or whatever.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Sleep. Eat. Repeat.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Is finishing school an accomplishment? I don’t know. I don’t take much pride in anything.

    What is something you regret?
    I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never kissed anyone. I’ve spent a lot of my time chasing love interests, asking them out and going on dates but either we would not work together, have different life aspirations or they find me not very interesting. I regret that I never got a kiss because now I feel like I’ve missed something very important in school life and no one my age will want to be in a relationship with me.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Atm no one.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    See “What is something you regret?”

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I’m not religious.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Once the ukraine crisis started I researched about world politics, history and media like mad but as time passes by you learn that most threats and promises are hot air and that you can’t do anything about the people who get shot by drones, or get killed by religious fanatics, social injustice and racism. The only thing I can do is personify my own ideals which stop hurting people, what's wrong with you, get a hobby.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I would not start a business (no ideas, no intuition for possibilities and to scared of unforeseen incidents) but I like the idea of being an irreplaceable but mostly independent assistant who gets the job done.
    If I was a criminal I would be into money laundering.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I don’t really care about the content of a job. The people matter most.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Philosophy. In general I did not have any favourite subjects. No matter how much I learned all tests felt like surprise tests. I was never able to solve the discrepancy between knowing every detail about the topic but not being able to see what exactly the tests want from me. I found the questions very vague.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    Just please make no trouble.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I raise money for my tuition so I’m never on vacations. The closest thing that comes to a vacation are watching movies in the theatre. Last week we(a close friend) watched Wonder Woman in a completely empty theatre at midnight and I found it great. The experience. The movies didn’t matter.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    Extremely shy and a loner. Best grades in primary school and pretty ok in high school. I’ve always been responsible but also very sensitive to criticism.

    What was your high school experience like?
    I was a loner at first but things got better with time. I was very shy and never challenged my teachers although I disagreed with most of them.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I don’t know. I didn’t have a worse or better life than most people and don’t see any significant events that changed me. I mean I did change with time from a shy person who does not talk much to a more confident person.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I like kids but I don’t want them near me. To noisy and sticky.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Google: Responsible parents.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Life has no meaning and neither your religion nor your netflix, cult, political party or slogans can change that. Stop lying to yourself and drink a coke and enjoy the little things.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I tell you social problem: religion and the unwillingness to questions faith of any kind. Our morals don’t come from the bible. I feel like most christians did not even read that book.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    Nothing. I get over it.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I don’t really like taking leadership roles because most people have their own head(which is good in most instances) and don’t adhere to plans.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    I’m usually in a state of indifference and I don’t care much about most things but I can get worked up about rude customers, slackers who don’t take their job seriously and hamper other people in the process. I also don’t like it when people are late for reasons that are 100% their own fault. Messages like “I’m there in 2 minutes” and ultimately taking nearly an hour annoy me very much. I’ve been very angry maybe 3 times in my live. When that happens I don’t shout or gesticulate wildly but I can make people cry with words and stares.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Saw a good friend again for the first time in weeks.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Nothing. I don’t make choices that can potentially hurt me in the future and so far I’m free of any strategies that are out of my control.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    I find other people houses very interesting. It mirrors who they are.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I’m most comfortable in jeans, a shirt and sports shoes or oxford shoes because classy.

    Do you like surprises?
    Don’t think so.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    You know what would be cool? An Iron Man suit.

    Last edited by Spencer; 08-24-2017 at 05:36 PM.

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    INxj or p, but most likely j.

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    @Spencer: ISTx should be sure. I see strong Ti/Si axis and a weak Fe/Ne axis as well. I lean more towards LSI than SLI. This is because of your obvious Ij Temperament, very much Introverted and Rational. You seem Fi Role (always nice with people, not critic even though you can't stand their opinion) and, consequently, Te Ignoring. I don't know precisely though. My input is: either LSI-Ti or SLI-Te (in my opinion, the first is more likely).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Your caregiver in turn View Post
    INxj or p, but most likely j.
    What makes you think that he's an Intuitive? Just curious, because I was quite sure about S > N.

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    I agree with User Name. I would check out SLI. Seems like Fe would annoy you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I like ironing my clothes.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    @Spencer: ISTx should be sure. I see strong Ti/Si axis and a weak Fe/Ne axis as well. I lean more towards LSI than SLI. This is because of your obvious Ij Temperament, very much Introverted and Rational. You seem Fi Role (always nice with people, not critic even though you can't stand their opinion) and, consequently, Te Ignoring. I don't know precisely though. My input is: either LSI-Ti or SLI-Te (in my opinion, the first is more likely).

    Thanks I'm not sure if I'm able to decide between Ij and Ip temperament. I've read the descriptions on wikisocion but I can't picture how an Ij and an Ip would behave differently in day to day settings. Could you give me an example or some characteristics? I'm curious. How do I express Te ignoring?

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    @User Name Honestly she seems contradictory. Anyway to me its more intuitive. First, the way she describes herself seems like taken from a novel. I've never seen a sensor describe him/herself like that and her intetests are pretty intuitive, seek info, know new cultures (that doesnt interest me really, neither all the sensors in my family, for example; people is not a mystery to me and they are more or less the same anywhere, and my 1DFe doesnt feel interested in knowing much more about ppl either...not their homes, cultures or their corporal language, honestly, but I've seen intuitives fascinated by that because it excites their intuition), and how on earth a sensor goes out in dates but don't kiss? The only stuff that could indicate interest in physical stuff is related to intuitive stuff, like body language for manipulative purposes.

    She talks about ideals and one of her fav subject was philosophy and she has strong anti religious convictions even when she's young (not seen often in sensors either in my experience). When I was at her age I couldn't care less about that kind of things, neither sensors in my circles.

    There are a difference between wanting, aspiring or yearning for sensorial stuff and actually doing it (I mean being a sensor). To me all her interests in sensorial stuff are in the plane of seeking.

    Anyway I don't think that questionnaires are a good way for typing ppl and often I can't conceive how people who are STs could have deep doubts on their types. If you go to sensor forums in the web, you could notice that its pretty rare to see threads about "type me" or "I can't decide my type", etc.

    Finally, I've seen especially in this forum, huge misconceptions in the matter of dimensionality... f.e. ppl in here tend to think in 1DFe when someone says: I like quiet places, don't like noisy ppl, I like doing things by my own, etc.

    Thats not 1DFe, that could be just being introverted. 1DFe is problems or aversion (feeling/being unable) to express emotions openly and deep feelings, especially face to face; also don't wanting or not being able to fit into social environments (irl), especially with emotional tone or where display of emotions is important. The 1D means that certain function is experienced in first person only, purely experiential, not social, not normative, not socially manipulative, not anything like that. Just you and yourself. That's why ILIs and SLIs came as strange, weird, angry, asocial, antisocial, serious, or arrogant, you name it. Pretty much I don't even think that 1DFe could be really perceived through writings.

    BUT, my opinion and my experience obviously. I respect views.
    Last edited by Hope; 08-24-2017 at 08:59 PM.

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    Sensing litmus test v0.01:

    Let's say you are in the forest. What kinds of things captures your attention?

    Is it colors, textures, paths, etc?
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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    @Your caregiver in turn beware of my magical and super effective body language powers. I can tell your subconscious to go get me a coffee by the way I cross my arms.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    Sensing litmus test v0.01:

    Let's say you are in the forest. What kinds of things captures your attention?

    Is it colors, textures, paths, etc?
    I like the forest partially because I grew up in an area where the woods where close by. I like that I can be alone there and contemplate or just think nothing and listen to the sounds of the wind, birds, insects and my own footsteps. The best moments are when I can observe an animal like a great woodpecker or even a deer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    @Your caregiver in turn beware of my magical and super effective body language powers. I can tell your subconscious to go get me a coffee by the way I cross my arms.

    *goes and prepares coffee*

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    People who change their mind frequently or cancel plans at the last moment annoy me.
    I enjoy planning trips, gifts, nights out and financial investments and when someone takes it away from me or says that he or she wasn’t serious about it anyway it upsets me quite a bit. I think I’m a very literal person so I don’t understand clues or any form of communication that “indicates” anything.
    This is very much Rational. And it's one of the reasons I think LSI > SLI.

    Te Ignoring is just a logical consequence of Fi Role. By the way, I haven't found any info related directly to it.

    @Your caregiver in turn: Well, she seems to like discovering new cultures just for the sake of observing and analyzing them (I see it related more to Ti and not very much to Intuition). It's normal that she doesn't kiss on dates: she's Fi Role (very distant in communication), no matter if she's a Sensor or not. I'm pretty sure that religiousness is not strongly related to Intuition and, besides this, she's a Ti Leading type. Of course she'll be skeptical about faith, gods and stuff like that.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    no ideas, no intuition for possibilities and too scared of unforeseen incidents
    No one is special.
    I’m probably the best boring model citizen you ever met.
    I don’t have any talents that are worth mentioning
    I’m very literal and don’t understand hints.
    have little patience for pranks because I’m too sensitive and inflexible
    people often criticise that I’m inflexible
    Do you like surprises? - Don't think so.
    I don’t like risks
    I don’t like talkers. I mean people who talk about plans and ideas but can’t deliver. People who change their mind frequently or cancel plans at the last moment annoy me. I think I’m a very literal person so I don’t understand clues or any form of communication that “indicates” anything.
    things never turn out the way I envision them.
    I don’t make choices that can potentially hurt me in the future
    Life has no meaning

    Come on, people! A screaming Ne PoLR! Ij incarnate! And Fi is all over the place, ethical focus:

    I don’t really care about the content of a job. The people matter most.
    ^^^^Said no logical type EVER
    Our morals don’t come from the bible. I feel like most christians did not even read that book.
    make them know that they can’t treat me badly.
    I don’t talk enough and I’m too rigid, strict, impatient, selfish and critical.
    I’m usually very nice to strangers because it’s the best way to achieve a positive result. I know how to make people like me (or at least not hate me) and I keep most if not all my opinions, aspirations and viewpoints to myself and I’m an attentive listener who keeps his promises and talks no shit about other people behind their back.
    Saw a good friend again for the first time in weeks.
    I like to observe other cultures, listen to their music, understand their traditions and why and how they made them. One of my ideals it “to understand all you must forgive all” and while I certainly can’t forgive all aspects of cultures that make me uncomfortable I still want to understand them.
    I was out with two girls that I know for years. We were sitting in a cafe and we saw how an “old man” (late forties) gave his old wife a kiss and the girls said it should be forbidden that old people kiss each other in public. I laughed at first because I thought they can’t be serious but they were. In their opinion it's gross to look at and disruptive. I just kept quiet so it did not escalate into a conflict but I was shocked. If you don't like to see something that does not hurt anyone just look away. Why would you want to forbid people something like that wth.
    I disagreed with most of them.
    I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never kissed anyone. I’ve spent a lot of my time chasing love interests, asking them out and going on dates but either we would not work together, have different life aspirations or they find me not very interesting. I regret that I never got a kiss because now I feel like I’ve missed something very important in school life and no one my age will want to be in a relationship with me.
    I have many acquaintances and positive relations to them.
    those kind of people in group settings who sit quietly in a corner, as if they’re judging everyone, proper, not smiling, not talking and probably have fucking clipboard in their hands? That’s me. That being said, I don’t care about anyone and there is a high chance that I’m not listening.
    The only thing I can do is personify my own ideals which stop hurting people, what's wrong with you, get a hobby.
    I’m always there when someone needs me.

    Ni is valued:

    we’re just overly complex beings who try to construct something like a purpose for life.
    I’m not impatient. There are countless incidences where I waited hours for them without complaining.
    I let people be who they are as long as they respect my need to for predictability and don’t let me wait on purpose.
    I researched about world politics, history and media like mad but as time passes by you learn that most threats and promises are hot air and that you can’t do anything about the people who get shot by drones, or get killed by religious fanatics, social injustice and racism.

    Fe is devalued but there is awareness - ignoring function, Fi/Te are emphasized [bolded] instead:

    I hate quarrels and when I hear people shout at each other I want to leave the place a soon as possible.
    I’m serious, mostly unemotional on the outside
    make others laugh when they feel down, memorize what they like and what gives them joy (their hobbies, favorite movies, names of children and their birthdays). I’m reasonably good at small talk, notice when someone feels awkward and do something about it.
    Although people who know me since forever call be a stoic I can be very friendly, even enthusiastic and smiley around people but once I feel like they grew comfortable around me I switch back to my introverted self.
    I can make people cry when I’m angry.
    have little patience for pranks because I’m too sensitive
    Meetings of any kind where people use fancy words like “group work”, “motivation” and powerpoint presentations with colorful pretty diagrams are useless and hold everyone back from achieving actual results

    LIE dual-seeking- 4D Fi and Si looking for 4D Ne and Te:

    The only thing I know is that I know shit.
    I don’t take promises seriously(anymore) and only work with things that are tangible or signed.
    I enjoy planning trips, gifts, nights out and financial investments and when someone takes it away from me or says that he or she wasn’t serious about it anyway it upsets me quite a bit.
    Insults don’t hurt me but criticism concerning my working style make me feel bad.
    No matter how much I learned all tests felt like surprise tests.
    I was never able to solve the discrepancy between knowing every detail about the topic but not being able to see what exactly the tests want from me.
    I like understanding people and humanity as a whole but I also want to learn things that are applicable.
    Opportunities. I like people who give me honest opportunities that are not just empty talk. I don’t need help to accomplish my goals I just need someone who points at an open door.
    Is finishing school an accomplishment? I don’t know.
    People who bump into things because their have their heads in the clouds.
    I want to read about them and tell others about my impressions and random facts.
    You know what would be cool? An Iron Man suit.
    Guess what, Tony Stark is LIE

    Hence I suggest:

    Self-pres ESI-Fi (like @lungs)
    Tritype has lots of 6, 1, 9, 4 in it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post

    This is very much Rational. And it's one of the reasons I think LSI > SLI.

    Te Ignoring is just a logical consequence of Fi Role. By the way, I haven't found any info related directly to it.

    @Your caregiver in turn: Well, she seems to like discovering new cultures just for the sake of observing and analyzing them (I see it related more to Ti and not very much to Intuition). It's normal that she doesn't kiss on dates: she's Fi Role (very distant in communication), no matter if she's a Sensor or not. I'm pretty sure that religiousness is not strongly related to Intuition and, besides this, she's a Ti Leading type. Of course she'll be skeptical about faith, gods and stuff like that.
    I didn't read skepticism, I read mostly certainty about religious, philosophical and spiritual aspects.

    Also I didn't read Si valuing in there, mainly just nihilism and introversion. I consider Ij over Ip too, but I wouldn't discard ILI.

    I'm not sure of Ti leading either.

    TBH I don't know how someone could determine with security leading functions through such questionnaires.No offense intended ofc. I just think that these questionnaires just provide random features about ppl and vague sketches of personalities.
    Last edited by Hope; 08-24-2017 at 11:58 PM.

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    @Chae, I think it’s bad custom to criticize free help, especially when you, Caregiver and User Name took the time to read and analyze the whole questionnaire, but I don’t see how this thread can continue without some input from my side, so I hope that I don’t come off as rude.

    I’ve read some of the gamma duality descriptions and as far as I understand is that duals seek each other's first function which is so strong that it is enough for two people. So ESI’s have so much Fi that they can share it with a Te-Leading type who needs it most. The thing is I don’t have the impression that my inner thought process fits the Fi descriptions. I do have deep feelings that I don’t show but I don’t handle them or my values in a delicate way like an ESI. I’m also not sure if I am able to distinguish between having principles(Ti ?) and being susceptible to my own values and people and actions who disrespect my values.

    Let's say I have a shift with someone whose views in my eyes classify as racist. I have black acquaintances whom I like a lot, so having a coworker by my side who talks trash about black people all the time would make want to leave the place at once...if it wasn’t for the setting. As long as we di what we are paid for and get everything done I can bury my feelings of disgust and just do the job. But it won’t give me joy. That’s what I meant when I wrote that people matter more than the content of the job. When the work atmosphere is horrible I won’t stay for long. I can cut my environment off to some extend but I prefer people who don’t clash with my views. However I get the chance to understand how and why people come to certain conclusions about social problems. I don’t really “forgive” them for their ignorance but at least I understand.
    The content of the job isn’t as important because I can learn from any experience. I can observe how people behave and react in different settings, how appearance matters, how use of language solves or escalates problems. I envy individuals who know how to deal with rude people without blowing up.

    What do the thoughts of an intuitive look like? I’ve read the descriptions but I can’t picture it. I do have some kind of inner voice but it does not show up when I need it and usually it goes like: voice: “See that cliff? Jump.” And then my head goes like “Spencer, no wtf.”
    Often it turns out that taking the risk would have been a good decisions for learning opportunities but I don’t trust that gut feeling because my own reasoning has the first priority. The only thing that I know about my intuition is when I really want something I say yes in an instant. If I have to think about it I don’t want it. Maybe I should make that a rule. That way I would save me from ultimately useless contemplation.

    And the Iron Man suit? I don’t care about Tony stark. I like the suit because PEW PEW PEW!

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    @Spencer: The positive atmosphere and your tendency not to criticize people in order to keep this atmosphere balanced makes me think of Fe Suggestive. I act the same way as you do. If I see some mistakes (of any type, grammar, numerical or even layout inaccuracy), my Ti would like to instantly correct them, but, at the same time, just because I don't want to be rude or to give the impression of a "know it all" guy, I silently observe and wait, without saying a word, while the inner me is exploding. Ti vs Fe. So, for this part, it's LSI/LII (IXTj).

    You say that you don't trust opportunities and care about your own reasoning first. This sentence could point at Ne PoLR with Ti Leading. Again, LSI.

    Have you tried to read some LSI descriptions? Can you relate?

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    His answers actually sounds very similar how one highly successful and controversial Finnish LSI-9Ti (yes, 3 isn't enough) politician (by accident and seemingly hates it) presents himself to the media.

    I think good amount of + attitude right there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    @Chae, I think it’s bad custom to criticize free help, especially when you, Caregiver and User Name took the time to read and analyze the whole questionnaire, but I don’t see how this thread can continue without some input from my side, so I hope that I don’t come off as rude.

    I’ve read some of the gamma duality descriptions and as far as I understand is that duals seek each other's first function which is so strong that it is enough for two people. So ESI’s have so much Fi that they can share it with a Te-Leading type who needs it most. The thing is I don’t have the impression that my inner thought process fits the Fi descriptions. I do have deep feelings that I don’t show but I don’t handle them or my values in a delicate way like an ESI. I’m also not sure if I am able to distinguish between having principles(Ti ?) and being susceptible to my own values and people and actions who disrespect my values.

    Let's say I have a shift with someone whose views in my eyes classify as racist. I have black acquaintances whom I like a lot, so having a coworker by my side who talks trash about black people all the time would make want to leave the place at once...if it wasn’t for the setting. As long as we di what we are paid for and get everything done I can bury my feelings of disgust and just do the job. But it won’t give me joy. That’s what I meant when I wrote that people matter more than the content of the job. When the work atmosphere is horrible I won’t stay for long. I can cut my environment off to some extend but I prefer people who don’t clash with my views. However I get the chance to understand how and why people come to certain conclusions about social problems. I don’t really “forgive” them for their ignorance but at least I understand.
    The content of the job isn’t as important because I can learn from any experience. I can observe how people behave and react in different settings, how appearance matters, how use of language solves or escalates problems. I envy individuals who know how to deal with rude people without blowing up.

    What do the thoughts of an intuitive look like? I’ve read the descriptions but I can’t picture it. I do have some kind of inner voice but it does not show up when I need it and usually it goes like: voice: “See that cliff? Jump.” And then my head goes like “Spencer, no wtf.”
    Often it turns out that taking the risk would have been a good decisions for learning opportunities but I don’t trust that gut feeling because my own reasoning has the first priority. The only thing that I know about my intuition is when I really want something I say yes in an instant. If I have to think about it I don’t want it. Maybe I should make that a rule. That way I would save me from ultimately useless contemplation.

    And the Iron Man suit? I don’t care about Tony stark. I like the suit because PEW PEW PEW!

    Don't worry, it would be rude /not/ to engage Highlighted more Fi above^
    ESI certainly is not delicate, that would be EII due to their vulnerable function. More points to creative, it shows in the last bits here as well.

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    LSI's tend to have trust in people they know (maybe contrary toESI's). When someone does something against them then they take it quite hard.
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    Here is an interesting Beta Quadra analysis written by Avalonia. @Spencer It seems to be in alignment with Russian articles that I have read.

    Anything about it that screams, "this is my quadra"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Avalonia View Post
    (This post is currently a rough draft and includes my perspective of the Beta quadra, hopefully being as consistent with Classic socionics as possible, paragraphs may have mild disorganization, but will be renovated to better fit the more accurate descriptions of the Beta Quadra)

    The Beta Quadra values the IM elements , , and . While the subdued IM elements of the Beta quadra are , , and . Within the Beta quadra, you have the SLE, IEI, EIE and LSI types.

    The Beta quadra can most easily be described as the most passionate, revolutionary and dynamic quadra, in comparison to the other three quadras. Beta quadra types have the greatest range of external emotional expression, it is by nature, what it means to be a Beta type tends to be quite varied. Particularly in the case of life experiences, whether or not they have memories that hold emotional meaning or significance, people go through different stages in life and have different perspectives in life. As a result, Beta types with greater life experience may withhold relevance, what stage you are in life, that strong awareness of where your life is going and the overall meaning of that; which is ultimately greater and arguably more emotionally powerful than other quadras.

    The Beta NFs are characterized by their rapidly changing emotional states and broad emotional ranges, also being rather perceptive towards long term visions of how the world should be. Beta NFs can often come across as cause-oriented or philanthropic, though is fundamentally character by high emotional energy-levels. (Which can often appear more prominently in the EIE than the IEI, though the IEI can sometimes appear like an extroverted ethics type, having generally higher levels of emotional energy but still quite resembling introverted irrational temperament) Beta NF types also pay a much greater attention towards emotional displays that they perceive as “real” and from the heart; giving them the appearance of being dramatic, sometimes overly so. Beta NFs feel the most comfortable in environments in which they can freely express themselves, unfiltered their sometimes dynamic and vulgar emotional states openly, not being remotely judged based on how they inherently feel in one moment in time.

    The Beta STs are characterized by their unambiguous generation of concrete structures and rules, also being able to recognize the levels of willpower and motivation in others. Beta STs can often come across as enforcing and confrontational, though fundamentally recognized as ambitious producers of logical structures to further derive benefit from the systems they create. (Often appearing more prominently in the LSI than the SLE, though the SLE can be quite intellectually minded in this area, generally being quite rigid and inflexible in the concrete rules they create, though are more impulsive and still resemble the archetype of the extroverted irrational temperament) Beta STs pay a much greater attention towards what ideology or way of interpreting the world is “correct”; giving them the appearance of lacking personal sensitivity or uncertain ambiguity. Beta STs are augmented towards ideological conflict, focusing on the more forceful implementation and achieving their goals through the tactical willpower (similar to SLE’s use of ) or strategic conciseness (similar to LSI’s use of ) to get what they want from the world.

    An important concept to digest about Beta types is the inherent awareness of positive and negative emotionality. It would not be incorrect to imagine Beta types that actively express light and dark emotionality, some Betas having a stronger preference towards expressing positive emotionality and other Betas being more prone to expressing negative emotionality. Beta types are strongly attentive to the signals and messages that others are sending off in an exterior emotional space, and are able to detect fluctuations in these signals at a rapid timescale. (Most exclusively Beta NF types) Despite the external differences between these Beta communities that share differences in the way they express their emotions; a common theme within both groups is the emotional strength of their messages and seeking to produce meaningful emotions. The emotional atmosphere that is produced by all Beta types can be both light and dark; though primarily dark.

    Beta types are deeply spiritual individuals by nature and are drawn to metaphysical interpretations of reality. They will often have a high awareness of the deeper meanings of the messages that can appear more straightforward to types of different quadras. Questions that seek to explore internal humanitarian values; “Where are we going?” “What is our origin?” “Why is humanity so cruel?” and other generalized questions that are asked rhetorically. Valuing introverted logic, the Beta type’s quests for finding a deeper meaning in the world around them, manifests in impulsiveness towards finding consistency and clarity in interpreting the messages of the world. Striving for a coherent worldview that not only internally makes sense, but also does not contain any place for contradictions or ambiguity. For Beta types in general, they will emphasize the need for a system or ideology to interpret this information using concrete, logical principles. The dislike of ambiguity and the desire to limit possibilities in Beta types is the result of valued introverted intuition and subdued extroverted intuition.

    Beta types are inclined to evaluate people based on the sensibility and concordance of their ideological principles, rather than on their individual character; as a result of valued introverted logic and subdued introverted ethics. The Beta quadra also shares the values of extroverted sensing and introverted intuition with the Gamma quadra, but there are many differences between these quadras in general. Beta types' visionary qualities and principled worldviews are intertwined together, and they have a somewhat narrow focus in where the principles adapt to vision over time. The Beta types live by group-oriented principles, instead of seeking/avoiding specific individuals like in the Gamma quadra, Beta types will often have an approach of ignoring the evaluation of individual character and have a keen awareness of what groups are “beneficial” or “toxic” to them. Beta types have an overall collectivistic mentality and can hone in on opposing groups with an “us-vs-them” mindset. Interestingly enough, because of the quadra values of introverted logic (constructing a framework of information) and introverted intuition, (limiting possibilities) the principles of Beta types have the capacity to change very rapidly if the ideology and vision are incompatible.

    A common theme within the Beta quadra is ideological conflict, this means that Betas have a tendency to subscribe to only one particular set of rules to describe the world in a way that makes the most sense to the individual. Occasionally, when their ideology that they personally follow rapidly changes, the individual can go from seeing the world one way to suddenly seeing the world in a different way. This can overall result in the individual occupying a very different place in society, which this can appear to be a very abrupt and baffling transition to the outside world. Now, this may or may not always be an abrupt transition internally, but rather a shift in rules within the ideology and not in the overall values of the structure.

    It’s debatable to say that all Beta types in general take their ideologies very seriously, some Beta types can take their ideologies very seriously and this can even be true for some Alpha types. Although, the idea of structure and pedagogical clarity in how the world works/operates; even if this does not have a satisfactory answer, tends to be very interesting for Beta types. The way that introverted logic and extroverted sensing is metabolized, is that there exists coherent rules to be followed and if these rules are not followed, there will be consequences. More extreme forms of this Beta “code of conduct” can be present in the Mafia, authoritarian government and military organizations. The structure of these organizations has to do with rules and applying these rules using forceful implementation rather than abstract implementation.

    It is a common theme for Beta types to have social hierarchies and organizations that operate in this way, in which there is a very clear set of rules that has to do with a hierarchy. Though a more prominent theme in the Beta quadra is authenticity, which is particularly important in the IEI (demonstrative introverted ethics), as a result of valuing ideological conflict as well as passionate emotionality. Beta types value the intensity in the external expression of their internal emotional states, they specifically view themselves (more so Beta NF types than Beta ST types) as somewhat volatile, dynamic and easily emotionally interchangeable. Beta types can jump from one emotional state to the next and have many emotions that are rapidly changeable and as a result; lack a sense of self and as a consequence view others as justice, just as emotionally malleable as they are. It should be noted from the previous statement that Beta extroverts (EIE and SLE) can express their external emotions with force by pushing the extroverted values of their quadra, while this may be slightly less prominent in the Beta introvert types (IEI and LSI) where they may initially appear reserved to others, but once emotionally “ignited”, can unleash a much more emotionally powerful part of their personality that they might not have explored before.

    Most commonly, the lack of a stable sense of self can be much more of an impending issue for the EIE, still being a somewhat accessible area for the IEI and SLE; though is much more of a poignant problem that the EIE comes across. A reason for this conclusion might be the EIE’s desire to express oneself in the moment and avoid the boring, mundane qualities of reality by making them more exciting for them to experience. The EIE has the broadest emotional range, though the emotional states experienced by the IEI, by contrast is slightly more difficult to explain. Mercurial is a word that I would likely use to describe IEIs, “moody” to a somewhat lesser extent. The lack of stability is often something expressed externally, in EIEs that have such little grounding, that this weakness eventually becomes obvious to them. In IEIs however, the lack of stability is more subtle, there’s much more grounding partly because of demonstrative introverted ethics. IEIs are more grounded in the way that they appear and also in some sense they recognize that there is not much stability in the way that they act. Therefore, the authentic expression of what IEIs are becomes very important to them, they view most interactions within the world around them as superficial and dynamically changing. Thus, the IEI will often so retain an idea of what a stable reaction is and they feel that it personally matters to them to have authentic interactions with other people.

    If you imagine the Beta quadra types emphasizing authentic interactions with other people, they are all being expressed in slightly different ways. Though the IEI emphasizes the close relationships between people and believes that it is a pressing issue, concerned about the quality of the messages they send to others. As a result, IEIs tend to pay little attention to social hierarchies from a personal standpoint, in the way that other people around them are interacting with each other. Instead, they’re often oriented towards the hierarchies created by the world around them as something irrelevant; something that has nothing to do with their intrapersonal interactions with people close to them. All Beta types share this quality to some extent, SLEs probably least so, but that dynamic of being in a social hierarchy is not always a conscious issue for these types. For instance, the SLE will often take upon themselves the role of a leader and asserting themselves to command others in the physical environment, but this concept does not enforce the idea of a hierarchy at all. If anything, the SLE will be much more focused on getting what they want, how SLEs interact with situations with militia in order to reach a common goal, rather than enforce a social hierarchy. (The SLE and SEE have similarities in leadership styles, though the SEE will often be more comfortable with knowing who to personally accept or reject and the SLE will often bring everyone together despite the individual differences and conflicts between people)

    Actually, the misconception that the SLE collects people to help them is generalized, if anything the SEE is more likely to select individuals that they trust to help them and are quite attentive to these individuals. While the SLE may not entirely be attentive to individuals and prefers to collect others in a rather indirect way. Almost in a sense that the SLE views people as “objects” that they use in an emotionally sterile manner.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post

    What do the thoughts of an intuitive look like? I’ve read the descriptions but I can’t picture it. I do have some kind of inner voice but it does not show up when I need it and usually it goes like: voice: “See that cliff? Jump.” And then my head goes like “Spencer, no wtf.
    This reminds me...
    Last edited by Hope; 08-25-2017 at 04:15 PM.

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    A cliff- > bird -> some sort of way to do it like a bird. Yes there are. How about ladders? Why there aren't automatic telescopic ladders, damn. etc.

    Looney Tunes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Opportunities. I like people who give me honest opportunities that are not just empty talk. I don’t need help to accomplish my goals I just need someone who points at an open door.

    This is pretty much Ne seeking>Ni/Te seeking

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Making petty powerpoint presentations or anything that I consider useless.

    i think this is Ti devaluing Te>Ti

    I like ironing my clothes. No joke. I don’t get up in the morning like “yay I get to iron my clothes for two hours today!” but keeping my stuff in order and having everything prepared to go somewhere spontaneously but in tidy clothing is like meditating.

    This is probably Se>Si. At first I thought Si>Se but then i thought theres nothing ''sensational'' about ironing clothes, it is rather controlling your environment. Also IJ temperament seems to stem from here. The ''having everything prepared to go somewhere'' is IJ. ''To go somewhere spontaneously'' also seems Se, but it could be anything.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I only have short term goals. Big plans for the future are useless for me because I can’t control anything and things never turn out the way I envision them. The only thing I know is that I know shit.
    This seems like a lack of intuition, especially Ni. the ''i know shit'' seems like Se ego, confidently dealing with the situation at hand anyways, without the need for planning. I think we can conclude from this that he is a sensor.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    I like to observe other cultures, listen to their music, understand their traditions and why and how they made them. One of my ideals it “to understand all you must forgive all” and while I certainly can’t forgive all aspects of cultures that make me uncomfortable I still want to understand them.
    This seems like a big chunk of Fi to me. Fi is all about empathising and placing yourself in anothers shoes. That's exactly what you seem to want to do.

    I would love to visit foreign countries but not big cities like paris, new york a.s.o but the smaller places where the culture and day to day life of normal people shows.
    This seems like Fi lead > Se lead

    I don’t enjoy (but I’m also opposed to) action and dangerous situations but what I would enjoy most would be a long trip through a foreign city or forest with or without a plan (as long as I or we stay on the move and don’t just mingle around somewhere).
    This also seems like a hint for creative Se rather than lead Se

    I want to taste different dishes, see beautiful architecture, smell the air, and just listen to sounds of the environment.


    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    People who bump into things because their have their heads in the clouds.

    This is either Ni appreciation or Ni repulsiveness, depending on if he likes those kinds of people or is annoyed by them.

    I don’t mind when people embrace who they are. Be it their culture, their clothing style, music, weird laughter and habits or geekiness.

    This is Fi, empathy, respecting peoples boundaries regardless of logic

    All in all i think I agree with @Chae here, ESI seems like a good choice. Keep your options open though, you know yourself best, we might be wrong/interpreting your shit wrongly. I suggest you read up on some ESI discriptions, see if they match, feel well.

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    lol @Your caregiver in turn, I like those comics.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    LSI's tend to have trust in people they know (maybe contrary toESI's). When someone does something against them then they take it quite hard.
    Yeah I agree with this. A lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    His answers actually sounds very similar how one highly successful and controversial Finnish LSI-9Ti (yes, 3 isn't enough) politician (by accident and seemingly hates it) presents himself to the media.

    I think good amount of + attitude right there.
    I'm not familiar with finish politicians. Could you tell me the name of the person you are talking about?

    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    @Spencer: The positive atmosphere and your tendency not to criticize people in order to keep this atmosphere balanced makes me think of Fe Suggestive. I act the same way as you do. If I see some mistakes (of any type, grammar, numerical or even layout inaccuracy), my Ti would like to instantly correct them, but, at the same time, just because I don't want to be rude or to give the impression of a "know it all" guy, I silently observe and wait, without saying a word, while the inner me is exploding. Ti vs Fe. So, for this part, it's LSI/LII (IXTj).

    You say that you don't trust opportunities and care about your own reasoning first. This sentence could point at Ne PoLR with Ti Leading. Again, LSI.

    Have you tried to read some LSI descriptions? Can you relate?
    You describe my thoughts very well. It makes me feel bad when someone complains that I always know better. Sometimes I'm not aware of that because I try to be helpful but end up being pedantic.
    LSI fits pretty well. I especially like:

    "In addition, MAKSIMKAs are frequently romantic and lofty in their souls, and also like to imagine themselves as heroines of novels or movies." - from Beskova's descriptions. That's kind of embarrassing but I have daydreams where I imagine myself being a hero who fights "evil" (lets agree that "evil is hard to define). But I'm more like a soldier who protects people from harm without asking for recognition. Just oversimplified tales with no roots in reality. A one man show can't solve the worlds problems. I feel like I need those kind of dramatised daydreams once in a while to feel something. I spend most of my time like a stone. That's not bad but a bit monotonous.

    I don't think that I deliberately use Ne, so LII is no option for me. ILIs sound like they need a kick in the butt to start moving. That's not me. Same goes for SLI who are Ne-DS. Sounds like chaos. I don't need chaos but a reasonable amount of control from my part. ESI...similar but my mind revolts against the Te-DS part. Not very appealing and certainly not something that I lack.
    So in total: ILI < ESI, LII < LSI

    Wether the Beta Quadra desciption resonates with me:
    I try to be in a state of calmness at all times and words like passionate don't describe my motivations and actions. Passionate people make mistakes that could have been avoided with a sober mind. Maybe I'm taking the descrptions too literally. I'll say more about Avalonias post but for now it's a lot to read and to think about.

    edit: the "@username" doesn't work somehow. I hope that you'll find this post anyway. *waves hysterically*
    Last edited by Spencer; 08-26-2017 at 12:11 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    lol @Your caregiver in turn, I like those comics.
    I'm not familiar with finish politicians. Could you tell me the name of the person you are talking about?
    This guy:
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    Initially, I was rather certain that this individual is SLI. Various hints of Si and the individual uses logic very practically and collects information for the sake of it's usefulness.
    I don’t like risks of any kind and therefore I’m not much fun.
    Where is the valued Se in this?

    I don’t need help to accomplish my goals I just need someone who points at an open door.
    This strikes me as a need for Ne.

    I like ironing my clothes. No joke. I don’t get up in the morning like “yay I get to iron my clothes for two hours today!” but keeping my stuff in order and having everything prepared to go somewhere spontaneously but in tidy clothing is like meditating.
    ^This is soooo Si

    Big plans for the future are useless for me because I can’t control anything and things never turn out the way I envision them. The only thing I know is that I know shit.
    SLI SLI SLI I cannot come to any other conclusion.

    People who bump into things because their have their heads in the clouds.
    ...By bump into things I mean furniture not car accidents.
    I don’t mind when people embrace who they are. Be it their culture, their clothing style, music, weird laughter and habits or geekiness.
    ^This honey is searching for a quirky IEE to show him/her the possibilities and the beautiful warmth of internal feels.
    Beta ST or smd! ...Actually, suck my dick either way.

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    the Sol I knew for sure
    welcome back, but when are you going to stop posting that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    when are you going to stop posting that?
    when there will be no use of this
    for example, if this work will be done by you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    when there will be no use of this
    for example, if this work will be done by you
    I guess it is better to just wait for you to die then, or at least retire from the forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I guess it is better to just wait for you to die then, or at least retire from the forum
    Join the club

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I guess it is better to just wait for you to die then, or at least retire from the forum
    Or to use your brains in better way than now what should help you to change the relation to what I do. I understand, that that's doubtful lucky turn for in your case, but at least you can try.
    In other case you just doomed to suffer (with thehotelambush) befor the power of the reason and truth. Alternative is to add me to ignore list, what will allow to continue lesser painful using your brains by alternative to human ways.

    As you seem a little inadequate and useless, I'll send you to ignore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Or to use your brains in better way than now what should help you to change the relation to what I do. I understand, that that's doubtful lucky turn for in your case, but at least you can try.
    how would making a video for you to type me be a better way to use my brain, specially since I see VI typing to be a guessing game you & many others enjoy playing?
    maybe you should write a thread about how to VI type someone objectively. this would really be a better way to use your brain instead of copy paste the same link over & over again which doesn't really require much brain use

    In other case you just doomed to suffer (with thehotelambush) befor the power of the reason and truth.
    don't worry we will work together to reduce the suffering, beside if it is really the truth we will embrace it, if not we will prove it wrong & find the real truth what do you say @thehotelambush?

    Alternative is to add me to ignore list, what will allow to continue lesser painful using your brains by alternative to human ways.
    that would be boring

    As you seem a little inadequate and useless, I'll send you to ignore.
    you broke my heart

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    In other case you just doomed to suffer (with thehotelambush) befor the power of the reason and truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    the Sol I knew for sure
    welcome back, but when are you going to stop posting that?
    Oops didn't mean to warn you there. I am sorry! I went to like it and clicked too soon. Now you are halfway to badass status. I will make a note of it for mods.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Oops didn't mean to warn you there. I am sorry! I went to like it and clicked too soon. Now you are halfway to badass status. I will make a note of it for mods.
    Trying to ruine my status aren't you? I have always knew you were evil, so you started showing your true colors

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    Trying to ruine my status aren't you? I have always knew you were evil, so you started showing your true colors

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Now, goodbye derail - are there any other opinions on Spencer's type?

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    Hello again. I've been wondering a lot lately.
    Like a fish that can't see the water it's swimming in a sociotype is barely able to see his own dominant function. Otherwise we wouldn't have some many problems and doubts in typing. So what are some options to notice one's own dominant function instead of...the creative function or the hidden agenda function?

    In my questionnaire I mentioned that I like people who can keep their calm in emotionally heavy and difficult situations but wit my supposed duals that's not the case at all. Although EIEs and ESEs seem to be very in control of their behavior but still I don't feel at home in their company. They are too emotionally colorful in my eyes. I have other problems with Fe but I digress.

    Are there any defining moments or questions that let people realize their leading function? Maybe questions are too subjective so what about behavior or life stories?

    I'm very interested to read how others were able to decide what their ego functions are - if someone could share some experience .

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