Last edited by maniac; 04-02-2018 at 04:16 PM.
Honesty - there's nothing more strange than being caught lying
Integrity - sticking to your values no matter the external change; that helps you be who you are
Kindness - when you can; no one is God
Compassion - part of empathy
Respect - just allows you to not be the center of everything
Understanding - takes a big person
Patience - count to ten
Forgiveness - goes without speaking that it's more for you than the other person
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
Situationally dependent; not dying
Let me think...
Improvement: Always striving to become better and make the most out of something.
Awareness: Always striving to become more aware of oneself and the world around one.
Perseverance: Never giving up.
Self-Actualization: Developing and executing one's purpose, vision, and role in the world.
Equilibrium: Being in a state of calmness and balance, being content, having an unshakable inner compass...
P.S: I was almost about to switch Improvement for Excellence, but Excellence is a bit like Perfection – you can never truly reach it. So, being on the path of continual Improvement is better, than trying to chase an elusive ideal.
4w5 So/Sx
459 (I don't usually type the wings of the tritype, but it would be 4w5-5w4(possibly w6?)-9w1)
(Main) values = the most important things there are. That's why I have a lot of them.
Perseverance - Your ass won't give up without having achieved anything!
Set the bar high - Always try to be on top of your game, measure up, try to advance whatever it is.
Singlemindedness - Do it on your own. Be resourceful so you can survive everywhere. Dependency is a sign of weakness, relying on others is something you have to handle carefully. Asking for help is not always appropriate, but helps when there is a better insight that you can come up with/research.
Curiosity - Try to understand yourself and the world.
Being outstanding - People standing at your coffin will mourn an extraordinary person. Think Bowie.
Do 5, because i said so
Going the extra mile - It's never crowded.
Crossing boundaries - Rules keep things small, creativity and strength enlighten and broaden (and angers those who are close-minded and boring).
Confidence - Try to fake it as much as possible, even on days when you hate yourself. Confidence unlocks many doors.
Security - Make sure you are safe, avoid danger, or go against whatever threatens others, especially on a global scale. Staying in your safe zone > risk.
Egocentrism - I cultivate myself, get along with myself, guide myself.
Excitement - Seek out things that set you on fire.
Performance - How you come across is up to you. You can inspire others and lead them.
Conduct - Do not discriminate against someone who is below you. The opposite applies to people above you unless you depend on them for access to higher spheres.
Passion - Instead of being boring, energize everything.
Action - Just do it. Sometimes, efficiency is needed in this step.
Mind - Use your head, figure things out.
Conflict - Always choose wisely and calculate your energies and the person's stance, and how likely it is that they cave in. In any case, be firm first and get your way out with charm.
Spirituality - Always look for higher perspective. Look to the great minds who have developed time-tested spiritual wisdom that you resonate with.
Solitude - Be able to deal with it, you will be alone either way when you want to excel productively and escape the control of others.
Mood - Keep it light or heavy depending on circumstance.
Being a reasonable maverick - It's probably not that you suck entirely, but your environment.
Involvement - Even if you lack the skills, set your mind to it. You can even bs yourself through something but just be committed, that's all you need.
Compliments and Praise - Show a person what you appreciate. Make them feel good about themselves when you see that they need some help.
Advice - Be a person others can ask.
Shade - Throw some.
Work - Hard.
Control - Do not voluntarily get under the influence of an overly dominant/authoritarian person. They will hurt and abuse you because their will comes first, and they think they know what's good for you. Also, they don't ask for consent and try to mess with your business, getting entitled, and so on. Avoid, manipulate or rise above them as the situation requires. Also, being a prick is easy and can be executed with even the tiniest step (while being nice is difficult since so many factors and self-control go into it and you can't make a lapse) so why not make use of that. Watch out for consequences and make it look like it is their fault, which it technically is since they are unjust. Also, make it fun while you're at it.
Distance - Regulate how close you want to get.
Unconventionality - Scrutinize EVERY custom. This world is trying to sell and teach you shit so stay critical and vigilant. "Normal" is usually just "common". So don't buy into normal things.
Deception, manipulation, backstabbing - Always undermine unjust authority while pretending to cater to them. Leave them in fear of what you are hiding so they will become your slave. Uncertainty is one of the greatest tools to use. What a person doesn't know, they fear.
Not compromising - Group pressure can eradicate what you stand for, so watch out for social dynamics. If you don't agree with a dynamic, become a loner. Compromise when you have to level up in some way or need to appeal. Other than that, be aware of how quick you can become the puppet of others.
No negative servitude - One does not assist a bully but reports or punishes them. Or: One is not submissive and mindless in a relationship, but seizes the lead instead.
Only positive servitude: Treat staff and people who do things for you politely. Offer help and support. Regulate the mood to help another person in need.
Image consciousness: Impress, appeal. Adjust how you want to be perceived. Adapt, play roles to get by.
Overdoing it - It might lead to something unexpected and great.
Creativity - Because art is important, meaningful, beautiful, enjoyable and healing for yourself and others.
Tritype ---> 368 was recently suggested and I can see the point, 3w4 sx 6w7 sp 8w7 sp is probably close.
@Chae if youre considering that tritype, having 2< attachment types makes the person very family-oriented, just saying
I know someone who is sp/sx and 962 tritype and they and their mom has a shitty relationship, her mom basically treats her like crap, but she still tries to be close because its family. etc (partly because her particular tritype "the sacrificial lamb", but you get the point.
what about 378?
3-7-8: the trailblazer, the spearheading entrepreneur, the fast ambition
Self-awareness (which I lack at times, but I'm desperately trying to work on).
Mindfulness (same as above).
Not taking things so seriously (...once again, same as above).
I know but they can be misleading After reading this, I am sceptical. And interesting that you see me like that, I perceive this world and my own mindset as trying to stop me right and left. Well - ambition is the only thing I am focused on. Pretty much anything interrelational is secondary and serves my egoism. In that regard, your assessment of attachment types is correct.
I am going to skip over the mundane values I have and mention what I post about on my server.
Love is a true knowing and appreciation of the other (chemistry, sex, and magic is a part of it).
Life for all its beauty, tragedy, chaos, mystery... I could go on forever here.
Death it surrounds me for a reason. I have gained so much knowledge from death. I take in what the dead leave behind.
Energy because that is all that is. energy becoming matter and vice versa seems like a never ending cycle. conscious creation happens when you realize how easily energy can be manipulated and used. I am not talking about weird New Age concepts or The Secret type stuff so don't even think it. Energy is what keeps us all interconnected.
Transcendence because my "goal" is to merge the physical and the spiritual in this lifetime and to know myself completely as both. I am also working off the last remnants of karma. I am out of here after this lifetime.
I have been self-typing 4w5~5w4~9w1 for ages but recently reconsidering 8w9 or 9w8 for the third position. sx/sp is a given.
“My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.” —C.G. Jung
lie in a strategic way to lower your chances of getting caught
use condoms during sex
reply to messages whenever you can
dont kill kittens with your ax even when you want to smash their stupid cute faces
appreciate the good sides of people in your life
dont talk with people who had been in jail before
say yes to all activities you have been offered at first, then select among them
tri-type: 125
@Mr inappropriate
Lol you're certainly trying to live up to your forum nick.
Everything is considered to be a value nowadays so I guess my values are sex, booze and lipstick ; ).
I'm 379.
Emotional connection
Artistic expression
Tritype, I am not sure. I have too many facets and dimensions to quantify and describe with any sense of clarity. Maybe the balanced, amebic tritype????? I want to be so much in this existence; tendrilic extensions of self.
I think my deepest ones might be too taken for granted for me to think of them or articulate them very well.
-justice, not necessarily in a blind sense but with an eye toward who i see as the underdog
-love, both in the sense of personal relationships and in the woo-wooey all of mankind way
-standing outside of the status quo, reflecting on whats obvious, questioning
-authenticity/nature/honesty/action (not really the same things but I'm grasping at a concept in my mind)
-material security (this sounds lame but I can't honestly avoid listing it - i don't just mean for me, but this is also tied in with justice)
tritype 641 sp/sx
1. Always stay true to your own self, ideas and beliefs (no matter how fucked up or wrong they seem to others)
2. Never let anything and anyone to change who you are and what you believe in.
3. Be someone, be a success, be a weirdo, shine, rot, live, die ... never be the avarage.
4. Never manipulate others and never let others to manipulate you.
5. Never believe what's on the surface, always dig as deep as you can.
4w3 6w7 9w1 so/sx
- Zen
- Objectivity
- Forgiveness
- Acceptance
- Pizza
Love - the essence of the concept supposed to unify mankind
Trancendence - going beyond oneself---to a greater reality beyond this ephemerality, one would be aware of the embodiment of ephemerality in itself
Truth - While everything seems relative, I do believe in universal truth that governs the relativity though to claim it to be objectively objective is something to wonder even more
I'll add two more later.
9w1 4w5 6w5 sx/sp
From what I've gathered, my values seem to be clustered around these five (five, because she said so), as these are the concepts that continuously both preoccupy and frustrate me the most:
Arbitrarity (or Arbitrariness, as opposed to, "being necessarily as such", or simply "necessity"): What excuse does it have to be like this? Does it deserve to be like this? Could it be anything else, or any other way? Then -- is it, really?
Validity (as opposed to "invalidity"): Is it acceptable? Does it follow? Is it pertinent? Does it work in the context?
Authenticity (as opposed to "inauthenticity"): Is authenticity relative (as in, one can only be authentic to something)? If it is, can the absolute totality be authentic or inauthentic? If it is not, how is it measured? If it is relative between the subject and the object, how can it be assessed by the subject?
Recursion (as opposed to "contextuality"): In the end, does it depend only on itself? Do those that it intermediarily depends on matter? Is there anything between two nothings? Or, can everything only come thence?
Error (as opposed to "integrity"): Can wrongness be fundamental (integral)? Then, is it wrong that it can be fundamental (since fundamental aspects are ubiquitous, and it applies to itself)? What is there to do about it? How can one escape error? Does it not lose its erroneous quality once it is recognized as integral?
What I'd like my next values to be:
Plurality: There is nothing, as long as there are many.
Analogy: Everything is everything. Nothing is nothing.
Ideally, though, what I really want is to have no values. Which brings me back to the insecurities in the first five.
(lol -- the fact that I consider "values" analogous to "insecurities")
(...help me.)
Last edited by Theoria; 04-26-2017 at 09:16 PM.
integrity - the kind that isn't harmful to others... i think its cool to have your own values and convictions;however, if its at the determent of others no..especially if you complain about how other people treat you but you're not willing to even give up half of that.. don't complain to me, go talk to a friendly stone wall. because i will be the first to throw a brick
individuality- oh now its cool?! i love original thoughts no matter how silly they may be
everything else will follow.
Last time I looked into my tritype I decided I was 9w1-4w5-6w5 (phobic) (The Seeker). The Contemplative (4-5-9, in whichever order), The Good Samaritan (9-2-6) and The Researcher (1-4-5, in whichever order) may also be possible.
Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 02-19-2017 at 01:14 PM.
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
Fairness/Understanding/Compassion/Empathy (They are all different things but they are mostly tied together for me? Being fair requires empathy and understanding towards' others condition[s] and you can't do that without even the tiniest bit of compassion for human kind in general as well.)
Ability to constructively self-criticize/Improvement
Honesty/Truth (You can't reach truth without being honest and calling even yourself out on your own bullshit and unintentional lies)
I... don't know how to explain this one, but Innocence? As in, having no ill intention towards anyone, Purity of Will from Malice. (...that sounded almost religious.)
Owning/Embodying self (You have to learn your own limits and shape before you can truly attempt to understand others- even if you might feel like you don't exist as a "self". More of learning to how to own and embody yourself but...)
Tritype most likely 9w1 5w6 3w4 sp/so
Truth to power/honesty: saying or doing what is right despite the consequences (more generally, being honest about what you think despite the consequences)
Reflection: thinking deeply about things and why they are the way they are, not just living a superficial/mindless existence
Fairness: treating people the same no matter how you feel about them, not being petty
Knowledge: seeking out knowledge about things, not just being content to be ignorant
Live and let live: just generally being nice to people and not harassing them
Humility: self-explanatory -- not thinking you're all that
That's six, close enough...
Last edited by Exodus; 01-10-2019 at 08:14 PM.
Love = Will
The will to love yourself and to stand up for yourself and others and what you believe in is the same as the will that makes you come alive and keep yourself alive.
Stay close to nature.
Nature has been happening around us all this time and what's natural is best. Don't fight with your mother.
This is honestly connected to the above. Nature exercises a sense of equilibrium. A sense of fairness and balance even in periods of chaos.
And other-awareness. The self doesn't exist in a bubble. Constantly searching for more insight and checking on the level of current awareness of the self and the world around me.
Letting go = Happiness
This one's self-explanatory. I like being happy and a sense of merriness in my life is something I strive to always have. Holding onto resentments and negative emotions, thoughts, and hangups takes me further away from that goal. (I honestly have been struggling with this last one a lot recently although I wasn't like this when I was younger. Guess I've just had time and more experiences leading to more things building up.)
Primary Value: Integrity
Doing the right thing because you're not the kind of person who would forgive themselves otherwise. Because you wouldn't be you otherwise; you should incorporate virtue into your sense of self. Reliability, earnestness. Apologizing for mistakes and making efforts to avoid them in the future, because you wouldn't apologize for them unless at least some part of you knew you needed to make a change. Integrity is ultimately about being a person whose being "holds together".
Secondary Values:
Work Ethic
Phobic So/Sp 6w7 3w2 9w1
Bit of a comic books nerd, bit of a fashion nerd, a lot of a generalized nerd
Continuous striving
Personal integrity
...I can't really take this thread seriously for a few reasons, but good enough for government work. And really, we should just leave off our tritypes and other information and try to type each other just from our values, that would be much more fun than just having a 16types Values Personal Showcase
Last edited by Pallas; 03-25-2017 at 07:34 PM. Reason: grammer
1. Freedom
2. Liberty
3. Justice
4. Independence
5. Equality
6. Respect
7. Heritage & Ancestry
8. Loyalty
9. Resourcefulness
10. Rugged individualism
11. Patriotism
12. Drugs, sex, & rock n roll
13. Money
LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx
1. Freedom
2. Satisfaction (not being bored)
3. Love
4. Power
5. Attractiveness
748 sx/so
・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚
Straightforwardness and not playing games
Treating each individual with basic respect and not 'objectification' in any way.
Kind-hearted approach to things.
I am a very boring typical EII I guess
Intensity is extremely important to me. I value it, but it feels out of place in this specific list. I 'value' those things in the Fi way, as in those things are good and right...intensity is just something I personally - almost selfishly - want, if you will.
God and Tribe
Everything else is checked at the door or a subsidiary of one or both of those two values.
"I would rather be ashes than dust"
"Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."
Sense of wonder
Never giving up
Join my Enneagram Discord: https://discord.gg/ND4jCAcs