Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post

SLE - ESTp - Conqueror

15% Ne, 38% Ni, 46% Se, 8% Si, 8% Te, 38% Ti, 46% Fe and 31% Fi!

Sensory Logical Extrovert, SLE, ESTp, Zhukov(Organizer)
The SLE defines herself by her direct force on the world. Her purpose consists of correctly designing and balancing her resources so as to organize them in the necessary direction for success: Thus things are made possible to conquer

  • : Basic qualities include volitional pressure, the uncontrollable desire for activity, a competitive demeanour and resoluteness. For an SLE, victory is paramount. Knows how to create comfort, to make any object conveniant in her private life. Posseses good taste in the selection of clothing

  • : Knows how to precisly organise the resources available to her, to differentiate between primary and secondary object. Splendid organisers of any scale. In work focuses on the "large-scale", not interested in fine details
  • : Easiliy able to associate with anyone at a close psychological distance, however finds it difficult to feel the nuances/moods between people and in relations. Tries to hide personal emotions, thus seems, to others, to be "dressed in armour". Often not able to understand the manifestations of her own emotions and moods: Thus she may insult another person and not even realise that she caused offense.
  • : Finds it difficult to see something in a new way, does not make note of novel possibilities, prefers the path proven by experience. Rejects all that is irrational. Irrationality leads to guessing whereas SLE prefers to stick to dies that can undoubtedly be counted upon.