In attending 3 various meetings recently has made me realize/understand more about socionics than I have in the past six months, possibly longer. (I totally misunderstood functions until about a year ago. Once I realized that I was wrong about a hell of a lot of it I began learning more about functions/information elements, but I have learned relatively little in the past 6 months since then.) Anyways,

Here are some of the things I've recently come to understand about socionics:

- A Te PoLR can be manifested in totally fucking up terminology. Repeatedly.
- The role function really isn't so bad. It's something that you're aware of but don't value. You can see how others value it and can use it like a tool in your interactions with them, but it's for their sake alone. I used to understand this better than I have more recently. (I used to refer to it as a tool, and as "the language of the natives". It's a language that used all around me, and I can understand and speak it well enough to get by, but it's not my first language.)
- Also, the role function is used in combination with one's first two functions. It's like... you see the world through your dominant function, but you can see another aspect of situation as it applies to others through your role function, and when you use your role it's because of motivations provided by your second function. Of course, I'm still sort of sorting through this particular theory.
- One's PoLR can be dealt with effectively by doing the things you need to do for reasons other than your PoLR itself.
- Identicals kick ass, particularly the ones who you see as successful/well/etc. It inspires confidence.
- I think... INFps and INTps are both rather timid types, but both can upset people with their manner. INFps can upset some people by distorting the facts to get an emotional response out of others, and Te can upset people by pointing out the cold, hard facts and ignoring the possible emotional response out of others. Overall though, they still come off as being more passive and timid in their demeanor, and you won't see their "tough" side unless you get them going on something they feel strongly about.
- It is very unlikely that Kelly is INFp. The only reason I have to believe she might be is because she goes along with pretty much anything Peter tells her.
- This place is full of miserable people. We learn this theory about the reasons why people behave differently, but instead of using it to get along with each other better, we use it as an excuse for intolerance. Booooooooooo.
- The less time I spend here, the more well I am.
- I've been too harsh on Fe. This is due to two Fe dominants in my life, an ESFj and an ENFj. I've carried a lot of resentment on the subject due to my relationships and interactions with these people. Overall I've viewed Fe as the super aristocratic Fe or the "omg I can't deal with my feelings so you're going to have to unfairly put up with an inane amount of tedious bullshit" Fe. Boooooo. Anyways, yeah... when I have irrational prejudices or reactions to things it's pretty much always because I haven't recognized my emotions about an issue that I have connected to that thing somewhere along the way. I really ought to work on that....

Hmmm I thought there was other stuff, but nothing else comes to mind at the moment. I'll post again if I remember more.