Quote Originally Posted by theodosis
And your dad is a neurologist? Are you certain that you did not confuse something your farther said? You experience a medley of all brainwave types... as Alpha brainwaves become more dominant, i.e. as your brain slows from Beta, into the more mellow waves of Alpha you become truly relaxed and your awareness expands. But it is complete marlarky to say that some people never experience Alpha brainwaves and also Alpha waves are not just in the Parietal or the Occipital lobes but occur in ALL parts of the brain...
I figured you'd have something to say about this. :wink:

At least... can we say that there is a *strong* correlation between the Alpha waves and the back of the brain?

For introverts the anterior part of the brain is utilized more while for extraverts, the temporal region is used more.
I thought it was the other way around? With the Occipital, Parietal, and Temporal lobes related to Introversion, and the Frontal lob related to Extraversion.