"There's no crying in baseball!!" This had to have been said by an estp.

My husband is estp and his ego is large and in charge, but so what. I have a pretty big ego myself! He always thinks about other people and whoever said they are great with kids is right - my husband is the fun one and is quite the caring and concerned parent to our 2 girls. He can be quite giving and generous and quite stubborn what with never wanting to "lose".

He is a master manipulator. We used to work together and we had to attend management meetings together. He actually had our boss giggling about her own (big) mistakes. It was quite a thing to view unfolding, the way he did that.

Don't try to talk to estp's too much about theories and abstract stuff they are like *yawn*. Most important to keep things real and moving along.

Just a couple thots, anyway, about estp's. Personally, I think they are like a breath of fresh air!