I'm ENFp-Ne, and my husband is ISTp-Si. My brother is ISTp-Te. We fit the subtype descriptions. If subtypes don't exist, this could be coincidental.

My brother and I didn't get along when we were teenagers. It took a while before that changed. Now we're fine. I'm sometimes still finding it difficult, though. My husband is calmer, and he tries to put people at ease and to be considerate and polite, so I find it easier to get along with him. But I wouldn't use this as a basis for saying anything about subtypes and duality. I mean, saying that my brother has sometimes been less than polite to me and that I get along better with the man I married = DUH, right?

Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
Do people really think I'm a SEI type?
I mistyped my husband as an ISFp at first. Why ever did I do that? ... Partly because I started out with the MBTI. I thought he was a "Feeler", not a "Thinker", because he's aware of the consequences his actions have on other people, so he tries to be helpful and considerate. He's very friendly, in a calm sort of way. Compared to my brother, he's slower to get angry or irritable. I'd say he's less likely to let others know that he thinks they're idiots. (He'll still think it, but he'll just avoid interacting with them.)

As for "sleepy" vs "attacking"... Instead of "sleepy" I'd say calm, mellow, phlegmatic, taking the scenic route through life. "Attacking", no idea what that means. But my brother is a litle more vehement in what he's doing. There's more adrenaline there, and there are greater contrasts: If he's withdrawn into himself, that's more clearly visible, and there are greater visible differences between the times he's resting and the times he's active.