Quote Originally Posted by zenbrat
The Ne-ENFp + Si-ISTp pair seems mutually laid back, thoughtful, with shared sensory and 'aesthetic' interests. There is a heavy internal focus with a greater need to share their thoughts and conclusions about things. There is more focus here on mental/emotional processing of experiences in order to "understand" than with the other pair. They experience together, then process together.

The Fi-ENFp + Te-ISTp pair seems to have a shared drive toward excitement and activity. There is less internal focus and less need to share their internal responses (which may feel burdensome for the other). Keeping things 'light' and active appears to be the greater preference here. Both of these subtypes probably maintain a wider circle of aquaintainces and therefore have less difficulty with 'time expectations' of the other.
I'd have thought that the bold parts would be reversed, that is, belong to the other pair, respectively.