I agree. But convincing incompetent people that they're better off doing something they're competent in is suprisingly difficult. There are so many stigmas on certain careers in our society, that many people who might find happiness and success in a profession, avoid it simply because of the way it is viewed. I'm of the opinion that education is probably the worst culprit, as there are many people who drift through high school and college, simply because they know that having a degree will enable them to make more money. There are many types that would be much better off leaving school at the age of 14 and learning a trade or being an apprentice, and yet this is not encouraged anywhere in our society. It is simply what ends up happening to ESFps, and ISFps in their mid 20s when they finally realize that maybe being a trial lawyer is not the path to happiness, despite what they've been told their whole life. It's sad, and convincing people that they're better of as construction workers than as surgeons always ends up in a lot of insults and other unpleasantries.