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Thread: The Role of IQ in duality relationships

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    Default The Role of IQ in duality relationships

    First, before I start, I must disagree with some of the attempts to placate the sensors when MBTI "experts" ect state that intution does not equal intelligence. Based on my experience with sensors and intuitives, I have found that intutives are generally quicker on the uptake than sensors. There are some exceptions-some of the logical sensing types can be fairly bright, but they often are below the higher superior ranges where many NF and especially NT's (due to the powerful logic/intuitive combination) make up the majority.

    SF's often seem to the least intellectually capable. Of course, there are exceptions, but I doubt, for example, that any belong to MENSA, whereas many INTJ's probably do. Thus, a typical relationship between an INTJ and an ESFJ could be seperated by 1-6 standard devations in IQ points. This has to result in significant problems in these dual relationships. While a smarter ESFJ would be intellectual compatable with a slower witted INTJ, it seems the vast majority of these types would pair up and soon become disappointed in the large discrepency in brain power.

    I this the case in many NT-SF dual relations, as NT's are often the smartest (although NF's are often equally bright), and SF's are often the dimmest (of course, not always though), these problems in intellectual difference are most drastic, because in the other dual relations an intutive feeler is teamed up with a sensory thinker, and thus each partner possesses on of the necessary strong function that results in higher levels of intelligence.

    As a result, many NT's probably marry other NT's because of intellectual compatibilty.

    I do not mean to offend anyone. Any remarks are appreciated.

  2. #2


    You have to understand that we are all wired for different "purposes" (callings).

    We need different personality types so that our society will be balanced. Where would society be if there were only intellectuals?

    But I agree that there are IQ differences among types. But is nothing for me to be cocky about...because we don't get to choose our IQ or personality type. As I mentioned before I believe that we're each given a personality/IQ that corresponds to what we are meant to do in life. So it's wasy to conclude that NT's are the people set aside to do tasks that require high "logical" intelligence.

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    Yes I think there is some truth to what you are saying, but then again we are only talking about "intellegence". Logical seperating one thing from another, finding discrepencies and simularities. Things NTs are probably wired for. Then again us NTs aspire and are weak at the things SFs or STs or NFs are good at. And vice versa. Then again there is also wisdom, which is different than intellgence, as well as emotional intellegence etc.

  4. #4

    Default ARROGANT INTjs

    I love when people start to play the IQ game when it comes to the various socionic types...I've been down that ridiculous path before and I always come back feeling like a jackass after munching on some humble pie. YES...INTjs are very smart in understanding things more quickly than others...they also have the ability to maintain a superior objectivity and make decisions on almost anything, even when it causes them harm (which is why they make the best judges imho). Yes, we are a unique type and arguably the most influential when it comes to shaping the course of human ideas and society...however, with that said, we are socially, aesthetically, politically, and emotionally retarded, almost without exception. I wouldn't trust an INTj to do anything that required any of these skills because they ALWAYS f**k it up. How many INTj presidents have we seen in the last 100 years? 1? Maybe 2? How many INTj actors have moved you when watching them in a film or a great play? I can think of....0. Yes, we make great comedians in romantic comedies, for the sole reason that we are...almost without excpetion, the most emotionally retarded of all types, and we have a great ability to constantly prove and re-prove that point.

    Would you charge an INTj with running your army? Have you ever watched an INTj try to rally the troops? Try a sedative and you MIGHT get the idea. Yes, we may discover and promote the ideas that great generals fight for, be we sure as hell aren't going to march our troops onto the battlefield to bring those ideas to fruition. And god save us if we tried, because much like everything else, we have a distinct ability to turn on the apathy, even when our own lives are on the line. Yes, leave that to the ESTps...their tactical intelligence and ability to win at all costs makes our weak attempts at conducting battle look like a five year old trying to remove a booger from his nose.

    And our political intelligence...yes, let's make our point, and if someone doesn't agree with it, well, too bad, their loss, see ya later, not interested in repeating myself more than once...would an ESFp do that? I think not...schmooze, party, and emotionally manipulate until the job is done. Yes they're retards when it comes to the world of ideas, but is their political intelligence any less valid and useful than our quick understanding of all things abstract?

    And aesthetically...yes, there have been some brilliant INTj artists...Shostakovitch, Guagin, and arguably many more...but what about being able to mix two colors together to create another? Without art classes and years of practice, an INTj would (as I have experienced) always end up with something that looks like vomit. ISFps can do this as if they we're born having taken years of studio art...yes much of their art is superficial and without deep conceptual consideration, but who do you think corporations hire to design their logos and advertise their products? You think people want to look at a god awful piece of modern art all the time? Hell no! They are the aesthetic masterminds of society, creating pure beauty and recognizing it so that they may share it with others...just as we recognize ideas and share them with the world.

    And what of the ISTp and his ability to build...the craftsman...would we have the architecture and architectural processes that we have without their inate ability to combine aesthetics with function and form...their natural gift with tools allows us to reach to new heights in surgery, new accuracy in changing form delicately, and accurately...I have trouble drawing a straight line...

    The ISFj...intellectual dullards by all accounts...and yet they are able to stick to their principles no matter what the to dominate others and punish evil doers without a thought to their own safety. They need not understand what they believe...only know that they believe it and that they are ISFj who believes in justice and goodness is a powerful force for good in the powerful as any idea an INTj could conceive.

    And the ISTj...just as quick to understand things as an INTj, only they don't care about abstractions and theories...they care more for the details of life...making sure that nothing is overlooked...ensuring that all the time we spend coming up with ways to organize society, does not fall apart because the everday mundane detailes were ignored.

    And the ESTj? What good is he or she? Well, who else cares so much for overseeing the daily business of people. The administrators of scoiety who given a good plan, and a solid staff, can do wonders for any organization. They don't need encouragement, or praise on a daily basis, they only need to know that there is work to be done, and they know who needs to do it. Boring? Yes. Essential to society? Absolutely. I've never met an INTj who enjoyed doing the same thing day in and day out without complaining every second afforded them. We can't do that, and we shouldn't. We're horrible at it, and eventually we'd start to feel the same apathy towards whatever routine we were in that we do for almost everything else repetetive and mundane.

    And lastly...the ESFj...intellectually retarded? Possibly. Slow on the uptake? Most definitely. Able to soften the heart and care for even the most unlovable of creatures, namely INTjs? Yep. And they will care for anything deserving of their love. Their dedication to their feelings and ability to stand up for those they love allows INTjs to survive in a world that would like nothing better than to run us all out of town, because we bring change and threaten people's comfort...we promote ideas that expose the stupidity of others, and seek to change the fabric of society. If you've ever had an ESFj friend, you will know that they won't back down from a confrontation, and will defend you until they're blue in the face. Their love is unconditional, unwavering even in the face of the strongest adversity...

    I know this was a long posting, but I thought it important for INTjs to get over the whole IQ thing among other societal stupidities. I challenge anyone out there to "define" intelligence. ADD, IQ, and other ill considered acronyms take away and demean the things that make society function, and life interesting.

  5. #5

    Default Well Said

    I'm glad you were entertained. So are you saying that a lack of emotional intelligence and an active imaginary social life are signs of intelligence? If so, I like it. I might also argue that many people would probably agree with you.

  6. #6


    Ok, I suppose you mean the speed at which someone is able to do this would indicate their level of intelligence, which I would accept as a logical definition of intelligence...however, the problem lies in developing 8 different tests for 8 different types of information (Si, Ne, etc...) and also determining an objective standard by which to measure the quality of the final product for 8 different types of information. I know plenty of people (particularly ENTjs) who can throw a lot of information at you very quickly, but most of it isn't necessarily well considered and the final product, imo, doesn't amount to much. And on the other side of that, I know many people who synthesize slowly, but the end result is always, imo, well considered and intelligent.

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    I agree. But convincing incompetent people that they're better off doing something they're competent in is suprisingly difficult. There are so many stigmas on certain careers in our society, that many people who might find happiness and success in a profession, avoid it simply because of the way it is viewed. I'm of the opinion that education is probably the worst culprit, as there are many people who drift through high school and college, simply because they know that having a degree will enable them to make more money. There are many types that would be much better off leaving school at the age of 14 and learning a trade or being an apprentice, and yet this is not encouraged anywhere in our society. It is simply what ends up happening to ESFps, and ISFps in their mid 20s when they finally realize that maybe being a trial lawyer is not the path to happiness, despite what they've been told their whole life. It's sad, and convincing people that they're better of as construction workers than as surgeons always ends up in a lot of insults and other unpleasantries.

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    If socionics is to ever come to the mainstream in this country, it will do so only through people who understand its elements and want to use it to make money. Universities will be the LAST bastions of science to accept it, because it is sort of like cracking the code of human psychology and will force a lot of APA members to retire. Remember, one can look at the psych. functions identified by Jung as the psychology's "periodic table of the elements," a Rosetta stone so to speak. And because there are a lot of alchemists out there passing off their Ph.Ds as proof of their understanding of psychology, and making millions writing books on ADD, and other disorders that target a particular psychological type for persecution, it's gonna be the business men who want to use it to make more money that will force the establishment to take a look at it. It's a long uphill battle, but eventually it will start to find its place by way of the same thing that forces most science into the mainstream...greed.

  9. #9


    Yeah, that’s probably true. It’s likely that many experts in the psychiatry/psychology fields will be hesitant to abandon traditional methods. Unfortunately, if corporations begin administering socionics tests the systems will likely be simplified and misused for and by the masses, as mbti and IQ tests are today. If this doesn't happen, it could flourish and leak down into academia where the history of the science can go through a rigorous process of analysis in attempts at further progress. That’s a positive possibility we can hope for. There is no doubt that the methods of properly promoting this science in the US need some serious thought so it can flourish.

  10. #10


    IQ is not a valid test of intelligence. IQ is more of a series of really hard questions, and your quotient is determined by how well you answer these questions.

    I also have a feeling that intelligence and personality and somewhat independent. I've met many people in my life with a higher IQ, but I've always been regarded as more intelligent than them. I think that personality determines how we utilise intelligence, and certain types are better at utilising their intelligence than others. Also, some may also be better at things that are associated more with intelligence - for example, the ability to plan ahead, see possibilities and inductively think are qualities of intuitives, and these traits are more commonly associated with intelligence.

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    I generally have been regarded as very intelligent by others - a bit of a boffin at school, really, although I was quite active and liked to exercise. Perhaps it's my personality that gives the impression of intelligence.

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    Intelligence, acording to one book, is something like how fast you process certain info. There are 10 types of IQ discovered today: mathematical intelligence, verbal intelligence, spiritual intelligence, ability to work with your body intelligence and more, which I can't remember right now. And they say that IQ comes from our genes, but sociaty and our life over all are the factors which are good or bad for development of our IQ. And probably your IQ type doesn't change in your life time. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the book from where I took this material.

    And INTjs might score good at popular IQ tests, but that doesn't quarantee you how successfull you are in life. Psychologists them selfs say that high IQ people are often not so successfull than people with lower IQ are. They point out that those succesfull people have high EQ.

    ESFj has a good EQ. They are types belonging do most talkactive types of all types. Succesfull comunicators as they are, they have to have good understanding of human emotional life. And ESFj, Fe+Si, has strong Emotionall Ethics, ability do understand others inner life: is he sad, happy, covering his bad mood etc. And besides that the ablity do change others emotions. BE is a function, which helps us to be artistic, they don't call ENFj , Fe+Ni, Actor for no reason. So ESFj has good people scills.

    But the thing I'm trieng to say is that if F functions make us good at EQ, then F with N makes type ultimate psychologist/councellor. And here, in Estonia, most succesfull psychologists, like Anti Kidron, are ENFPs. Good ability to understand hidden places in your soul+ ability to change your emotional state. And if you don't believe me, then quess who's probably famous dr Phill in states? Or who was Dale Garnagie?

    Sorry, if I talked thinges sayd before. That MBTI INTj irritated my WE. I can't stand if somebody talks in selfishly polite manner. As metaiwan sayd before, SUPEREGO doesn't want much information, info going into your second block is the info, which causes the pain in your soul. Being for a long time with person, who puts pressure on your second block can make you lose controll over you behaviour. Ausra Augusta sayd in her works that
    the fourth function, f.e, causes us neurosis and other hard problems.Socionists say that these are one of the problems why personlities don't fit some times. So that's why I'm stressed out at the moment.

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    But the thing I'm trieng to say is that if F functions make us good at EQ, then F with N makes type ultimate psychologist/councellor. And here, in Estonia, most succesfull psychologists, like Anti Kidron, are ENFPs.
    I would absolutely agree that ENFps make excellent counsellors...however, as with any scientist, they are limited by the theories that they have learned, and often can be useless when trying to understand types that do not respond well to their emotional manipulation (Fi). As the fourth quadra consists types that "maintain the status quo," they are only as good in a practical sense, as the "status quo" that has been provided for them. Many ENFps are insanely stubborn when it comes to adapting new methods because they HATE to have to learn something new that is not relatively simple (Ti/Te weakness). This, as we observe in the US, causes a lot of ENFp psychologists (like Dr. Phil) to spread understanding that is either incomplete or simply inaccurate, causing no real progress in this area. I think it would be fair to say that at this point, at least in the US, most ENFp psychologists are doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to the issue of using drugs to cure depression, or other "personality disorders," as they are often prone to do.

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    You can teach ENFp by ENFPs hidden agenda. Best ENFp psychologists have developed strong feelingside and they seem to have also strong Te in subconciouss. This hidden agenda feeds their Fi.

    I have met a lot of psychologists in my life time. A lot of them were ENFps, and you are right, SVFB. They are dumb somewhat. Their knowledge seems to come from their experience with people and how they have learnd to use their Fi in different situations.This means that their methods are stereotypical. They are bad at learning new psychological theories and they , like 90% of the NF types, are not very scientithic in their methods. Knowing socionics, I would say that most of their talkings about human relations is just a nonsence, not better than doing character analisation in Literature lesson, what is fun, but not very accurate in the eyes of science.

    Socionists are right, when they say that Social sciences need to be socionized. Psychology and rest of the Social sciences have a lot of theorys, which should be watched over critically.

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    ok i'md one

  16. #16
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    In my experience of dual relations, I have found no problems regarding IQ difference.

    Because it just isn't a part of the essence of duality. Even when the dual partner is really stupid,
    if they use their "main tools", you will immediately experience duality. (a feeling of completeness).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Where would society be if there were only intellectuals?
    We'd be on a higher plane of existence by now

    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFVB
    But the thing I'm trieng to say is that if F functions make us good at EQ, then F with N makes type ultimate psychologist/councellor. And here, in Estonia, most succesfull psychologists, like Anti Kidron, are ENFPs.
    I would absolutely agree that ENFps make excellent counsellors...however, as with any scientist, they are limited by the theories that they have learned, and often can be useless when trying to understand types that do not respond well to their emotional manipulation (Fi). As the fourth quadra consists types that "maintain the status quo," they are only as good in a practical sense, as the "status quo" that has been provided for them. Many ENFps are insanely stubborn when it comes to adapting new methods because they HATE to have to learn something new that is not relatively simple (Ti/Te weakness). This, as we observe in the US, causes a lot of ENFp psychologists (like Dr. Phil) to spread understanding that is either incomplete or simply inaccurate, causing no real progress in this area. I think it would be fair to say that at this point, at least in the US, most ENFp psychologists are doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to the issue of using drugs to cure depression, or other "personality disorders," as they are often prone to do.

    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  19. #19
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    Everything in that first post by SFVB--priceless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
    In my experience of dual relations, I have found no problems regarding IQ difference.

    Because it just isn't a part of the essence of duality. Even when the dual partner is really stupid,
    if they use their "main tools", you will immediately experience duality. (a feeling of completeness).
    I have experienced this, for sure.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Quote Originally Posted by SFVB
    But the thing I'm trieng to say is that if F functions make us good at EQ, then F with N makes type ultimate psychologist/councellor. And here, in Estonia, most succesfull psychologists, like Anti Kidron, are ENFPs.
    I would absolutely agree that ENFps make excellent counsellors...however, as with any scientist, they are limited by the theories that they have learned, and often can be useless when trying to understand types that do not respond well to their emotional manipulation (Fi). As the fourth quadra consists types that "maintain the status quo," they are only as good in a practical sense, as the "status quo" that has been provided for them. Many ENFps are insanely stubborn when it comes to adapting new methods because they HATE to have to learn something new that is not relatively simple (Ti/Te weakness). This, as we observe in the US, causes a lot of ENFp psychologists (like Dr. Phil) to spread understanding that is either incomplete or simply inaccurate, causing no real progress in this area. I think it would be fair to say that at this point, at least in the US, most ENFp psychologists are doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to the issue of using drugs to cure depression, or other "personality disorders," as they are often prone to do.

    Correct. Thanks Slacker Mom. Only a T type would think something ridiculous like that :wink:

    Dale Carnigie was one though. I like how SFVB is explaining how there are many types of intelligence. I simply cannot agree with a lot you say about ENFp's. I learn extremely fast and im happy to learn something that helps someone else !. I think if you researched into it, ENFp's would be on the forefront of generating new self help ideas etc. Granted many of them are not affective, but some are. ENFp's see things far deeper than you realise. Research into the life of Mark Twain or George Orwell and his influences and Literature!

    I also dont see why people dont correlate ESTj's to intelligence? They are one of the most capable types at surviving in todays society. I know one that started a business at age 16 he now has 20 people working for him. I also know a Network Engineer who is so good at what he did he got two promotions in the time i worked with the company.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  21. #21
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    I would say this article is missing one point - Intelligent peoples brains are more focussed on thinking and less on social skills. Obviously this correlates to Socionic beliefs.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Quote Originally Posted by SFVB
    But the thing I'm trieng to say is that if F functions make us good at EQ, then F with N makes type ultimate psychologist/councellor. And here, in Estonia, most succesfull psychologists, like Anti Kidron, are ENFPs.
    I would absolutely agree that ENFps make excellent counsellors...however, as with any scientist, they are limited by the theories that they have learned, and often can be useless when trying to understand types that do not respond well to their emotional manipulation (Fi). As the fourth quadra consists types that "maintain the status quo," they are only as good in a practical sense, as the "status quo" that has been provided for them. Many ENFps are insanely stubborn when it comes to adapting new methods because they HATE to have to learn something new that is not relatively simple (Ti/Te weakness). This, as we observe in the US, causes a lot of ENFp psychologists (like Dr. Phil) to spread understanding that is either incomplete or simply inaccurate, causing no real progress in this area. I think it would be fair to say that at this point, at least in the US, most ENFp psychologists are doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to the issue of using drugs to cure depression, or other "personality disorders," as they are often prone to do.

    Correct. Thanks Slacker Mom. Only a T type would think something ridiculous like that :wink:

    Dale Carnigie was one though. I like how SFVB is explaining how there are many types of intelligence. I simply cannot agree with a lot you say about ENFp's. I learn extremely fast and im happy to learn something that helps someone else !. I think if you researched into it, ENFp's would be on the forefront of generating new self help ideas etc. Granted many of them are not affective, but some are. ENFp's see things far deeper than you realise. Research into the life of Mark Twain or George Orwell and his influences and Literature!

    I also dont see why people dont correlate ESTj's to intelligence? They are one of the most capable types at surviving in todays society. I know one that started a business at age 16 he now has 20 people working for him. I also know a Network Engineer who is so good at what he did he got two promotions in the time i worked with the company.
    I reached the conclusion that smart people are just smart, and they are usually good at basically everything, whereas dumb people are just dumb and tend to be bad at everything (unfortunately). Indipendant of type.

    Just as an example, I personally would consider a life wasted away one where you start your own business at 16 instead of playing, having fun, going out, etc - this doesn't mean it's true, just my perispective.

    About what you say in the above post - I'd say that very smart people are able to notice connections that some other people miss. So when a "smart" person comments or makes a joke on those connections, other people are less likely to understand and of course this undermines the possibility of being social.

    Some quotes also tend to make my balls drop:

    Western society is not set up to nurture intelligent children and adults, the way it dotes over athletes and sports figures, especially the outstanding ones
    This evidently implies that the author thinks that sport celeberities are all dumb.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  23. #23
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    My duals are often reported to have the highest IQs of all. I have no problem with that.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Just as an example, I personally would consider a life wasted away one where you start your own business at 16 instead of playing, having fun, going out, etc - this doesn't mean it's true, just my perispective.
    Yeah that is definately true he did miss out on a bit of his childhood. I saw this guy at a party a few weeks ago and chatted with him, hes great a smoozing with clients etc but he doesn't have lots of friends because he talks about himself a lot lol. He seems to love people knowing hes successful.

    Still, i think he owns his own house at 25 and he has paid for himself to travel the world a few times so hes doing pretty well

    This evidently implies that the author thinks that sport celeberities are all dumb.
    I think athletes are often very sharp. Physical exercise is very good for the brain.

    My duals are often reported to have the highest IQs of all. I have no problem with that.
    Yeah my ISFj mummy is a sharp cookie. Im recon she could lecture at sociology and she has never even studied it.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    I think that by comparing smart people and sports people, they meant that there is a distribution that would tend to show that people with great bodies haven't evolved to be most optimal at thinking, and people with great minds aren't usually evolved for being very athletic. But there are combinations and extremes, where both qualities are present, it just isn't common and sometimes people don't want to believe that there is such a thing as an alpha male.

    I've met some pretty dumb dualities. Honestly, I would prefer the company of a smart and wise conflictor over a dumb duality. However I do need the energy that my duality has, but personality is just a mask on top of the real naked soul, and the candy it gives shouldn't always be a reason to be with them.

    What a great replacement for a nany

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by Slava2
    I think that by comparing smart people and sports people, they meant that there is a distribution that would tend to show that people with great bodies haven't evolved to be most optimal at thinking, and people with great minds aren't usually evolved for being very athletic. But there are combinations and extremes, where both qualities are present, it just isn't common and sometimes people don't want to believe that there is such a thing as an alpha male.
    Actually, you're wrong. Intelligence and physical activity and health very often correlate. Sometimes a person is just a brute and not intelligent, but I wouldn't consider someone like that truly athletic either -- just brutish. And a person can have health problems and still be very intelligent of course. I believe that people can improve their mental function by also improving their physical function.
    I dont think you interpreted what I stated the way I meant it to be interpreted,,,

    Lets say you have 4 types of people in a sample space... [good body, good brain][good body, bad brain][bad body, good brain][bad body, bad brain]

    assuming the words good and bad represent extremes (top 5%), you aren't going to find as many with both good, as those with only one good.

    What a great replacement for a nany

  29. #29



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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by Slava2
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by Slava2
    I think that by comparing smart people and sports people, they meant that there is a distribution that would tend to show that people with great bodies haven't evolved to be most optimal at thinking, and people with great minds aren't usually evolved for being very athletic. But there are combinations and extremes, where both qualities are present, it just isn't common and sometimes people don't want to believe that there is such a thing as an alpha male.
    Actually, you're wrong. Intelligence and physical activity and health very often correlate. Sometimes a person is just a brute and not intelligent, but I wouldn't consider someone like that truly athletic either -- just brutish. And a person can have health problems and still be very intelligent of course. I believe that people can improve their mental function by also improving their physical function.
    I dont think you interpreted what I stated the way I meant it to be interpreted,,,

    Lets say you have 4 types of people in a sample space... [good body, good brain][good body, bad brain][bad body, good brain][bad body, bad brain]

    assuming the words good and bad represent extremes (top 5%), you aren't going to find as many with both good, as those with only one good.
    I would disagree even if both good and bad represent extremes -- because that would mean those with very good bodies would have to have very bad brains which just doesn't happen all that often, more like mediocre of one and good of another, or fairly good of both, or good of both, or mediocre of both, or bad of one and mediocre of the other. Extremes are rare, and extremes of both or extreme one way and extreme the other at the same time, would be even more rare.
    no wait what he means is that you have a rectangular area which is a graph where on the x axis you have body and on the y axis you have brain

    he argues that the density of the distribution is low on the angles of the square that represnet good body good brain, bad body bad brain (so near the origin and at +infinity,+infinity), which is exactly the same thing that you are arguing

    basically, you agree with each other hehe
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    Éminence grise mikemex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I reached the conclusion that smart people are just smart, and they are usually good at basically everything, whereas dumb people are just dumb and tend to be bad at everything (unfortunately). Indipendant of type.
    Yeah, I second that. Intelligence is the ability to adapt, to be good on many things.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Just as an example, I personally would consider a life wasted away one where you start your own business at 16 instead of playing, having fun, going out, etc - this doesn't mean it's true, just my perispective.
    Uh, then I'm definetly Delta, because I started my own business at about that age. I always have the feeling that I have to secure my way of living. I sometimes have the feeling that, by doing so, I'm just wasting my time when I could be enjoying life more. However, I find it difficult to do anything just because I want, I have to have a reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    About what you say in the above post - I'd say that very smart people are able to notice connections that some other people miss. So when a "smart" person comments or makes a joke on those connections, other people are less likely to understand and of course this undermines the possibility of being social.
    It happens to me all the time. I'm highly intuitive and I often see things that are almost impossible for others to see. Hell, they are sometimes so vague that I can't even explain them properly to myself.

    Lacking people to share my findings and reasonings often makes me to feel alone and to consider my relationships with others as shallow due to lack of understanding.
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    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    It happens to me all the time. I'm highly intuitive and I often see things that are almost impossible for others to see. Hell, they are sometimes so vague that I can't even explain them properly to myself.

    Lacking people to share my findings and reasonings often makes me to feel alone and to consider my relationships with others as shallow due to lack of understanding.

    What a great replacement for a nany

  33. #33
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Ok, so I took an online IQ test and I measures your brain's capabilities on these terms/parameters:

    Visual Vocabulary Spatial
    Arithmetic Logical General Knowledge
    Spelling Rote Utilization Intuition
    Short Term Memory Geometric Algebraic
    Computational Speed

    Computational Speed...good

    This test must be great for Sensory types.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  34. #34
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Moonlight will fall
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    Your heart will mend

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    Last i heard, you cannot fllunk an IQ test. All they do is give you a spacial helmet and let you ride to school on the short bus.
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    By fail I mean scored under 100
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  37. #37
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Man, I was totally prepared to give a serious response to the thread title only to see that the bump was completely off-topic.

    also, request link to that IQ test plz.

  38. #38
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    I usually score between 125 and 130 in IQ tests. I don't know how close that is to reality, but I believe it's safe to assume I am above the average in the areas that those tests measure (usually deduction/abstract thinking/language skills/memory). I know these tests ignore many important aspects of mental abilities, but that doesn't mean there isn't any truth to them.

    About duals with low IQ:
    As an NF type I'm supposed to get help in logical matters from my dual, but with the less bright individuals I often feel like I need to help them with logical (mostly Ti-related) matters. Which I don't particularily enjoy. Even if the need for dual functions could get fullfilled with a stupid dual I don't think I'd enjoy their company very much. I love talking about philosophical, political, cultural etc topics, and if I the other person happens to be too dumb to understand the language/terms I use (which has happened) and/or the only thins he has to say are boring platitudes or even irrelevancies I'd rather not talk to them. I need intellectual and emotional intimacy just as well as physical, and low-IQ LSEs are only good for the latter.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moniker04 View Post
    First, before I start, I must disagree with some of the attempts to placate the sensors when MBTI "experts" ect state that intution does not equal intelligence. Based on my experience with sensors and intuitives, I have found that intutives are generally quicker on the uptake than sensors. There are some exceptions-some of the logical sensing types can be fairly bright, but they often are below the higher superior ranges where many NF and especially NT's (due to the powerful logic/intuitive combination) make up the majority.

    SF's often seem to the least intellectually capable. Of course, there are exceptions, but I doubt, for example, that any belong to MENSA, whereas many INTJ's probably do. Thus, a typical relationship between an INTJ and an ESFJ could be seperated by 1-6 standard devations in IQ points. This has to result in significant problems in these dual relationships. While a smarter ESFJ would be intellectual compatable with a slower witted INTJ, it seems the vast majority of these types would pair up and soon become disappointed in the large discrepency in brain power.

    I this the case in many NT-SF dual relations, as NT's are often the smartest (although NF's are often equally bright), and SF's are often the dimmest (of course, not always though), these problems in intellectual difference are most drastic, because in the other dual relations an intutive feeler is teamed up with a sensory thinker, and thus each partner possesses on of the necessary strong function that results in higher levels of intelligence.

    As a result, many NT's probably marry other NT's because of intellectual compatibilty.

    I do not mean to offend anyone. Any remarks are appreciated.
    This is a very uneducated/inexperienced perspective.

    Just so you know, the man with the highest IQ on record is a very clear example of an LSI-Se.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    By fail I mean scored under 100
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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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