Maynard is an INFJ; and of the few gammas I've asked about tool, none of them replied they particularly liked them.. they thought it was "alright".. etc. I like a few of their songs, but they aren't my favorite band by a long shot; and some people become particularly obsessed with them.. INTjs I've known especially.
The white stripes is led by an ISFj Jack White. The beatles are all gamma (other then ringo, who doesn't really contribute). Jim Morrison of the doors is ILI. Bob dylan is an ISFj.
Our music is pitch oriented, and rhythm remains irregular and non repetitive. We don't like... beat music, or like... music which centers around the repetition of a particular riff. Easily it becomes bored. Or music in which the climax is a rhythmic perception. Instead, rhythm and pitch are one and must compliment eachother. Delta also likes pitch oriented music.. but rhythmic repetition is fine with them. I think Fi behaves this way- an affinity toward a climax of pitch.
All this according to my subjective perception