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Thread: Gamma Music

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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by KSpin
    Is there such a thing as music being of/for a certain type/quadra?
    But of course!

    The Beatles

    ESFp - Paul McCartney
    INTp - George Harrison
    ENTj - John Lennon
    ISFj - Ringo Starr

    Need I say more? :wink:

    Is this not stunning!? Will not a bunch of hooligan kids all over the globe now begin working on confirming their socionics types in order to form quadra bands to channel some kind of cosmic hoolagaboo through their sonic collaborations?!

    hee hee

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by astralsilky View Post
    But of course!

    The Beatles

    ESFp - Paul McCartney
    INTp - George Harrison
    ENTj - John Lennon
    ISFj - Ringo Starr

    Need I say more? :wink:

    Is this not stunning!? Will not a bunch of hooligan kids all over the globe now begin working on confirming their socionics types in order to form quadra bands to channel some kind of cosmic hoolagaboo through their sonic collaborations?!

    hee hee
    I'm back 11 years later. My typings have changed a bit. George Harrison I know understand to be ILE among many other new insights. I promise this was not a disinformation campaign, so please go easy if you see an old post of mine like this and see a discrepancy compared to my postings now.

  3. #3
    ENJoymENT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astralsilky View Post
    But of course!

    The Beatles

    ESFp - Paul McCartney
    INTp - George Harrison
    ENTj - John Lennon
    ISFj - Ringo Starr
    There are a lot of people who believe the Beatles are Gamma, however I believe a lot of their music is too happy and harmonious—particularly their earlier music. Back in the 60s, there was a definite dichotomy: you were either a “Beatles person” or a “Stones person”. The perception was that the Beatles and their fans “toed the line” and put forth at least an effort towards presenting respectable outward appearances. In contrast, the Rolling Stones were immediately feared as a sign of society’s decline into debauchery. In reality, I don’t believe this was necessarily a fact, however the Rolling Stones definitely fared better, in that societal expectations for them were so much lower as a result. When members of the Rolling Stones got arrested (multiple times) for drug offenses, society had expected that of them all along, and therefore they were not knocked off of any pedestal and could therefore take it more in stride. In contrast, the Beatles desperately searched for inner meaning amongst all of the superficiality of their heretofore unprecedented fame. They turned to the Maharishi, eastern religion, and in Lennon‘s case eventually to heroin. That is what makes me believe that perhaps Lennon could have possibly been Gamma, because once he found himself trapped in the artificial world that is fame, that led him to self-destruct by locking himself away in a NYC apartment with Yoko to try and achieve authenticity through isolation in order to block out the intrusion of the press and fans. So utterly tragic, that eventually he was gunned down by a fan—even though he had desperately tried to inundate himself in anonymity by living in New York City—his very worst fears realized.

    Personally, I think that the Rolling Stones possess a “cut out the bullshit” real-life vulnerability that is the cornerstone of Gamma. Their music is intentionally rough around the edges, thereby placing the emphasis more on its authentic “feel” than its outer polished appearance. In contrast, The Beatles “she loves you ya ya ya and with a love like that you know you should be glad” seems a little more Alpha to me—where everything is just peachy keen and sunny. As a Gamma, I personally despise all of those “happy songs”. I have more respect for lyrics that tell it like it REALLY is (ie. like how Pink Floyd single-handedly brought awareness to mental health issues/schizophrenia in an artful way with The Wall). It’s harsh, but it’s REAL. I’m not claiming necessarily that each (or any) musician in the Rolling Stones is Gamma (although I do believe that Mick Jagger is LIE)…just that their type of music is.

    The very first lyrics that Mick Jagger & and Keith Richards wrote together (after being locked in a room together until they “came out with a song” by their manager Andrew Oldham), contains from the outset a dark authentic sadness, which in my opinion is very Gamma: “I sit and watch the children play. Smiling faces I can see, but not for me. I sit and watch as tears go by”. Ya, because the happy smiley faces are for the Alphas. The Rolling Stones, while English, were inspired by blues music from the American South—John Lee Hooker, Chuck Berry, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters—and a lot of the messages inherent in THAT genre of music IMO, is distinctly Fi—once again valuing inner authenticity over outer polish.

    Contrast lyrics from the Stones’ Street Fighting Man to standard Beatles fare such as I Want to Hold Your Hand: “‘Cause summer’s here and the time is right for fighting in the street boy But what can a poor boy do ‘cept to sing for a rock ‘n’ roll band, ‘cause in sleepy London town there’s just no place for a street fightin’ man”. The down and out seediness of Honky Tonk Woman, and Tumbling Dice…. damn it’s REAL and NOT superficial and happy.

    The music’s rawness prompts one to shake off their pretences, and embrace life’s good, bad & ugly. Wakin’ up rough, (in the 70,s & 80’s that would also include lighting a smoke, & putting on Morrison’s “well I woke this morning and I got myself a beer…the future’s uncertain and the end is always near”). It’s common to put down the past eras’ faults of liquor, LSD and cigarettes, yet is today’s vaping, meth and oxy really an improvement?The Stones’ music acknowledges that life is harsh…yet their music can nonetheless evoke if not happiness, then at least acceptance despite the hardships. Personally for me, music provides a direct conduit to Fi—safe, controllable connections to feelings. This brings to mind the message I left at Morrison’s grave at Pere Lachaise: “For the music is your special friend—dance on fire as it intends, music is your only friend, until the end.” That’s a little bit dark, however it brings me enjoyment for its common truth.

    In my opinion, Gamma music has to contain some element of vulnerable self disclosure that everyone can relate to, thereby establishing the common ground from which all of us feel safe to lay down our swords and admit that life is fucked, life is hard…yet nonetheless there can still be joy. That is why I believe that Eminem is Gamma ESI—the elements of his music reveal his vulnerability, while simultaneously creating humour from it. This is irresistible to capture Fi valuers. In Without Me, he contrasts his stormy pissed off and authentic personal Fi lyrics (“Fuck you DEBBIE”—after winning his lawsuit) against an ironically upbeat and sunny Alpha musical backdrop: “A-tisket a-taskit I’ll go tit-for-tat with anybody who’s talking this shit…” I also think Eminem very often uses double entendre wordplay—which also seems in my opinion to be very Gamma. One of the most deep down joys I get is when I write a message that utilizes a word conveying two differing meanings in a naughty or clever sense. I also noticed that other Gamma members of this forum like to use the letters from their socionics type in their name. Not sure if there are members from other quadras who also do this?

    Same with Kanye West. Even though I face palm hardily (and take Taylor Swift’s side,) every time I watch him interrupt her VMA acceptance speech, I believe that in HIS opinion, it was his way of being chivalrous and standing up for Beyoncé. Therefore I think he is SEE because he meant well, but didn’t foresee the “big picture” ie. the overall consequences of his bitchy actions. I am NO fan of the Kardashians, but I give props to Kim for treating Kanye‘s bipolar mental health issues respectfully and standing by him as much as she did. His song “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” sounds very Gamma IMO. He’s telling it like it is—the good, bad and ugly—and FFS he has a point.

    I guess in essence, other quadras may gain joy and pleasure from “happy music” about a “sunshiney day” or “looking so fine”….. but for Gammas that is not enough. We require full psychological satisfaction and validation that comes only from hearing someone have the balls to say something distasteful, yet true…so that we can then relax and get behind them saying “yeah that’s fucking right!”
    Last edited by ENJoymENT; 08-11-2022 at 10:35 AM.

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