The music itself varies, but the reason for playing music remains fairly constant: it must flesh out the current mood and never distract from it. I have never in my life said I feel x, therefore I will play music to make me feel y!" As a result, I suppose the majority of my music is a little unsettling to most people. Often it's "dark." i tend to like desperate / childlike vocals, if vocals exist. I like nontraditional structure / instrumentation. Often there's a noticable absense of resolution -- notes that just remain suspended in thick air, dissonance to the point of aural meltdown/hypnosis, strange unidentifiable sounds from nature. I especially like ambient for the usual calm which is held up the tension rod of almost-present anxiety. i also am prone to repeat a song for hours if it is the "right" one. i am a music snob, they say. so i tend to keep it to myself.