INTp (The Observer)
INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. INTps are very sceptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. Usually INTps are very economical. INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail.

There is no reason for me to be "neat and tidy", and I'm too young and interested in other things to be into business (although Earl presented me with a tempting proposal).

Sorry, but in order for this test to work for anybody, one must be self-aware past the levels of the common man. This means that you must have been into Socionics for quite some time.