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    Blaze's Avatar
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    Default Driving and type

    What are your driving habits? Fast? Slow? Careful? plenty of accidents and/or speeding tickets? Correlate to type...i'll go first.

    Fast driver. Regularly break the speed limit by a significant margin. Talk my way out of tickets easily. See other cars as stationary objects that can be passed, avoided, gone around etc.

    Type: entp.



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  2. #2
    BLauritson's Avatar
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    I always drive at the speed limit, but I accelerate quickly to get there. Always amusing if there's someone behind me who obviously thinks I'm a slow and steady sort. When I pull away from traffic lights, they're often left behind, clearly not expecting me to accelerate so quickly. The only reason I bother keeping to the speed limit is paranoia that the police would be nearby. Generally quite calm on the roads although if someone does something that forces me to brake sharply when it was their stupidity that caused it and not anything else, it angers me. I remember one time when I was angry anyway, and there seemed to be a large amount of idiots on the road that evening, a pedestrian forced me to brake sharply when I had right of way, which caused me to scream some rather colourful words at them, which got an amusing reaction from my two passengers at the time (well, amusing looking back on it, not really amusing for an observer. They were just saying things like "Calm down!" and all that, seemingly unnerved by my little explosion).

    But yes, provided I'm in a normal state of mind (i.e. not angry or depressed or whatever), I tend to be calm but assertive.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
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    Fast driving, passengers saying “slow down slow DOWN!!”. But I’m careful and a rather good driver. I enjoy driving and the car’s like an extension of my body, so I know my and the car’s limits, others obviously don’t otherwise they wouldn’t be freaking out on me every time they come along for a ride.

    I'm ISTp.

  4. #4
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    somewhat reckless, unfortunately

    i tend to range anywhere from 10 mph over the speed limit to 10mph under the speed limit
    usually i'm rather careful,
    but sometimes it's i'm running on autopilot or just not paying much attention to what's going on around me.
    other times i refuse to drive because i just can't seem to focus.

    in a stick, going uphill, i've been known to refuse to stop at a stop sign (depending on the steepness of the, shoulda seen me in san francisco)
    hmmm, at that time in my life i did a lot of driving, mostly long distances. i learned to read while driving. I also learned to drive a stick shift with only one foot (other foot was sticking out the window catching some wind.....i was bored, sheesh)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    I tend to stick to a speed that I know I cannot be pulled over for (35 in a 30mph area). I'll accelerate fairly quickly up to that speed, and then level out. Yes, even if someone is trying to push me along, I'll rigidly stick to the same speed.

    Idiots do annoy me too. People that go 30mph in a 40mph stretch of road, someone going the wrong way down a one-way road deliberately, or people that sit at a junction when there is nothing coming. Those people will earn my ire.

    Self-type: INTp
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  6. #6
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    Recently slow and careful. Before that, fast and reckless. I've been in two wrecks, none of which were my fault. In my first one, on my 20th birthday, someone hit my parked car while I was at the movies. Then a few years ago someone T-boned me on my way to class.

  7. #7


    I drive as non-obviously as I can... always trying to just melt into the background (probably because theres pretty much always drugs of somekind in my car) very defensively. Never had an accident but many tickets for stupid shit like broken tail-lights and cosmetic stuff like that.

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    I used to be reckless, very reckless. I had 20+ tickets before I turned 21. Speeding, failure to yield, playing the stereo too loud, etc... I had 5 wrecks before then also. All my fault. My old license plate in TN was BADDRVR (which you can find all over the internet after my focus blew up at the racetrack and caught on Through traffic schools, community service, and high insurance rates I've managed to keep a license. Then when I was 22 I got a ticket in Arizona that put me past my points as far as how many I could get in a year. i had to take what was called traffic survival school and it cost a few hundred bucks and took 2 days of class... it sucked. I was told by the state of AZ that if I got any type of moving violation within the next 2 years I'd lose my license for 3-5 years. So, I quit driving in ways that I would get caught. In a sense, I grew up. I quit streetracing, and started racing at the track, that got me into racing big time and I started going to track days etc... which then led me on to take a couple driving schools at Bondurant school of racing in phoenix (I even took a go-kart school for a weekend where we got to drive shifter carts that would do 0-100 in 4 seconds) . You learn A LOT about cars in general and all the physics that go into racing and realize that there's so much that the general population doesn't know so it's best to be on the lookout yourself.
    I've wrapped all my driving experience up into a little ball of being a good driver these days and have only recieved one ticket in the past 4 years and it was the first week I had my RX8... I hadn't been used to the fact that it likes to go much faster than most of my other

    When i am by myself I tend to drive a tad more on the "fun" side of driving but when other people are in the car with me, unless i'm showing off..., then I do tend to drive much safer than most people I know.

  9. #9
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    I am supposedly not a very good driver because I don't pay enough attention to driving. I also have a habit of driving over curbs when I'm parking the car.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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  10. #10
    jessica129's Avatar
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    I've had too many tickets to count. Never get away with a warning either...have a little cussing problem when i get pulled over. And terrible road rage. It's not pretty.

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    i dont drive.

  13. #13
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    I curse at cars that block intersections and make me have to wait for the lights to change again, idiots who pull out into traffic to make people stop for them, a car in front of me that wants to wait for the road to be all clear for a mile before they'll pull out, etc... I even express great frustration when stop lights turn yellow/red. I always act like I'm in a huge hurry (even though I'm usually not since Peter's moved in cause he makes sure that I'm out the door 15 minutes before I actually need to be), and anything that wastes my time or makes me wait is extremely irritating. Peter says, "You know what I think you should do? I think you should swear some more. That'll help."

    I don't have a good sense of direction and I tend to get lost a lot in the city if I am not familiar with the area , but if I'm back tracking or if I drove the route before, I'm very good at remembering where to turn. Even if I drove somewhere out in the middle of nowhere for the first time during the day and have to drive back at night, I'll still be able to easily follow the return route.

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    I tend to drive somewhat faster than the speed limit. I've got a few speeding tickets, almost only from cameras. On average perhaps once a year. I've never gotten any other kind of tickets. In Europe, I tend to take detours to drive through Germany as long as possible, even if the way is a bit longer, because the motorways there are often (but not always) free of speed limits. Then I go over 200 Km/h ie 165 mph whenever possible.

    When in intense traffic, though, I tend to drive carefully.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  15. #15
    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I curse at cars that block intersections and make me have to wait for the lights to change again, idiots who pull out into traffic to make people stop for them, a car in front of me that wants to wait for the road to be all clear for a mile before they'll pull out, etc... I even express great frustration when stop lights turn yellow/red. I always act like I'm in a huge hurry (even though I'm usually not since Peter's moved in cause he makes sure that I'm out the door 15 minutes before I actually need to be), and anything that wastes my time or makes me wait is extremely irritating. Peter says, "You know what I think you should do? I think you should swear some more. That'll help."

    I don't have a good sense of direction and I tend to get lost a lot in the city if I am not familiar with the area , but if I'm back tracking or if I drove the route before, I'm very good at remembering where to turn. Even if I drove somewhere out in the middle of nowhere for the first time during the day and have to drive back at night, I'll still be able to easily follow the return route.
    i would not like you at all.

    i am a very calm, sometimes too calm, driver. i generally talk to myself and answer back while driving. i smoke cigarettes and change music and clothes easily. i have never had an auto accident although i did run into a large rock one time because it had fallen to the middle of the road. i dislike those who get excited while driving. my mother is that way. i am as careful as i need to be, for the most part. well, i did get one careless driving ticket. i guess i was drifting over the center line while daydreaming.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

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    I speed frequently. I'm a cop magnet and would likely not possess a license if I had not gotten off on as many verbal warnings as I have. Despite my inattentiveness [I once got pulled over for riding a cop's tail, of all things] I have never been in an accident. My sense of direction is also poor and no matter what kind of map I have, I will never find a place unless someone is riding with me to show me the route. I really need to purchase a GPS system.
    IEI subtype

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by reyn_til_runa
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I curse at cars that block intersections and make me have to wait for the lights to change again, idiots who pull out into traffic to make people stop for them, a car in front of me that wants to wait for the road to be all clear for a mile before they'll pull out, etc... I even express great frustration when stop lights turn yellow/red. I always act like I'm in a huge hurry (even though I'm usually not since Peter's moved in cause he makes sure that I'm out the door 15 minutes before I actually need to be), and anything that wastes my time or makes me wait is extremely irritating. Peter says, "You know what I think you should do? I think you should swear some more. That'll help."

    I don't have a good sense of direction and I tend to get lost a lot in the city if I am not familiar with the area , but if I'm back tracking or if I drove the route before, I'm very good at remembering where to turn. Even if I drove somewhere out in the middle of nowhere for the first time during the day and have to drive back at night, I'll still be able to easily follow the return route.
    i would not like you at all.

    i am a very calm, sometimes too calm, driver. i generally talk to myself and answer back while driving. i smoke cigarettes and change music and clothes easily. i have never had an auto accident although i did run into a large rock one time because it had fallen to the middle of the road. i dislike those who get excited while driving. my mother is that way. i am as careful as i need to be, for the most part. well, i did get one careless driving ticket. i guess i was drifting over the center line while daydreaming.
    yeah, Peter says I'm high strung (hence my avatar before the last one), a definite "Type A" personality

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    I really need to purchase a GPS system.
    me too

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    I've had too many tickets to count. Never get away with a warning either...have a little cussing problem when i get pulled over. And terrible road rage. It's not pretty.
    Jessica I am EXACTLY the same, not as much road rage...

    I am fairly good on the road and drive INSANE... Ive stopped now because I cant afford the insurance...

    It was nice having a dad who could bail me out of certain situations , but I abused that...
    I have 3 tickets 2 for speeding and one for following a fire truck for the greens.

    Also 1 accident out of stupidity...

    Anyways Jessica you're probably a very good driver.

    SLI: Drives very well, doesnt respect rules, gets away with more than most but pushes the limits more than most. VERY aggressive. Enjoys the feeling of acceleration. Prefers manual to be more 'one' with the car.
    {♠x<º))))><¸.·´¯`·.¸IcEPiCk¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>x♠ }

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    For me, it depends on how much I have going on. Lately I have been driving defensively and around the speed limit. But usually, because of all of the things that I do on a daily basis, I drive as much as I can get away with. As far as cops, I always spot them before they spot me, except for a few times.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
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    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
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  21. #21
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    I've been driving over defensively since my car accident.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
    SLI: Drives very well, doesnt respect rules, gets away with more than most but pushes the limits more than most. VERY aggressive. Enjoys the feeling of acceleration. Prefers manual to be more 'one' with the car.

    I don’t really have road rage. So far I only got pissed off at one guy. I just enjoy driving and it’s not worth getting all angry at other drivers. Some annoy me, but except that one case, they don’t anger me.

  23. #23
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    I'm not a particularly good driver so I only go fast when the road is free and such, or when I am in the city center. I don't care about the speed limits but I don't overtake a lot, either. Luckily I've got a very good sense of direction even in places where I have never been (dunno how). Never gotten a ticket but it's mostly out of luck. I drive much better when there are lots of cars around because if there aren't many, i envision them changing direction all of a sudden and thus i feel in a risky position. The SLI guy I know is an awesome driver yeah, I don't know how in hell he can calculate distances so accurately but hey, better for him!

    ps. i think the policemen here are much more tolerant. Nobody would ever give a ticket for playing the music too loud
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    playing music too loud in italy is much different than playing music too loud in america. I think he is referencing car audio systems that play sounds above the reccommended decibel for clarity/human ear(they try to 'test the limit'). Basically big loud bass booms over and over. It's a huge waste of money for the people who buy them. "I'm not impressed, you spent 4 thousand dollars on this and it doesn't fix your car?"

    I'm with reyn. I'm a very slow driver. There's nothing stupider than going outrageously fast in a metal death trap. Traffic laws make sense to me. Putting other people's lives at risk because of family, and work obligations is stupid. I'd prefer to live in an area where necessities are close together and I could ride my bike.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heath

    I'm with you about the stupidity of wasting money on expensive car audio equipment though. When I see stuff like that it amazes me... just how stupid *is* the average human anyways?

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    - Extrotims are more likely to speed, but I've seen two exception cases : one ESI and one SEI.
    - Introtims are more likely to have an high reaction time, and are more subject to drunk driving, because Introtims tend more to drink than Extrotims.

    - Sensory types have weak intuition, especially SJ types. They are more likely to have reckless behaviour because of lack of risk appreciation.
    - Intuitive types tend to be absent-minded, especially NJ types. They can have risky driving even when they don't want to.

    Personnally I'm a LII, and my bad driving behaviours are mainly priority-related. I'm still learning to drive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
    - Sensory types have weak intuition, especially SJ types. They are more likely to have reckless behaviour because of lack of risk appreciation.
    I'm going to have to disagree with this. Se types are very aware of the damage something as powerful as a motor vehicle can cause, and aren't Si types supposed to be cautious? I've seen Sps be reckless drivers, but not Sjs. The ISxjs I've driven with are extremely cautious drivers (and passengers!), and the ESxjs may drive fast and whatnot, but they're very aware of the risks they're taking and I haven't seen them do *extremely* stupid things in a given situation, just things that are not a good idea on principle.

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    An INFP friend of mine is the worlds worst driver. I belive he's been in at least 4 accidents within the last year.. drives while he's drunk too. Not a smart one.

    I myself almost gave up driving because it was too stressful...for me at least. Just the other day after flipping off a grown "mature" man, i was followed for about a mile until i lost him after i pulled in the police station. One of these days someones gonna pull a gun i'm sure of it, haha.

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    Well I finally drive, and, I prepared myself ahead of time and told myself I was going to be defensive no matter what.

    So only time will tell, how comfortable I get, how fast I will go.

    The ENTp boyfriend drives pretty much just like diamond8 I used to gripe at him more, because he'd say, "I'm in control of my vehicle! It's fine stop worrying!" I'd reply, "But you are NOT in control of the cars around you! You have no idea what they are going to do!"

    He's never been in an accident so there is no getting through to him >.< Maybe if I put a box of puppies in the front seat with him at all times...hmm.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    My parents are going to force me to learn to drive this summer. They use arguments like, you have to learn to drive, you can't accomplish anything without it, it's a job requirement and stuff like that. I have no aspiration to ever learn to drive. I'd rather avoid the whole issue and never think of it again. Recently, at the end of high school, it was a big thing getting your drivers license and everybody was talking about it. I can't understand how people can actually be into something like that and fly off to get their drives license the moment they're able to.

  31. #31
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    I used to drive pretty fast when younger (with car and motorcycle). I developed pretty good eye for potential "radar traps" which police sometimes put up. Eventually you learn to anticipate where the traps are and you also learn to spot individual police cars from far away and you can hit the breaks early enough. I have gotten couple of speeding tickets but generally I'm good at avoiding them. I also have had couple of "near" accidents but nothing real.

    About passing other cars...that I have never done that much. I like to drive fast when I'm alone but in a heavy traffic I try to just drive the speed others drive as the potential for accidents is much higher. I'm VERY patient when I need to. Then I'm pretty good at handling the car so I'm pretty safe when driving alone but in heavy traffic I have problems tracking everything happening around me so driving fast there would be clearly more risky.

    Nowadays I try to drive slower as I have become old and don't want to get into an accident. And here speeding tickets are ridiulously high after crossing certain speed limits and correlate heavily with your income and the total can be ridiculously high. I totally hate paying them.

    Now this will make you roll your guy drive 60 miles per hour in a road where the limit was 40 miles per hour and got around 100 000 dollar speeding ticket...yes Well he had big income...He took it to court though and the court lowered it to around 20 000 dollars or so.

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    i have only had one accident which was my fault (22 years ago). people have run into me, though, all fender benders and their fault.

    when i was 16, i was the only female in my group who passed the license road test the first time. the other females had to re take the test 2-3 times.

    i was thinking that irrationals would be the more risk-taking drivers, while rationals would drive more on the safe side.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    $20,000 for a speeding ticket? Please tell me you accidently added an few extra 0's to that or that you're not talking in US currency...

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    Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
    i have only had one accident which was my fault (22 years ago). people have run into me, though, all fender benders and their fault.

    when i was 16, i was the only female in my group who passed the license road test the first time. the other females had to re take the test 2-3 times.

    i was thinking that irrationals would be the more risk-taking drivers, while rationals would drive more on the safe side.
    I have a case of an IEE which was speeding... On french highways, speed is limited to 130km/h. He drove on a highway with a maximum of 180. EP types can be pretty risk-taking...

    Risk-taking is more related to E-I, even if some IJ can have some reckless behaviour.

    One socionist said that an extreme form of J is ignoring the reality, so risk-taking could be related to J-P.

    EJ is the most risk-taking and IP the least. I'm hesitating for EP and IJ.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    $20,000 for a speeding ticket? Please tell me you accidently added an few extra 0's to that or that you're not talking in US currency...
    You heard it right. And it was initially $100,000 and required a court battle to get it to a civilized sum like $20,000 The problem is that the current progressive way to calculate the tickets do not scale well. It is an old system and we didn't use to have really rich people back then. So really rich people get huge tickets nowadays. And government seems not willing to change the system. Then again if you are a poor student like I used to be back in the early days when I got all my tickets you can drive as fast as you will and survive with about $50 or something. Except if you drive TOO fast you lose your licence for a while but I never drove that fast. Is it fair that someone pays $50 and someone else $20,000 for same crime? Lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    $20,000 for a speeding ticket? Please tell me you accidently added an few extra 0's to that or that you're not talking in US currency...
    You heard it right. And it was initially $100,000 and required a court battle to get it to a civilized sum like $20,000 The problem is that the current progressive way to calculate the tickets do not scale well. It is an old system and we didn't use to have really rich people back then. So really rich people get huge tickets nowadays. And government seems not willing to change the system. Then again if you are a poor student like I used to be back in the early days when I got all my tickets you can drive as fast as you will and survive with about $50 or something. Except if you drive TOO fast you lose your licence for a while but I never drove that fast. Is it fair that someone pays $50 and someone else $20,000 for same crime? Lol.
    Of course it is fair!

    "As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts
    into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in
    two very small copper coins. 'I tell you the truth," he said,
    "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All
    these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she
    out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.'"
    Luke 21:1-4
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

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    Quote Originally Posted by snegledmaca
    My parents are going to force me to learn to drive this summer. They use arguments like, you have to learn to drive, you can't accomplish anything without it, it's a job requirement and stuff like that. I have no aspiration to ever learn to drive. I'd rather avoid the whole issue and never think of it again. Recently, at the end of high school, it was a big thing getting your drivers license and everybody was talking about it. I can't understand how people can actually be into something like that and fly off to get their drives license the moment they're able to.
    Yeah, I know what you mean.

    I took my driver's test the other day, and failed. The parking part went well, better than I expected, and even the road part wasn't that bad - if not for a bad left turn I made (it could have turned out very badly). I think it scared the shit out of the examiner, and it's too bad, since he seemed like a nice guy. Afterwards it felt like I was going to be traumatized for life or something. It was an interesting sensation. But now it's over.

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    I'm a fairly cautious driver, especially if someone is in the car with me (like my 3 year old sister).

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    there is plenty wrong with me
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    Default Driving and type

    What are your driving habits? Fast? Slow? Careful? plenty of accidents and/or speeding tickets? Correlate to type...i'll go first.

    Fast driver. Regularly break the speed limit by a significant margin. Talk my way out of tickets easily. See other cars as stationary objects that can be passed, avoided, gone around etc.

    Type: entp.



    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  40. #40
    BLauritson's Avatar
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    I always drive at the speed limit, but I accelerate quickly to get there. Always amusing if there's someone behind me who obviously thinks I'm a slow and steady sort. When I pull away from traffic lights, they're often left behind, clearly not expecting me to accelerate so quickly. The only reason I bother keeping to the speed limit is paranoia that the police would be nearby. Generally quite calm on the roads although if someone does something that forces me to brake sharply when it was their stupidity that caused it and not anything else, it angers me. I remember one time when I was angry anyway, and there seemed to be a large amount of idiots on the road that evening, a pedestrian forced me to brake sharply when I had right of way, which caused me to scream some rather colourful words at them, which got an amusing reaction from my two passengers at the time (well, amusing looking back on it, not really amusing for an observer. They were just saying things like "Calm down!" and all that, seemingly unnerved by my little explosion).

    But yes, provided I'm in a normal state of mind (i.e. not angry or depressed or whatever), I tend to be calm but assertive.
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