Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Quote Originally Posted by cracka
So, what's goin on here? Do we write stories or somethin?

Or just ramble on and on about nothing since I can write an entire sentence that just keeps going and going and going and going like this and I don't ever have to type a period because it's such a long sentence that I don't even know how to end it like I should because I feel wierd about not using punctuation like periods within three or four lines of text and I had a baked potato last night with butter and it tasted very nice and tasty all at the same time because it was good and I like cheese like cheddar and provalone on my subway or quizno's sandwiches because I think it's awesome and I feel like I can just keep going by putting and on the end of every actual sentence that I write so from this day on i'm going to use and as a period because it's rad.
So, what were we talking about again?
See, the way I look at this, the external structure appears completely amorphous, without either a clear point or emotional thread, so that eliminates Te and Fe. And because the sentence kind of rambles and digresses, it seems irrat. So the structure overall seems Ep.

I have no idea what type you are though. What's your view about your type (just out of curiosity)?
estj, and if I really wrote like that all the time, I would have been ran off from this site a long time ago...lol