Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
Just a few thoughts...
* Everyone is at a different level of skill. To deal with this issue, create a short list of 'test' people that everyone should try to type. People can indicate whether they want any of those to count as their "official typings" (obviously, someone one isn't sure of shouldn't be counted). But with everyone typing a short list of people, we can automatically tell if a person's typing system is outside the mainstream. Then we can give that person a weighted vote for his/her other typings. For example, if the person's correlation with the group (or maybe with a group of experienced Socionists) on the short list is .5, maybe that person's typings only count as .5 of a vote for the overall tallies.
I don't like that idea. It would artificially increase the homogeneity of the results.

* If there's a big response, it should be possible to create a macro that loops through all the results of speadsheets in a given directory, so no copying and pasting would be needed.
Yeah, or you could just save each file in text format directly from the spreadsheet (Save As -> txt), which would accomplish the same thing as copying and pasting.

* In any case, if you make the raw results available somehow (e.g., post the spreadsheets in a directory that allows directory browing, or just name them in a way that anyone could download them all), then you can get the benefit of everybody's statistical analysis ideas and skills.
Everybody? I doubt there will be a widespread demand for this. Even if there is, people should consent to making their typings public first. Otherwise, if you have ideas about how to process the data, then we can consider them as a group.