We basically find ways to avoid bad Si experiences.

Just like how ISTp's avoid bad emotions by freezing their Fe into Fi with Si, into an iceberg like state, ENFj's avoid bad Si experiences by inflaming their Si into Se with Fe, into a raging-fire-like state.

An example of an ISTp freezing their negative Fe experience into Fi with Si:

Me: "[insert random rant about how screwed up life is] (negative Fe experience)"
ISTp: ...*hides negative emotions as brought out by me into his heart (Fe into Fi)*...*breathes in and out (Si)*...*walks away calmly (Si)*...

An ENFj in the position of the ISTp may react with empathy and swearing instead because he is not "immune" from negative Fe experiences, besides his Fe is so strong that he will be able to tough out the emotional pain of empathizing with me.

An example of an ENFj inflaming their negative Si experience into Se with Fe:

Me: *falls down and grazes myself (negative Si experience)*
"Blistering barnacles! Where's the toilet! (Fe)"
*immediately finds a place to wash the graze (Si into Se)*
"[insert rant about how dangerous the world is] (Fe)"

An ISTp in my position may simply sit around and let the wound pus and heal itself because he is not "immune" from the negative Si experiences, besides his Si is so strong he will be to tough out the physical pain of an infection.