Quote Originally Posted by HERO View Post
I think Hillary Clinton is ESTj. I’m not sure regarding subtype. I wouldn’t rule out Te-ESTj.

Alternative typing: Gamma SF (ISFj or Fi-ESFp)


The Former First Lady As A Literary Device (By Avi Zenilman)

October 16, 2009

What’s the deal with first ladies and “The Brothers Karamazov”? In 2001, The New York Times reported that Laura Bush’s favorite piece of literature was the “Grand Inquisitor” scene from Dostoevsky’s novel. She saw it as an affirmation of faith:

In the dialogue with the Inquisitor, Jesus remains silent, and the chapter has two endings, the first tragic, the second a victory for Christianity.

For Mrs. Bush, there was no ambiguity. ”It’s about life, and it’s about death, and it’s about Christ,” she has said. ”I find it really reassuring.”

Then, Hillary Clinton revealed this week her fave is also “The Brothers Karamazov.” She had exactly the opposite take—for her, the chapter was a testament to the virtue of doubt, not certainty:

Asked to name the book that had made the biggest impact on her, she singled out “The Brothers Karamazov.” The parable of the Grand Inquisitor in Dostoyevsky’s novel, she said, speaks to the dangers of certitude.

“For a lot of reasons, that was an important part of my thinking,” Mrs. Clinton said. “One of the greatest threats we face is from people who believe they are absolutely, certainly right about everything.”

The gods of political punditry are smiling.
It's utterly obvious she's LSE, I mean the whole totally of this leaves no other option:


I would pull quotes, but it'd end up being 75% percent of the whole article, it's that illustrative. I had never speculated on her typing before stumbling on this piece but once I did, I knew halfway through it she was LSE.

Tremendous , clueless + no in sight. I find her super endearing, even thought she made me feel aggravated (but also protective? WTF) at her utter inability to handle Trump during the debates.